Activity for Erich Mueller

  • Erich Mueller Erich Mueller posted a comment on discussion Help getting started

    So what is my option ? Live with it , or wait for next release ? or .... ??? so long Erich

  • Erich Mueller Erich Mueller posted a comment on discussion Help getting started

    The CURSOR IS clause has nothing to do with the mouse................... very helpful I will keep this in mind ........and work straight away Thanks Erich

  • Erich Mueller Erich Mueller posted a comment on discussion Help getting started

    Thank you for your patience Konfiguration der Bildschirm-Ein-/Ausgabe : COB_BELL : not set : COB_REDIRECT_DISPLAY : nein (Standard) : COB_SCREEN_ESC : nein (Standard) : COB_SCREEN_EXCEPTIONS : nein (Standard) : COB_TIMEOUT_SCALE : not set (1000) : COB_INSERT_MODE : nein (Standard) : COB_MOUSE_FLAGS : 1 (Standard) : COB_MOUSE_INTERVAL : 100 (Standard) : COB_DISPLAY_PRINT_PIPE : not set : COB_DISPLAY_PRINT_FILE : not set : COB_DISPLAY_PUNCH_FILE : not set : COB_LEGACY : nein (Standard) : COB_EXIT_WAIT...

  • Erich Mueller Erich Mueller posted a comment on discussion Help getting started

    Thank you Gentlemen for all the details As I understand Brian AND/OR is possible .... fine and simple and nice. And I see all the advantages of ALSO But it is not documented (so far as I read ) So my concern is, if I use it more often will it still work in later releases. I ran into it simply replacing a number of IFs by WHEN without checking the manual. So it looks like one of those undocumented features which disappear some day and you get surprised by an error recompiling older code. So my clearer...

  • Erich Mueller Erich Mueller posted a comment on discussion Help getting started

    EVALUATE TRUE WHEN statuscrt = 1020 AND CSRLL > 10 AND PTEX13 = SPACES I used that and later I read in the manual that ALSO is the name of the game and not AND surprise 1 the compiler does not complain surprise 2 it works question should I better go to ALSO Erich

  • Erich Mueller Erich Mueller posted a comment on discussion Help getting started

    Hello I am still fighting the textfield garbage problem my be I even killed Eugenio's COBOL environment with my testprogram - sorry Eugenio. Here is my cobinfo DEBIAN 11 with today updates the program and some pictures libcob (GnuCOBOL) Copyright (C) 2020 Free Software Foundation, Inc. License LGPLv3+: GNU LGPL version 3 or later Dies ist freie Software; die Kopierbedingungen stehen in den Quellen. Es gibt KEINE Garantie; auch nicht für MARKTGÄNGIGKEIT oder...

  • Erich Mueller Erich Mueller posted a comment on discussion Help getting started

    Thanks Simon, I learned 1. mouse and CURSOR_IS can be used both in the same program 2. If I do not set the cursor on a new screen it will pop up the position where the mouse was on the screen which was accepted before, which means the automatic - first input field of screen - is probably switched off by the mouse function WHEN "02" MOVE 15 TO CSRLL *> must !!!! MOVE 05 TO CSRCC *> otherwise Cursor is where mouse was *> on previous screen ACCEPT FORM2 END-ACCEPT END-EVALUATE This is ok for me

  • Erich Mueller Erich Mueller posted a comment on discussion Help getting started

    pdcurses I understand is for windows my cobc -info shows ncursesw can anybody out there say if it is ok ?

  • Erich Mueller Erich Mueller posted a comment on discussion Help getting started

    I will check the main thing ... I am compiling all day no problems using DEBIAN 11

  • Erich Mueller Erich Mueller posted a comment on discussion Help getting started

    sorry one more

  • Erich Mueller Erich Mueller posted a comment on discussion Help getting started

    Forgot the pictures

  • Erich Mueller Erich Mueller posted a comment on discussion Help getting started

    Hello Eugenio, Indeed a strange situation, but there are more strange things going on. Take screen 2 of program mouse-01 and put some text in first line. say enter than put some more text into first line say enter you will see that your added text is left adjustet and the beginning of the old text overwritten. This happen in a dozen programs I recently wrote. It even happens that what you added pops up in another filed of the screen. While playing around the situation gets stable ...... I tried a...

  • Erich Mueller Erich Mueller posted a comment on discussion Help getting started

    edit phenomen in Input Text Fields using: cobc (GnuCOBOL) Erstellt Apr 30 2021 14:56:57 Gepackt Dec 23 2020 12:04:58 UTC C-Version "10.2.1 20210110" Standard-Konfigurationsdatei »default.conf« wird geladen cobc: Fehler: Keine Eingabedateien Inputfield in screen section type USING has some content This is the content If I change the field: This is the content /or not I get something like that /or notThis is the content playing around getting similar effects with accents trying harder the field...

  • Erich Mueller Erich Mueller posted a comment on discussion Help getting started

    Hi Simon I was assuming it is a beginners problem and known within the expert group.... please find some quick and ugly code attached without screenio Erich

  • Erich Mueller Erich Mueller posted a comment on discussion Help getting started

    Problem Screen-1 has cursor at 1740 Accepting screen-2, cursor is still on 1740 and not on the first field of screen-2 CBL_SET_CSR_POS etc. seem to be ignored. So what is the trick ? Thanks Erich

  • Erich Mueller Erich Mueller posted a comment on discussion Contributions

    Hi. László You are doing some great work !! Respect A quick look at tree-internal-frames shows that you are doing CALL(s) as well exactly the way I wanted to do it I will study why your calls work and I get an error from the main program when returning, maybe it is some gnome stuff again. (by the way: I switched off wayland) The internal frame option should be used you are right it makes fine looking applications (one of my further steps) So far my tests run fine its worth studying Japi. If you are...

  • Erich Mueller Erich Mueller posted a comment on discussion Contributions

    Call problem: There is a work around: compile with -x and not -m and do it the russian way: STRING "./KD-ADR040JAPI" " " XKDNR INTO PARMCALL CALL "SYSTEM" USING PARMCALL "Is there a god for programmers who sees everything "?

  • Erich Mueller Erich Mueller posted a comment on discussion Contributions

    Calling Japi from Japi brings an error ending the called programm has it to be static call ?

  • Erich Mueller Erich Mueller posted a comment on discussion Contributions

    Simon: simply brilliant ! Erich

  • Erich Mueller Erich Mueller posted a comment on discussion Contributions

    *>---------------------- --------------------- top left bot right MOVE J-SETINSETS(WS-PANEL-1, z51, z51, z51, z200) TO WS-RET manual says : subroutine j setinsets ( obj , top , bottom , left , right ) just in case someone gets desperate Erich

  • Erich Mueller Erich Mueller posted a comment on discussion Contributions

    Tablehight ....... Just foud out if I set WS-FRAME to a hight of 1000 or more the empty table appears with its horizontal scroll bar and everything is as expected. It looks like the The PANEL-TABLE-hight has to be a certain amount smaller than the WS-FRAME hight so far I could not find the arithmetcis just trying. currently 250 and 600 works fine. Adding the GETHEIGHT values give you an aproximation ...... It is a really new programming experience: You must run the program to get your programming...

  • Erich Mueller Erich Mueller posted a comment on discussion Contributions

    Hallo László Thanks for the adjusting example I should have found it myself .... but ... !! working with table3 and more data (currently a file with 17.000 records which is no problem) there appears a problem with the table-size in showing up. Do you have an idea or a work-around ? Erich

  • Erich Mueller Erich Mueller posted a comment on discussion Contributions

    Source of course .odg and GnuCOBOL

  • Erich Mueller Erich Mueller posted a comment on discussion Contributions

    Hallo László just thinking...... should we give the .pdf another name like Japi-install-LINUX.pdf and make a clone .... WINDOOFS.pdf ? I assume there are not so many changes to be made but I need some advice for the WIN part Erich

  • Erich Mueller Erich Mueller posted a comment on discussion Contributions

    Hallo László This is version 02 of the Japi-install-comic would you please double check Erich

  • Erich Mueller Erich Mueller posted a comment on discussion Contributions

    twimc. I found no way to rightadjust labels in JAPI (it even eliminates the blanks and centers within the panel) But it is a Graphic Program, so I made a .jpg with LibreOfficeDraw and need only one line of code for all my labels. MOVE J-GRAPHICLABEL(WS-FRAME-L, "images/L-KD-Tafel.jpg") TO WS-LABEL-KDNR and it is quickly done (having some LOD experience) have fun Erich

  • Erich Mueller Erich Mueller posted a comment on discussion Contributions

    Hallo László .....Can I upload the document later......? yes you can please stand by... Erich

  • Erich Mueller Erich Mueller posted a comment on discussion Contributions

    Customer-Udate with picture with Japi only 4 lines of code

  • Erich Mueller Erich Mueller posted a comment on discussion Contributions

    Hi Eugenio, Thanks for your comment, certainly YES I would be ready to do it but, .... i forgot how to power on a windows-PC. Trying harder: The difference, I think is not to big, so there are not too many changes - it is done with LIBREOFFICE-DRAW- so if there is someone in the community using the Win-Version we could do it together. In those days people are using Jitsy or Zoom etc. to do teamwork so why not using it in our community ? By the way: Is there an interest of Japi-Users out there to...

  • Erich Mueller Erich Mueller posted a comment on discussion Contributions

    "Nobody would use JAPI with that awful voice in that video" said my son..... So I made a .pdf which I attach awaiting your comments . Erich

  • Erich Mueller Erich Mueller posted a comment on discussion Contributions

    Suggestions all welcome What do you think about the basic green screen theme ? any other other color suggestions or is black/grey/green o.k. in order to make dinos feel home ? My plan is to make a video and compare the old program with the japi version, so it should really look fine

  • Erich Mueller Erich Mueller posted a comment on discussion Contributions

    That is what I always wanted. Thank you Lászó !

  • Erich Mueller Erich Mueller posted a comment on discussion Help getting started

    Hallo Laszlo, J-INITIALIZE does the job ! Thank you So far I had no success to contact Dr. Merten Joost the uni-Koblenz, the web-page says he is still alive and working probably his e.mail addresses are not Erich

  • Erich Mueller Erich Mueller posted a comment on discussion Contributions

    I keep on trying to reach him the e-mail address from the web page is dead. Erich On 02.05.21 20:12, "László Erdős" wrote: Hi Simon, yes, I created some new components last time. (I did it because no one else did it. I'm not an expert on Java programming.) Earlier I tried to contact with Maximilian Strauch, unfortunately without success. There has been no change on Max's homepage for 5 years. But it is also good if we only have one repository and do not have to maintain several repos. I am satisfied...

  • Erich Mueller Erich Mueller posted a comment on discussion Contributions

    Laszlo Good man, *I have created a new function J-INITIALIZE. With this function you can initialize a TextField, TextArea or FormattedTextField. I have added J-INITIALIZE to the following examples: textfield.cob, formattedtextfield.cob and texteditor.cob. I just wanted write you about that while fighting deleting content from formated textfileds Erich, having a happy sunday But should that message not be in "Help gettin started" ?

  • Erich Mueller Erich Mueller posted a comment on discussion Contributions

    I would like to contribute something need your opinions what to do first 1. Video which shows an old cobol program as is and with japi 2. translate the japi reference manual into english (are there old copyrights ????? ) Erich

  • Erich Mueller Erich Mueller posted a comment on discussion Help getting started

    TrayIconReloaded: that was it !!!! I never would have found that . and so quick and simple ...... Thanks for working overtime Erich

  • Erich Mueller Erich Mueller posted a comment on discussion Help getting started

    Hallo Simon, Laslzo MOVE J-CHOICEBOX2(WS-FRAME, "Der Satz wurde upgedated", "Wie möcten Sie weiter machen ?", " Programm beenden ", " Anderer Kunde " ) TO WS-RET IF WS-RET = 1 MOVE J-QUIT() TO WS-RET CLOSE KUND01-UTF-UPD STOP RUN END-IF I copied the code from the examples ... I have no more Ideas what I could change plus I do not understand what Laszlo says another question: I want to delete/empty a textfield 01 XX-LEER PIC X(20) VALUE "- ". 01 XX-LEER2 PIC X(20) VALUE " ". MOVE J-SETTEXT(WS-VVEND,...

  • Erich Mueller Erich Mueller posted a comment on discussion Help getting started

    Hallo László, DEBIAN 11 and latest Version of japi2 seem to be good friends formatedtextfield works and also my program(s) thanks and another question: why comes japi up with an error after STOP RUN ? (it happens also with the freshly compiled examples Erich

  • Erich Mueller Erich Mueller posted a comment on discussion Help getting started

    interesting, I will try Thanks Erich

  • Erich Mueller Erich Mueller posted a comment on discussion Help getting started

    twimc By the way.... Umlaute doing INSPECT REPLACE "Ö" by "O" produce an Error different Length which clear sine Ö is C396 hex in UTF = 2 Byte while O is only one byte, workarounds comparing hex with hex do not work, even Replace "Ö" BY "OE" does not work but it would be very nice and even clever if it worked are there some some C-poeple who see a solution ? --- it is not really urgent Erich

  • Erich Mueller Erich Mueller posted a comment on discussion Help getting started

    Thank you so much because I do like japi I wrote an emehl to Dr. Joost asking about japis future ---- no response so I am glad to learn now that you are are caring for it what is really great. last night I shot my system installing and playing vscodium so I decided to install Debian 11 and GNUcobol 3.1 xxxx plus a new hub and a new SSD so it will take a few days till I can give you a report I am very keen going on with Japi not only because it is of German origin -- German Universities should do...

  • Erich Mueller Erich Mueller posted a comment on discussion Help getting started

    openjdk version "11.0.11-ea" 2021-04-20 OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 11.0.11-ea+8-post-Debian-1) OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 11.0.11-ea+8-post-Debian-1, mixed mode, sharing) DEBIAN 9

  • Erich Mueller Erich Mueller posted a comment on discussion Help getting started

    Hallo László, Yes and thanks for caring about it here it is : cobc (GnuCOBOL) 3.0-rc1.0 Copyright (C) 2018 Free Software Foundation, Inc. Lizenz GPLv3+: GNU GPL Version 3 oder neuer Dies ist freie Software; die Kopierbedingungen stehen in den Quellen. Es gibt KEINE Garantie; auch nicht fuer MARKTGAENGIGKEIT oder FÜR SPEZIELLE ZWECKE. Geschrieben von Keisuke Nishida, Roger While, Ron Norman, Simon Sobisch, Edward Hart Erstellt Aug 07 2019 12:13:27 Gepackt Apr 22 2018...

  • Erich Mueller Erich Mueller posted a comment on discussion Help getting started

    Hallo László, Sorry it seems to be not only an UTF Problem Testing with FormatedTestField you can key in numbers and letters as often as you like but ÜÜÜÜ first time is o.k doing it again with ÖÖÖÖ program hangs ! you only can kill it the hard way Any ideas ? Thanks Erich

  • Erich Mueller Erich Mueller posted a comment on discussion Help getting started

    Hallo László, That is what I was afraid of ....... But I love my old DOS- Data so I will write a GNUcobol Program to convert them. Thanks Erich

  • Erich Mueller Erich Mueller posted a comment on discussion Help getting started

    thom, you are right --- in your case my data comes from a file, is shown on screen, maybe altered and then restored. I checked table3, the author (Lazlo?) seems to avoid umlaute ! I forced a ü into the copxybook WS-AUTHORS Field and the table shows something like Ä/? or whatever which means Japi does something with the Umlauts Thanks Erich

  • Erich Mueller Erich Mueller posted a comment on discussion Help getting started

    Japi stops if you have an Umlaut in the Textfield when using J-GETTEXT() 01 WS-VNAME BINARY-LONG. 01 YY-VNAME PIC X(30). 01 VNAME PIC X(30). MOVE " umlaute ä ö ä " TO VNAME MOVE J-SETTEXT(WS-VNAME, VNAME) TO WS-RET MOVE J-GETTEXT(WS-VNAME, YY-VNAME) TO WS-RET <---- Japi stops here and says nothing Any ideas ore workarounds out there ? Thanks Erich

  • Erich Mueller Erich Mueller posted a comment on discussion Help getting started

    Hi Rich, László my japi2.jar from ../dist works fine now Yes I compiled all the examples and they worked out of the box but with JAPI.jar which is - as I understood - the older version. At the moment evrything is o.k Thanks for your help Erich

  • Erich Mueller Erich Mueller posted a comment on discussion Help getting started

    Rich I think a found something: I have 2 japi2.jar files swing/src_java/dist 475959 byte swing/src_java/ 1.412.284 byte which are you using ? Thanks Erich

  • Erich Mueller Erich Mueller posted a comment on discussion Help getting started

    hoops.... no, that was wrong " starts java without anything .I .. keep on testing Erich

  • Erich Mueller Erich Mueller posted a comment on discussion Help getting started

    Rich, Your script brought me on the way, updated to java-11 and doing more test and I found: erich@santiago:~$ java -jar "JAPI.jar ^C erich@santiago:~$ java -jar "japi2.jar" Error: Unable to access jarfile japi2.jar erich@santiago:~$ java -jar "japi2.jar so one inverted comma does the job thanks a lot Erich

  • Erich Mueller Erich Mueller posted a comment on discussion Help getting started

    erich@santiago:~/cobol$ java -jar /home/erich/cobol/japi/swing/src_java/src/japi2.jar Fehler: Hauptklasse de.japi.Japi2 konnte nicht gefunden oder geladen werden Mainclass not found .... but it is !!! there i.e. folders de and japi and File do exist; moving the .java files to higher folders shows no effect with JAPI.jar (older version) it works it looks like everybody uses the windows version so far is there somebody with LINUX experience ? who has an idea what I m doing wrong ? btw. japi...

  • Erich Mueller Erich Mueller posted a comment on discussion The Lounge

    Yes I know this might only be interesting for "Europeans" but it might be an opportunity see some Dinos. Auch 2020 haben sich die Chemnitzer Linux-Tage einen Platz an einem März-Wochenende gesucht. Also Kalender gezückt und den 14. und 15. März 2020 dick einkreisen! Es lohnt sich bestimmt. I'll be there ... because it was always worth going there Erich

  • Erich Mueller Erich Mueller posted a comment on discussion Contributions

    o.k. here it is

  • Erich Mueller Erich Mueller posted a comment on discussion Contributions

    Sorry could not find out out what svn is. Putting it in a certain folder sounds good but I do not know how to "upload" it A Folder p.e. fun, games, examples etc. would be fine please give further advice Erich

  • Erich Mueller Erich Mueller posted a comment on discussion Contributions

    But dont know if and how to upload Erich

  • Erich Mueller Erich Mueller posted a comment on discussion Help getting started

    Thank you gentlemen ! Until yesterday I thought PROTOTYPE is a word only used in the car-industry ....."TODAY I AM PROTOTYPE PROGRAMMER" :) ..... So nobdy should feel to be pushed working on new features only because a newcomer is asking about an error-message he did not understand. Thanks, your answers helped.

  • Erich Mueller Erich Mueller posted a comment on discussion Help getting started

    Hi Patrick again My Function is not in the same source as the program so my (compiled)program looks for the .so -file Thats the way I found it in the manual on page 534 Erich

  • Erich Mueller Erich Mueller modified a comment on discussion Help getting started

    Hi Patrick Thanks for the quick reply ...1 + 2 it IS in the repository - because it works REPOSITORY. FUNCTION RTF_CREATE_FILE_HEADER . < this way *> FUNCTION RTF-CREATE-FILE-HEADER < but not that way I assumed somthing like that, so: copy will be the today's solution Thanks Erich

  • Erich Mueller Erich Mueller posted a comment on discussion Help getting started

    Hi Patrick Thanks for the quick reply ...1 + 2 it IS in the repository - because it works REPOSITORY. FUNCTION RTF_CREATE_FILE_HEADER . <<<<<this *="" way=""> FUNCTION RTF-CREATE-FILE-HEADER <<<< but not that way</this> I assumed somthing like that, so: copy will be the today's solution Thanks Erich

  • Erich Mueller Erich Mueller modified a comment on discussion Help getting started

    A function named RTF-CREATE-FILE-HEADER produces a libcob: user-defined FUNCTION 'RTFCREATEFILE__HEADER' not found if you use another name RTFCREATEFILEHEADER it is o.k. Is there an esoteric function-FUNKTION making "-" to "_" or is it just a bug to be ignored ? What does the compiler-message "no definition/prototype seen for function xyz..." mean ? further messages say that "PROTOTYPE" is an accepted but not supported feature. Is there a way to make ONE objekt-library for a bundle of functions ?...

  • Erich Mueller Erich Mueller modified a comment on discussion Help getting started

    A function named RTF-CREATE-FILE-HEADER produces a libcob: user-defined FUNCTION 'RTFCREATEFILE__HEADER' not found if you use another name RTFCREATEFILEHEADER it is o.k. Is there an esoteric function-FUNKTION making "-" to "_" or is it just a bug to be ignored ? What does the compiler-message "no definition/prototype seen for function xyz..." mean ? further messages say that "PROTOTYPE" is an accepted but not supported feature. Is there a way to make ONE objekt-library for a bundle of functions ?...

  • Erich Mueller Erich Mueller posted a comment on discussion Help getting started

    A function named RTF-CREATE-FILE-HEADER produces a libcob: user-defined FUNCTION 'RTFCREATEFILE__HEADER' not found if you use another name RTFCREATEFILEHEADER it is o.k. Is there an esoteric function-FUNKTION making "-" to "_" or is it just a bug to be ignored ? What does the compiler-message "no definition/prototype seen for function xyz..." mean ? further messages say that "PROTOTYPE" is an accepted but not supported feature. Is there a way to make ONE objekt-library for a bundle of functions ?...

  • Erich Mueller Erich Mueller posted a comment on discussion Contributions

    Robert, I think i got it thanks Erich

  • Erich Mueller Erich Mueller posted a comment on discussion Contributions

    For those folks who dont pay in US-$ try this : 01 RTF-Txt-03 PIC X(60) VALUE "Applications you can go new" & " ways even \'80 EURO" &" \line". have fun - Erich

  • Erich Mueller Erich Mueller posted a comment on discussion Contributions

    Whooo - - yes I will think and yes I am willing to do ! Sounds great since I could even use it MYSELF ! But If I hear the word "library" I still think of a shelf on the wall with books on it ... o.k. looking at japi in FAQ-manual there are FUNCTIONS i.e. I think a subroutine you send 1 or more parameters in and get one ore more parameters back, right ? I saw this in C and JAVA but hardly used those language. I GNU-cobol: I write a cobol-source compile it to a module ???? so it is simply a CALL ???...

  • Erich Mueller Erich Mueller posted a comment on discussion Contributions

    ****************************************************************** * Author: E.Mueller * Date:12.08.2019 * Purpose: Testing BOLD printing via a Rich Text File * Tectonics: cobc * going via RTF is easier than I thougt * tested under debian 9.7 ****************************************************************** IDENTIFICATION DIVISION. PROGRAM-ID.RTF-010. ENVIRONMENT DIVISION. CONFIGURATION SECTION. OBJECT-COMPUTER. INPUT-OUTPUT SECTION. FILE-CONTROL. SELECT PRINTER-FILE ASSIGN TO "/home/erich/cobol/TEST-RTF/test.rtf"...

  • Erich Mueller Erich Mueller posted a comment on discussion Help getting started

    Thank you all for your answers yes it is "Weasely enough". Before I was in doubt now i feel good. If you come from another world (IBM-RPG) you are temptated to to handle the newer language in your old style - which not always good. So thanks again helping me to switch my brain. Erich

  • Erich Mueller Erich Mueller posted a comment on discussion Help getting started

    but there are times when GO is the clearest option. So would you say the programm "easter" on page 806 of the FAQ-manual is the style you would recomend ? Thanks Erich

  • Erich Mueller Erich Mueller posted a comment on discussion Help getting started

    Hello Mickey, I totally agree with you but..... could you please show me the way to make my task run in GNU-cobol without any GO (TO) or calling (PERFORM) another paragraph. Thanks Erich

  • Erich Mueller Erich Mueller posted a comment on discussion Help getting started

    in your example of perform check-input end with a exit (section or paragraph) as needed Hello Vincent, Do you mean CHECK-INPUT. IF FIELD01 <> "Whatever" PREFORM MAIN EXIT PARAGRAPH <<<<< ----- Programm flow not gets there, so why ??? END-IF END-CHECK-INPUT. Please explain Thanks Erich

  • Erich Mueller Erich Mueller posted a comment on discussion Help getting started

    Some older books say GO TO may only be used foreward. GNUCobol works fine if you jump back Is it allowed or does it just work ? I could not find a clear answer in the FAQ-manual Going back, is "GO TO" or "PERFORM" the better style ? MAIN. ACCEPT FIELD01 AT 2040 PERFORM CHECK-INPUT ..... ..... GO BACK. END-MAIN. CHECK-INPUT. IF FIELD01 <> "Whatever" GO TO MAIN *> or PERFORM MAIN. ? END-IF END-CHECK-INPUT. Does each "PERFORM MAIN" use a new area of RAM or does it not matter ? Thanks Erich

  • Erich Mueller Erich Mueller posted a comment on discussion Help getting started

    upgrading to Debian 9.9 libncurses5-dev went to dataneverneverland other than with gmp or libdb there is just a little "No" in the configure output so I overlooked it and so does the compiler Thanks to eveybody who spent time on my question Erich btw. I installed Debian 10 and spent a night with it (her?) and now I am back at 9.7 and life is good again

  • Erich Mueller Erich Mueller posted a comment on discussion Help getting started

    Having installed latest vesion of Debian 9 (which might be 9.9) special ASCII characters (ä ö ü ) are no longer displayed but file-editor definately shows them also DISPLAY X"20dfdfdb" AT 2010 shows nothing I use gnome-Terminal in ASCII mode with CP850 and if i key in (ä ö ü) direktly at plain terminal it works I was playing with NCURSES installing more modules without success Any I ideas where i could do further investigation ? I Do know that Debian 10 is out but ..... ?? Thanks for any ideas -...

  • Erich Mueller Erich Mueller posted a comment on discussion Help getting started

    Hi Simon, with 2.2. recently downloaded INSERT / DELETE works perfectly thanks Erich

  • Erich Mueller Erich Mueller posted a comment on discussion Help getting started

    O.k I got it thanks Erich

  • Erich Mueller Erich Mueller posted a comment on discussion Help getting started

    Hi Simon, this good news ! But I need some more help since I cant find any notes how to install bug fixes. Do I have to reinstall 2.2 completly ? thanks erich

  • Erich Mueller Erich Mueller posted a comment on discussion Help getting started

    Hi Pat Thanks for working overtime. All I want is to put the cursor on the field where the program finds an error and do new ACCEPT with the whole screen ( used to that from another language) Now I did some tests with the "new technique" I learned yesturday and found its quite o.k. Making an ACCEPT with the errorfield only works fine and it even offers some good features I have not realized so far. So I am very satisfied. Maybe "CURSOR IS" SPECIAL-NAMES will work later in the future ... not only...

  • Erich Mueller Erich Mueller posted a comment on discussion Help getting started

    Hi Simon ACCEPT screen ignores data entered into CURSOR IS fields so I will create a bug ticket I changed my code encouraged by your post. it works fine. Just want t make double-sure that its also o.k. with many fields on the screen to code an ACCEPT twice with the same field name field-name and position once via screen and once via AT. PERFORM WITH TEST BEFORE UNTIL WS-NAME <> SPACES DISPLAY RING-BELL DISPLAY "Name missing" AT 1403 FOREGROUND-COLOR IS COB-COLOR-YELLOW WITH BLINK ACCEPT WS-NAME AT...

  • Erich Mueller Erich Mueller posted a comment on discussion Help getting started

    Hi Pat and Vince Now its clear that "CURSOR IS" is a read-only feature - o.k. As I understand there are two ways to work with a sreen DISPLAY / ACCEPT AT single fields ACCEPT a type 01-record from screen section would you say its not a good idea to mix both tecniques in one program or would you say "it does not matter" since the compiler is willing to do it ? I prefer SCREEN SECTION please have a look at my sample which explains better than a lot of words. I would bet 1 Liter of Octoberfest-beer...

  • Erich Mueller Erich Mueller posted a comment on discussion Help getting started

    Hi Pat This forum is full of surprise - great ! I have never been in a church where they preach about ncurses or ncursesw(windoofs ?) or C shim code. Hopefully I will understand some new constants in WORKING-STORAGE. Dont hurry my children are adult I can wait

  • Erich Mueller Erich Mueller posted a comment on discussion Help getting started

    Thank you for the inivtation writing pachtes. But the programming languages I know to use dont have curled brackets. Now for me its o.k. to know for sure that its useless to play around with OCCURS at that point. One can do the same in another way. ACCEPT and DISPLAY do the same.

  • Erich Mueller Erich Mueller posted a comment on discussion Help getting started

    the output looks like this: Entry end of program, please press a key to exit My former test results are the same --> occurs seems to be ignored There ist a post from Edward Hart 2016-07-07 talking about bug#35 does it mean that the situation has not changed in 2.2 ?

  • Erich Mueller Erich Mueller posted a comment on discussion Help getting started

    Is it correct that screen section does (officialy) not support UNICODE ? But somehow it works see --> boxdraw.cob. But,but attempting to draw a line with x"e29590" allows only a 26 byte long line to display. Logic ! 27 x 3 = 81 > than an 80 column terminal. So you get some esoterik line break with those famous ????. because you send one visible character together with two invisibles Testing typing in "═" in a plain terminal (not via a GNUcobol) succeeds, lets say endless. So I have some hope there...

  • Erich Mueller Erich Mueller posted a comment on discussion Help getting started

    Can someone give me an example that works ? using 2.2

  • Erich Mueller Erich Mueller posted a comment on discussion Help getting started

    Plaese compile and try an tell me wather you have similar problems erich and what is the trick to present a program here in COBOL-colours ****************************************************************** * Author: Erich.Mueller. * Date: 03.07.2017 * Purpose: Test atrributes on off * Tectonics: cobc ****************************************************************** identification division . program-id. three-bells . ENVIRONMENT DIVISION. CONFIGURATION SECTION. OBJECT-COMPUTER. CHARACTER CLASSIFICATION...

  • Erich Mueller Erich Mueller posted a comment on discussion Help getting started

    Similar experience - gave up erich

  • Erich Mueller Erich Mueller posted a comment on discussion Help getting started

    Pardon me for not reading chapter 6.1.7 thoroughly enough. The refmod entry in FAQs is very helpful. Playing around getting "out of bounds" I learned rather quickly that its FROM: LENGTH and not FROM :TO;as I thought thank you all erich

  • Erich Mueller Erich Mueller posted a comment on discussion Help getting started

    Thank you Gregory and Simon now I even like it better -eric

  • Erich Mueller Erich Mueller posted a comment on discussion Help getting started

    snips 6 characters from SOURCE-FIELD into TARGET-FIELD It works fine but I cant find it in the docs chapter 6.2.26 and not in the FAQs but there I find: move f("square", a) to a used but not explained Is this Cobol-code ? Is it officially supportet ? Are there any restrictions ? Is it recomended to use it only for alpha-fiels ? please tell me its o.k. to use it in GNUcobol (i like it) regards eric

  • Erich Mueller Erich Mueller posted a comment on discussion Help getting started

    Just wanted say to thank you (Edward and Simon, I tink)for the quick reply. Since I am rather new with cobol I was quite amazed that my questions are initialzing bug reports. Gnucobol is a projekt that I really love and since I learned that newcomer questions are taken serious I even love it more. If can contribute with testing etc. with those enerving special characters let me know. As you can see I have an account now, i am impressed how easy it was (had to run thru the procedure only 3 times)...