Thank you for your detailled instructions. The fact is that it works this morning (without re-installation) although I had tried many and many and many times before. I don't understand what have changed in the environment. Thank you anyway for your help, and sorry for the trouble. I appreciate the time you took for answering. Have a good week. Eric
Impossible to paste, whatever the way (the "paste" menu stays grey as if it did see any "copy" before). OK for reinstalling, but can you tell me what do you mean by "with deleting the Registy key HKCU/Software/WhiteStarUML" ? I am not very confortable with this type of operation and I would be sure not to loose all my work. Do you think you can help with some instructions ?
I tried with a new empty project but still it does not work. When I drag&drop it works of course. I could avoid the problem using drap&drop, but it does not help really. For my need is to compare two versions of a set of architectures : thus I need to duplicate diagrams and then slightly modify copies. I would like to avoid rebuiding complex architectures on copies each time. Any idea on how to solve the problem ?
It may be silly but I cannot copy a class from a class diagram (Ctrl C), and then copy it on another class diagram (Ctrl V). The user manual says that it should work. Do anyone have the same problem ? Can anyone reproduce that and tell me if it works for him ? Thank you for help. Eric
Great ! I had thought of an XMLT parser but the idea of using the project save file as the source is excellent. Thank you very much.
Hello, Let's suppose that I have modelled two things : 1. the way a certain number of UML Components are coded into UML Artifacts, 2. the distribution of these UML Artifacts on UML Nodes. Now let's suppose that I choose a given UML Component and I want to know on which UML Nodes it is deployed. Do I have to export data and developp myself the necessary query code on these data ? Or is there a simple way to proceed, that I ignore ? Thank you to anyone who will clarify the question Eric.
Hello, Thank you for your very useful advice. . I see that Papyrus targets academic and research purposes, and the industrial engineering as well. My client is in the world of health insurance and pension provision, and needs are quite different. They want something not too sophisticated. WhiteStarUML provides all required features and could be the good choice. I'll see. I'll probably follow your idea and present both programs. Thank you again.
Hello Janusz, As a consultant I need to recommand a tool to my client who needs to model its business and its IT. I envison to recommand WhiteStarUML. The client is the IT Department of a health insurance and pension provision Company (more than 2000 persons) with 600 persons dedicated to the IT. In this context I have two questions : 1. Is this choice possible in terms of licence and support capacity ? 2. Would an adequate remuneration (for any additional work needed) be a possible solution ? If...
Thank you for your answer
Hello, I Have defined an UML constraint on an UML class and I would like to show...
Thank you Janusz for your answer. Do not misunderstand me. I did not mean that I...
Hello, Under this link
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OK. I will duplicate by hand my annotation, and then will copy/paste between compatible...
Hi, I can copy an annotation (for example a figure in a circle created in a UMLClass...
I don't need to write long expressions. Therefore cut/paste from the Word math editor...