Activity for sam

  • sam sam modified a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hi I have to develop an application to check whether TPM is password protected or not in order to perfrom any operation? For example I am performing following step: 1:Reset TPM state 2.Create private key and store insiide TPM So while performing this steps I got an error in step1 -> TPM_RC_LOCKOUT error what dows that mean? As per my understanding I think that TPM is password protected in this case. Also if it is password protected , how can I clear this state too.? Thanks

  • sam sam posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hi I have to develop an application to check whether TPM is password protected or not in order to perfrom any operation? For example I am performing following step: 1:Reset TPM state 2.Create private key and store insiide TPM So while performing this steps I got an error in step1 -> TPM_RC_LOCKOUT error what dows that mean? As per my understanding I think that TPM is password protected in this case. Thanks

  • sam sam posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Ok thanks @kagoldman

  • sam sam modified a comment on discussion General Discussion

    I want to reset TPM ,so for that which application I have to use between these two 1] clear and 2] shutdown? What is a difference betwenn these two commands:TPM_Shutdown and TPM_Clear command? Where I can get a details for all comands which are defined in Implementation.h file?

  • sam sam posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    I want to reset my TPM ,so for that which application I have to use between these two 1] clear and 2] shutdown? What is a difference betwenn these two commands:TPM_Shutdown and TPM_Clear command? Where I can get a details for all comands which are defined in Implementation.h file?

  • sam sam posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    How to change tempo of sound file using SoundTouch C++ API? soundstretch in.ogg out.ogg -tempo=30 I have to perform above given command line utility with c++ program.

  • sam sam posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    could you give an example to perform it?

  • sam sam posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    I am performing following command: ./createprimary -hi o -st -rsa Handle 80000000 while executing following command getting error: ./createprimary -hi p -st -rsa createprimary: failed, rc 000009a2 TPM_RC_BAD_AUTH - authorization failure without DA implications Session number 1 ./create -hp 80000000 -ecc nistp256 -si -kt f -kt p -opr signeccpriv.bin -opu signeccpub.bin -opem signeccpub.pem -pwdp sto -pwdk sig create: failed, rc 000009a2 TPM_RC_BAD_AUTH - authorization failure without DA implications...

  • sam sam posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Ok I will try and let you know further On Nov 19, 2018 at 6:41 AM, <ken goldman="" (""> wrote:</ken> Please start new threads (with a more specific subject) for new topics. This will help other readers. The parent is a storage key that wraps the child generated by 'create'. The first storage key will be a primary key. See Part 1 23 Protected Storage Hierarchy for a detailed answer. See regtest/ for examples. IBM TPM 2.0 TSS (

  • sam sam modified a comment on discussion General Discussion

    I want to perform following task: 1.Create ECDSA key pair in TPM - for this create or createpriary command need what is difference between create and createprimary command? 2.Export public key to user from TPM 3.Sign binary files and applicatons with exported public key using TPM- for this sign command we need 4.Verify signature of binary files and application using TPM- for this verifysignature command need I have some idea about what command to use for above purpose but how to use that command(how...

  • sam sam modified a comment on discussion General Discussion

    I want to perform following task: 1.Create ECDSA key pair in TPM 2.Export public key to user from TPM 3.Sign binary files and applicatons with exported public key using TPM 4.Verify signature of binary files and application using TPM Which command and how to use that command(how to pass arguments into command) to perform following task?Could you give some examples .I also read TPM 2.0 specification part 3 command using following documentbut coudn't getting it.

  • sam sam posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    I want to perform following task: 1.Create ECDSA key pair in TPM 2.Export public key to user from TPM 3.Sign binary files and applicatons with exported public key using TPM 4.Verify signature of binary files and application using TPM Which command and how to use that command(how to pass arguments into command) to perform following task?Could you give some examples .I read TPM 2.0 specification part 3 command also but coudn't getting it.

  • sam sam posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    I want to perform following task: 1.Create ECDSA key pair in TPM 2.Export public key to user from TPM 3.Sign binary files and applicatons with exported public key using TPM 4.Verify signature of binary files and application using TPM Which command and how to use that command(how to pass arguments into command) to perform following task?Could you give some examples .I read TPM 2.0 specification part 3 command also but coudn't getting it.

  • sam sam posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    What is a parent handle parameter in create command ?Could you have any detailed documetns for it.Because I am not getting how to pass different arguments in most of command.

  • sam sam modified a comment on discussion General Discussion

    ok now I got it. I just trying all your option which you gave for different use.It works now.Thanks for replying for all my trivial questions .

  • sam sam posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    ok now I got it. I just trying all your option which you gave for different use.It works now.

  • sam sam modified a comment on discussion General Discussion

    In which makefile I can find or I have to add that line? I read that section 3.4.1 but not getting it. For example I have many makefiles in /utils direcctory such as makefiletpm20 same as for c code : In which C file I have to use function: rc = TSS_SetProperty(tssContext, TPM_INTERFACE_TYPE, "dev");

  • sam sam posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    In which makefile I can find or I have to add that line?I read that section but not getting it. For example I have many makefiles in /utils direcctory such as makefiletpm20 same as for c code : In which C file I have to use function: rc = TSS_SetProperty(tssContext, TPM_INTERFACE_TYPE, "dev");

  • sam sam modified a comment on discussion General Discussion

    yes I got its in section 4.9.Now its work. And how can I set that variable default one using makefile and using rc = TSS_SetProperty(tssContext, TPM_INTERFACE_TYPE, "dev") could you give a syntax for that.

  • sam sam modified a comment on discussion General Discussion

    yes I got its in section 4.9.Now its work. And how can I set that variable default one using makefile?

  • sam sam posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    its ubuntu default shell I tried echo $SHELL its shows /bin/bash

  • sam sam modified a comment on discussion General Discussion

    I am not getting how can I set environment variable. Beccasue when I am typing: setenv TPM_INTERFACE_TYPE dev in my terminal under /utils directory I am getting an error: setenv command not found Could you give me an example how can I change and what files to change to make it work for HW TPM?Becasue in documents its said you have to change that variable by three ways,but how to change its maybe missing? Thanks

  • sam sam modified a comment on discussion General Discussion

    I am not getting how can I set environment variable. Beccasue when I am typing: setenv TPM_INTERFACE_TYPE dev in my terminal under /utils directory I am getting an error: setenv command not found Could you give me an example how can I change and what files to change to make it work for HW TPM?

  • sam sam modified a comment on discussion General Discussion

    I am trying to connect on HW TPM.

  • sam sam posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    I am trying to connect on HW TPM. I am not getting how can I set environment variable. Beccasue when I am typing: setenv TPM_INTERFACE_TYPE dev in my terminal under /utils directory I am getting an error: setenv command not found Could you give me an example how can I change and what files to change to make it work for HW TPM?

  • sam sam modified a comment on discussion General Discussion

    I am trying to connect on HW TPM. I am not getting how can I set environment variable. Beccasue when I am typing: setenv TPM_INTERFACE_TYPE dev in my terminal under /utils directory I am getting an error: setenv command not found Could you give me an example how can I change and what files to change to make it work for HW TPM?

  • sam sam posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    I am trying to connect on HW TPM.

  • sam sam modified a comment on discussion General Discussion

    thanks its really helpful now I gor some indea to start execution. under /utils I am executing following command and getting shown error. using command: startup error: TSS_Socket_Open: Error on connect to localhost:2321 TSS_Socket_Open: client connect: error 111 Connection refused startup: failed, rc 000b0008 TSS_RC_NO_CONNECTION - Failure connecting to lower layer using command: getcapability -cap 6 error: TSS_Socket_Open: Error on connect to localhost:2321 TSS_Socket_Open: client connect: error...

  • sam sam modified a comment on discussion General Discussion

    under /utils I am executing following command and getting shown error. using command: startup error: TSS_Socket_Open: Error on connect to localhost:2321 TSS_Socket_Open: client connect: error 111 Connection refused startup: failed, rc 000b0008 TSS_RC_NO_CONNECTION - Failure connecting to lower layer using command: getcapability -cap 6 error: TSS_Socket_Open: Error on connect to localhost:2321 TSS_Socket_Open: client connect: error 111 Connection refused getcapability: failed, rc 000b0008 TSS_RC_NO_CONNECTION...

  • sam sam posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    under /utils I am executing following command and getting shown error. using command: startup getting belowed error: TSS_Socket_Open: Error on connect to localhost:2321 TSS_Socket_Open: client connect: error 111 Connection refused startup: failed, rc 000b0008 TSS_RC_NO_CONNECTION - Failure connecting to lower layer using command: getcapability -cap 6 getting belowed error: TSS_Socket_Open: Error on connect to localhost:2321 TSS_Socket_Open: client connect: error 111 Connection refused getcapability:...

  • sam sam posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Here I am using Ubuntu 18. I dowwnloaded IBM TSS tool and extratced it. Under my /dev folder I am seeing tpm0 and tpm2m0 files. This measn my dessktop pc have TPM. when I am executing dmesg | grep -i tpm I am getting following messege. ACPI: TPM2 ....... tpm_tis ........`` Under /util folder I did make command. Then now in order to interact with hardware TPM such as initialize,getting manufacturing name,create key ,getting key which files I have to use and how.

  • sam sam modified a comment on discussion General Discussion

    As shown this three option is there. But for each option which file I have to edit and run. So as you told I have to change environment variable where I have to do that in my terminal window.

  • sam sam posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    As shown this three option is there. But for each option which file I have to edit and run.

  • sam sam modified a comment on discussion General Discussion

    In which file I have to make following changes to interact with Hardware TPM. And waht file I have to run after making following changes. To change the default TPM interface to the TPM device driver: • With a makefile: -DTPM_INTERFACE_TYPE_DEFAULT="\"dev\"" • With an environment variable: > setenv TPM_INTERFACE_TYPE dev • With the TSS_SetProperty() function: rc = TSS_SetProperty(tssContext, TPM_INTERFACE_TYPE, "dev");

  • sam sam posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    In whihc file I have to setup TPM_INTERFACE_TYPE=dev.

  • sam sam modified a comment on discussion General Discussion

    I already did that steps .

  • sam sam modified a comment on discussion General Discussion

    I already did that steps.

  • sam sam posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    I did that steps.

  • sam sam posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Can anybody give a steps to setup Infenion hardware TPM with Rasberry Pi or BeagleBone.?I read a given documents but couldnt getting it.?

  • sam sam modified a comment on discussion General Discussion

    I started working on TPM using IBM TPM 2.0 TSS. I am doing as per written in IBM-TSS-Demo.doc documents on my Ubuntu 18.04. In that document under section 2.4 IBM TSS Demo 2.0 it says there are four makefile available under folder /demo and The build copies the html, css, php, TSS utilities and TSS library to /var/www/html/tpm2. Under /demo folder when I am executing make commad I am getting following error: cp nav.html /var/www/html/tpm2/nav.html cp: cannot create regular file '/var/www/html/tpm2/nav.html':...

  • sam sam modified a comment on discussion General Discussion

    I started working on TPM using IBM TPM 2.0 TSS. I am doing as per written in IBM-TSS-Demo.doc documents on my Ubuntu 18.04. In that document under section 2.4 IBM TSS Demo 2.0 it says there are four makefile available under folder /demo and The build copies the html, css, php, TSS utilities and TSS library to /var/www/html/tpm2. Under /demo folder when I am executing make commad I am getting following error: cp nav.html /var/www/html/tpm2/nav.html cp: cannot create regular file '/var/www/html/tpm2/nav.html':...

  • sam sam modified a comment on discussion General Discussion

    I started working on TPM using IBM TPM 2.0 TSS. I am doing as per written in IBM-TSS-Demo.doc documents on my Ubuntu 18.04. In that document under section 2.4 IBM TSS Demo 2.0 it says there are four makefile available under folder /demo and The build copies the html, css, php, TSS utilities and TSS library to /var/www/html/tpm2. Under /demo I am executing make commad and getting following error: cp nav.html /var/www/html/tpm2/nav.html cp: cannot create regular file '/var/www/html/tpm2/nav.html':...

  • sam sam modified a comment on discussion General Discussion

    I started working on TPM using IBM TPM 2.0 TSS. I am doing as per written in IBM-TSS-Demo.doc documents on my Ubuntu 18.04. In that document under section 2.4 IBM TSS Demo 2.0 it says there are four makefile available under folder /demo and The build copies the html, css, php, TSS utilities and TSS library to /var/www/html/tpm2. Under /demo I am executing make commad and getting following error: cp nav.html /var/www/html/tpm2/nav.html cp: cannot create regular file '/var/www/html/tpm2/nav.html':...

  • sam sam posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    I am doing as per written in IBM-TSS-Demo.doc documents on my Ubuntu 18.04. In that document under section 2.4 IBM TSS Demo 2.0 it says there are four makefile available under folder /demo and The build copies the html, css, php, TSS utilities and TSS library to /var/www/html/tpm2. My question is that how that build works.What command I have to use to execute all that makefiles so above process works? Because right now that makefile files are not executable. Thnaks