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  • Posted a comment on discussion Enigmail Support on Enigmail

    Some days ago (23/02/2019) TB 60.5.1 required an update and a new directory was created in the profile path (pep_tmp). These files seems to be an upgrade of the pepmda directory, but it has not be deleted by the program, and the files of the pepmda (created 25/09/2018) has not been changed. Is it possible to delete this pep_tmp path? When this new path would be deleted by the program? I have installed the latest version of Gpg4Win (3.1.5). Thanks.

  • Posted a comment on discussion Enigmail Support on Enigmail

    I have found a new problem when I try to send an email while a gpg.exe process is loaded. In this case, until the gpg.exe process is finish the email can´t be send. I must end manually the gpg.exe processes open to allow Thunderbird send the email. Tha latest crashes have the following ids: Crash ID: bp-cb242236-e31d-421b-b528-d66a80171018 Crash ID: bp-f64684b4-f275-4f6d-a768-b2fe30171018 I try to find a solution but in the older version (2.3.4 of Gpg4Win) these problems doesn´t appeared. Thanks

  • Posted a comment on discussion Enigmail Support on Enigmail

    I send the log created during the error (KeyManager window open, no keys showed and the message Loading Keys, please wait). I have found that the problem is the gpg.exe process! When I start Thunderbird and select the KeyManager option of the Enigmail menu the gpg-agent.exe and the gpg.exe services are loaded, but if I close the gpg.exe, while the KeyManager window is open trying to load the keys without success, the keys can be recovered, showing them in that window and Thunrdebird can be closed...

  • Posted a comment on discussion Enigmail Support on Enigmail

    I have wait until 15 minutes, with the KeyManager window open, trying to load the keys. The CPU load is normal, not high. One insteresting thing is the fact that when I stopped the processes (gpg.exe and gpg-agent.exe) the keys are loaded inmediatelly and are showed in the KeyManager window. I never found this problem the first start of Thunderbird, always happend later, sometimes sooner, sometimes more later. Its seems to be related with some kind of check process during the load of the keys. I...

  • Posted a comment on discussion Enigmail Support on Enigmail

    I enclosed the log reported by Enigmail during the problem of the KeyManager option. I found a partial solution to the crash of Thunderbird under such circunstances. When I select the option of KeyManager inside Thunderbid in the Enigmail menu and the problem appear (trying to load the keys, but not showing anything in that KeyManager window) I have discovered that to avoid the crash its possible to finish the open procesess (two gpg.exe and one gpg-agent.exe through the Administration panel) while...

  • Posted a comment on discussion Enigmail Support on Enigmail

    I have installed, on Windows 7 x64 Home, Thunderbird 52.4.0 (32 bits), Enigmail1.9.8.3 and Gpg4win 3.0.0 (GnuPG only). As I have described in a previous post, Thunderbird again crash in some cases after the first start of the program, when the option KeyManager is selected. When fail, the KeyManager option remain active with the message: Loading Keys, please wait, but nothing happen (no keys loaded, no keys showed). When I close that window and try to quit Thunderbird an error report appear on the...

  • Posted a comment on discussion Enigmail Support on Enigmail

    I have, finally, desinstalled Enigmail and gnupg 2.2.0 to install both again. Enigmal and GNUPG 2.3.4 is working now fine. I can access to the Key Manager menu without problems, and this is a solution. Thanks.

  • Posted a comment on discussion Enigmail Support on Enigmail

    I have downloaded the gnupg-w32-2.2.0_20170828.exe file directly from web site and checked the integrity of the package installing the distribute keys of GNUPG. I suppose that the problem could be related with some changes in the 2.2.0 version of gnupg. When I restart the computer the Key Management in Enigmail work fine and show the keys, but after that moment the next use of this option cause the crash (it seems to be related with a process that remain active inside Thunderbird and can´t...

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2017-09-13 17:22:40


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