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  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on TCPDF - PHP class for PDF

    Hi ! Not having found the solution to my problem, I have modified a little bit the native code. I have spaces defined for each tags via setHtmlVSpace function. But on page break, the first element kept its spaces. So i did this : -> Define a protected firsttag variable protected $firsttag = true; -> At the end of AddPage function I assign the value "true" to this variable $this->firsttag = true; -> In writeHTML function I assign the value "true/false" to this variable depending on key tag while ($key...

  • Posted a comment on ticket #45 on PHPRtfLite

    File : Utf8.php Line : 109 Replace ? '\uc0\u' . $value by ? '\uc0{\u' . $value ....

  • Posted a comment on ticket #45 on PHPRtfLite

    The problem doesn't exist in 1.1.1 version ... I search ...

  • Created ticket #45 on PHPRtfLite

    UTF8 and spaces

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2012-06-09 12:58:09


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