
Tree [3e26e7] spel-code master /

HTTPS access

File Date Author Commit
 doc 2016-02-07 Logan Streondj Logan Streondj [0b248f] updated root word generator
 info 2015-03-14 Logan Streondj Logan Streondj [37aa16] 0.5.8 subordinate text quotes
 src 2016-02-16 Logan Streondj Logan Streondj [3e26e7] updated root word gen 2016-01-17 Logan Streondj Logan Streondj [cd53fa] updated readme and added node_modules directory
 changelog.txt 2014-12-02 Logan Streondj Logan Streondj [ab7b52] 0.3.3 phrase clause support
 compound_word.js 2014-11-14 Logan Streondj Logan Streondj [ef81a2] 0.2.2 partial compound word support
 license.txt 2015-01-07 Logan Streondj Logan Streondj [2d45fa] 0.3.B phrase junctions

Read Me

Speakable Programming for Every Language

Your language to speak with all.

A computer programming language using human language syntax
for human-to-human and human-to-computer communication
with high precision, supporting many languages.


This project is Libre Software, licensed under AGPL-3.0.


check doc/roadmap.txt


need nodejs for compilation.
npm for exec-sync, browserify, jslint, jshint, and tape

in the src/ folder do:
npm install exec-sync
npm install browserify
npm install jslint
npm install jshint
npm install tape
npm install colors

libfribidi-bin trans

console demo in src/
./ readme.eng.txt

web demo in src/web
generate spel.js with ./build in that directory
then open spel.html in firefox