Activity for Eitan Caspi

  • Eitan Caspi Eitan Caspi posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hello, I wish to backup the the "General Options" configuration, which file do I need to backup? Thank you!

  • Eitan Caspi Eitan Caspi created ticket #975

    Selecting "Launch application at Windows start up" crashes and damages GCSM

  • Eitan Caspi Eitan Caspi created ticket #956

    Mouse cursor position on startup and UI restore

  • Eitan Caspi Eitan Caspi created ticket #1818

    Cannot create CardDAV sync profile

  • Eitan Caspi Eitan Caspi created ticket #1787

    Never ending recurring event is not synced correctly from Google Calendar to Outlook

  • Eitan Caspi Eitan Caspi posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hi, before I open a feature request, I wish to make sure I am not missing anything - If at Gmail I get an event invite but I decline it - google still store this event and shows it with strikeout fonts to mark it is deleted. The event object is not deleted. Gmail has a checkbox in the settings called "Show declined events" to control the visibility of such items. My issue is that Outlook CalDav Synchronizer, AFAIK, don't have a parallel setting, to avoid even syncing such declined events into Outlook,...

  • Eitan Caspi Eitan Caspi created ticket #1218 setup fails if "just for me" is selected

  • Eitan Caspi Eitan Caspi posted a comment on ticket #1005

    Adding more data from the log file, which now is set to "info" level - a bit before and after the 400 error, which seems most relevant - as it wrote it tried to "delete and replace" which probably did only the "delete" part... :(

  • Eitan Caspi Eitan Caspi posted a comment on ticket #1005

    Forgot to note: Windows 10 64 bit, latest build and all patches Outlook 2013 64 bit, latest build and all patches CalDavSynchronizer Version CalDav/Cardav Server – Google calendar

  • Eitan Caspi Eitan Caspi created ticket #1005

    Errors 400 then 500 cause events to be deleted on Google Calendar

  • Eitan Caspi Eitan Caspi posted a comment on ticket #1000

    Sorry, my bad. It is not written, as far as I have seen, nor instructed in the setup - that the GUI for this app is inside Outlook, as a menu/tab. Only now found it.

  • Eitan Caspi Eitan Caspi created ticket #1000

    Certificate error