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  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on ERP PCA Toolkit

    I apologize for the delayed reply. My advisor was out of town and I wanted to wait until he came back so that I cold confirm with him before responding. I was mistaken and the PCA was applied to subject averages (average of all trials for a given condition within each subject) rather than individual trials. So, it seems like we won’t be able to use these data for split-half reliability. Sorry, I should have known this earlier. I guess we’d need to do the PCA at the item level to be able to look at...

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on ERP PCA Toolkit

    Thank you for your quick response! I believe the PCA was applied to the individual trials. And, what we are trying to calculate is the reliability for the amplitude measures from the different temporospatial factors. With mean amplitude-based ERPs, we just compute the ERP for even and odd trials separately and then calculate split-half reliability. We weren’t sure if this type of thing would be possible for PCA derived factors (without physically conducting the PCA separately on the even and odd...

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on ERP PCA Toolkit

    Hello, I was wondering if you know of a good way to calculate split-half reliability of PCA temporal/spatial factors derived from the EP Toolkit? E.g., Is there a way we can export trial-level data for each of our conditions (in this case gains vs. losses in a monetary reward task)? Thank you!

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