Activity for Eric House

  • Eric House Eric House committed [30136e] on Git

    remove relay options from test script

  • Eric House Eric House committed [1ae4f2] on Git

    make relay-related commandline options compile conditionally

  • Eric House Eric House committed [6648a2] on Git

    tweak logging

  • Eric House Eric House committed [3faf46] on Git

    don't call a game over until message count drops to 0

  • Eric House Eric House committed [935732]

    Fix curses api misuse flagged by new C compiler

  • Eric House Eric House modified ticket #8

    If the board has been flipped diagonally, the tile-placement arrow sometimes changes direction when it shouldn't

  • Eric House Eric House posted a comment on ticket #8

    fixed in next release

  • Eric House Eric House posted a comment on ticket #8

    Cool bug. Should be easy to fix -- two years later.... :-)

  • Eric House Eric House posted a comment on ticket #19

    Right now it won't ping the relay if there are no networked games, but it still wakes up (meaning the OS launches it) in order to make that check. What you're suggesting is a preference/setting that says "I won't have any networked games, so don't wake up!"? That should be easy enough to add, and could be accompanied by a warning to change it if a networked game were created or an invitation accepted.

  • Eric House Eric House modified ticket #15

    In human-vs.-CPU games, please don't show any notification reminding me to move

  • Eric House Eric House posted a comment on ticket #15

    This is done now on the android_branch and should be in the next release. Please...

  • Eric House Eric House posted a comment on ticket #15

    I'll add a second preference to control this, so if you like you can turn off local...

  • Eric House Eric House modified ticket #16

    In your app's Google Play store description, please include links to the app's source code and issue tracker

  • Eric House Eric House posted a comment on ticket #16

    Good idea. Done.