In the module the call to _lib.libusb_open passes two 64 bit ints, the first is a device ID (devid) and the second is the address of a pointer which the open call should return the address of a device handle object (_DeviceHandle). The name of the dll called is 'C:\WINDOWS\system32\libusb-1.0.dll' found in _lib._name and it is this call that fails if the device ID is for a non HID device.
Thanks for the link. I found in: a response from jonasmalacofilho that provides the link: that states: "If your target device is not HID, and your device is not using WinUSB driver, you must install a driver before you can communicate with it using libusb. Currently, this means installing one of Microsoft's WinUSB, libusb-win32 or libusbK drivers." This does appear to describe...
Dear Wander and team, I need your help for pyusb. I want to be able to send control transfers to usb devices, but this fails for devices that aren't HID devices, such as a hub or camera. I want to describe the problem with the following example: import usb.core import usb.util import usb.control usbdev = usb.core.find(idVendor=0x05e3, idProduct=0x0610) #Targus hub print(usbdev) usbdev = usb.core.find(idVendor=0x413c, idProduct=0x2112) #Dell keyboard print(usbdev) output: DEVICE ID 05e3:0610 on Bus...