Activity for Erik Colson

  • Erik Colson Erik Colson posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Perry Leopold writes: v1.43. hmm... shouldn't happen. Can you give me the symbol you checked ? best erik colson

  • Erik Colson Erik Colson posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Perry Leopold writes: I can get the current day's data after the market closes using the default TIME_SERIES_DAILY, but during the day while the market is open the data returned is for the previous day. No joy there. which version of F::Q are you using? I ckecked the code / api json returned and this shouldn't happen. best erik colson

  • Erik Colson Erik Colson posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Perry Leopold writes: OK. FYI, editiing the URL doesn't seem to work for some reason. When I change TIME_SERIES_DAILY to TIME_SERIES_INTRADAY I get the following err msg: 'Invalid API call. Please retry or visit the documentation ( for TIME_SERIES_INTRADAY This is odd, as it is passing a valid function according to the docs. The AV doc page offers no additional insight. you need to add the 'interval' parameter in the call. Check...

  • Erik Colson Erik Colson posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Perry Leopold writes: AlphaVantage seems great in theory, but pretty unreliable in practice. I contacted AlphaVantage by email. I hope we can figure something out with them.. Is GOOGLE an alternative? AFAIK not. The Google finance API has been shut down in 2012. best erik colson

  • Erik Colson Erik Colson posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Paul Polak writes: Re: GOOGLE I had the same thought. I threw something together last night that parses from HTML google finance (the JSON unfortunately had some malformed errors). I can submit to the repository if people would like? I'm also working on a module for ever since Yahoo removed the previous funcationality. I checked for Google some years ago and their terms of service explicitely denied scraping page contents... It might work some time, but...

  • Erik Colson Erik Colson posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    yep... we reached the servers limit..

  • Erik Colson Erik Colson posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    The slowness is due to the API not allowing to query multiple symbols at once. Also we have reached the server request limit which makes requests fail.. I have contacted alpavantage about this issue.

  • Erik Colson Erik Colson posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Please check out the test file t/alphavantage.t for correct querying of quotes. You will need to set ONLINE_TEST=1 to actually run tests

  • Erik Colson Erik Colson posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    A new module has been added today, which supports quite a bunch of stocks, but not funds nor currencies. Upgrade to version 1.40 and try it out.

  • Erik Colson Erik Colson posted a comment on discussion finance-quote-devel

    On 23 Jun 2014, at 20:40, stupac8908 wrote: Good Afternoon,...

  • Erik Colson Erik Colson posted a comment on discussion finance-quote-devel

    Hi, Yahoo recently modified the quote retrieval URL. I updated the modules in the...