User Activity

  • Posted a comment on ticket #384 on The FreeDOS Project

    I don't maintain either the gitlab mirror or github repo of (Free)DOS Debug. This mistake does appear to be fixed in the most recent revisions of both however.

  • Posted a comment on ticket #93 on The FreeDOS Project

    (SLD0 format help is not yet defined, can be added soon if you want it however.) Yes, every extensions, script etc, file should have a short description and a help section. And if possible a more generous usage section with examples. The help and description section should be mandatory. The usage section should be present, but the content should be optional. And there should be a way to automatically test whether the corresponding file has all 3 sections for those who write these script or extension...

  • Modified a comment on ticket #118 on The FreeDOS Project

    ext list.eld dosdir.eld help File not found. You need to provide ::scripts::dosdir.eld for this to work. The list.eld doesn't (yet) automatically look in the scripts path directory. Added in You do still have to provide an extension like dosdir.eld, dosdir.?ld, or dosdir.* however, even if you have extname.eld installed. (The extname ELD never reaches into the parameters passed to another ELD like list.eld's pattern.)

  • Posted a comment on ticket #118 on The FreeDOS Project

    ext list.eld dosdir.eld help File not found. You need to provide ::scripts::dosdir.eld for this to work. The list.eld doesn't (yet) automatically look in the scripts path directory. Added in You do still have to provide an extension like dosdir.eld, dosdir.?ld, or dosdir.* however, even if you have extname.eld installed. (The extname ELD never reaches into the parameters passed to another ELD like list,eld's pattern.)

  • Posted a comment on ticket #131 on The FreeDOS Project

    Like the rdumpidx.eld in this ELD will only modify the R register dump in 16-bit, Real/Virtual 86 Mode, non-40-column mode. The requirement that debuggee not be in Protected Mode and the limit to 16-bit registers means we do not have to worry about segment limits when accessing the contents.

  • Posted a comment on ticket #131 on The FreeDOS Project

    Added yesterday as the Extension for lDebug called rdumpstr.eld. Like the rdumpidx.eld this will not display bytes >= 128 as text, instead replacing them by dots (to save on a little space). Again if you would like this to change just say so.

  • Posted a comment on ticket #130 on The FreeDOS Project

    Added as the Extension for lDebug called rdumpidx.eld in yesterday's build. You can install it using ext rdumpidx.eld install and then in a 16-bit, Real/Virtual 86 Mode, non-40-column register dump the ELD will insert the desired display. The SI= display uses byte [ds:si] while DI= uses byte [es:di]. For printable ASCII single quote marks are used, except when the content is a single quote mark. Otherwise the DT command's table is used for the two-letter or three-letter name, no quote marks. For...

  • Posted a comment on ticket #129 on The FreeDOS Project

    The symbolic build option of lDebug does provide some support for placing labels in memory. However, it is not considered ready yet. In lieu of labels, you can assign offsets such as the AAO (address assembly offset) to variables in lDebug (like the V variables), then later use those variables in the assembler. There is an example at[]=v0&s[]=assembler#b16cat_and_echoify

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2017-09-25 19:13:01


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