Activity for Elwood Downey

  • Elwood Downey Elwood Downey posted a comment on ticket #2316

    No. Ran across this because I am getting the same error often (not always) on ubuntu 20.04 gnuplot 5.4. Running fc-cache -v -f -r did a lot of stuff but did not help gnuplot using term qt.

  • Elwood Downey Elwood Downey created ticket #4

    add hamclock if you wish

  • Elwood Downey Elwood Downey posted a review on AquaTerm (Mac OS X graphics terminal)

  • Elwood Downey Elwood Downey posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Thanks for the extra tips, all good. I just realized I do have a $HOME/.git file but I'll be darned where it came from. I'm gradually trying to learn to use git on a project but it's not rooted off $HOME. Git still feels like a cave full of dark and twisty passages -- I expect to find a Wumpus lurking at every turn. Cheers!

  • Elwood Downey Elwood Downey posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Thanks for the help. My apologies for the scare. I added "for me" in hopes it would temper the effect a little. Was not aware of these settings, sounds perfect. All the best...

  • Elwood Downey Elwood Downey posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Just a word to the wise. I mostly still use RCS for small projects and am grateful tkdiff still supports it. But I recently started a project that uses git. As soon as I started using git, tkdiff stopped finding my RCS files. Bottom line: I discovered git created ~/.git which tkdiff always found and thus assumed I wanted to use git for everything, even if there was an RCS dir in my CWD. Removing ~/.git allows tkdiff to work normally again. Of course I need that ~/.git when using git but at least...

  • Elwood Downey Elwood Downey posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    When I upgraded from Big Sur to Monterey my tkdiff started doing the same as @AlanM. I ran "sudo port install tk" and after that tkdiff worked via ssh again.

  • Elwood Downey Elwood Downey posted a comment on ticket #80

    Problem solved. Seems my wish uses aqua, not X11. To fix I installed tcl and tk from macports: sudo port install tcl tk then all was well. Thanks everyone, take care.

  • Elwood Downey Elwood Downey posted a comment on ticket #80

    A bit more info: tkdiff is using about 6% cpu so it's doing something. no network activity at all between the two systems.

  • Elwood Downey Elwood Downey created ticket #80

    runs but no window displayed over remote ssh session

  • Elwood Downey Elwood Downey posted a comment on ticket #70

    Running "brew cask install tcl" fixed it for me.

  • Elwood Downey Elwood Downey created ticket #70

    crashes entire login session on macOS 10.14.6

  • Elwood Downey Elwood Downey posted a comment on ticket #66

    I am said commenter and I confirm the buttons are back after loading 8.6.8 as mentioned. Many thanks!

  • Elwood Downey Elwood Downey posted a comment on ticket #59

    Thanks for the efforts. Previous report was on my work computer (MacBook Pro 15" 2017)). I just tried it on my home computer (iMac retina 5k 27 inch 2017) and 4.3.5 works fine! Same version macOS (10.14.2) and XQuartz (2.7.11). I will try to find possible differences.

  • Elwood Downey Elwood Downey posted a comment on ticket #59

    No button labels or icons either on macOS Mohave and XQuartz 2.7.11. See attached. Worked fine until I just upgraded from version 4.2.

  • Elwood Downey Elwood Downey posted a comment on ticket #2038

    I could ... but it's huge. Probably all you really want to know is its format which is demonstrated by this one typical line: 1000.65 970.728 1523770647.32 I tend to agree with your overall diagnosis. I've used very long plot commands in the past without seeing this issue, so it is probably somehing about the quoting. Note that the plot command does work as intended so no need to delve into it much, it's just the save file that gets messed up. If I simply comment out the extraneous line following...

  • Elwood Downey Elwood Downey created ticket #2038

    save breaks when plot line is too long

  • Elwood Downey Elwood Downey posted a comment on discussion Vote

    VOTE: fldigi

  • Elwood Downey Elwood Downey posted a comment on ticket #387

    I would also like this, thanks.

  • Elwood Downey Elwood Downey posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    I'd like to try setting up a 30m igate with my KX3 during off-hours. But my shack...