Hello, I created a shortcut for the Top command line utility in lxmed and it doesn't execute. Can you help? Thank you. Ernie ebazz@yahoo.com
Hello Andy, I'm using version24e.The password for Direwolf is my password that I got from the APRS people.It's in the direwolf.conf file. I used mkusb to flash the drive. I did set up the flash drive with persistence.So far it seems to be working. I'm not sure how to check the MD5SUM? If I have to all start over again,..I can do that. I went into the User Group and went to Advance and put a check mark next to every thing.I also ran the script file that you talk about in the discussion group.Ex: sudo...
Hello, I put the iso on a flash drive with persistence. I run Direwolf with the -p option. However as Direwolf is loading it gets past the login with my password, but then just stops. Packets don't download. Same thing with Xastir. Xastir loads,the ports are open but map doesn't populate. When I bring up the message menu screen, nothing. It's just stopping. Some thing within the system is blocking some thing here and I'm lost. Can you help? 73's Sincerely, Ernest Bazzinotti, KC1LKB ebazz@yahoo.c...
I just burned ver 24e to a DVD. Everything works until I go to type in the password, (kb1oiq). Nothing I've tried is working. Can you help?
Weather Alert Plugin
Hello, I appreciate the quick response. Could you give me the step by step procedure? Nothing I've tried is working for me. I'm running Linux Mint ver 19.3 Thank you. Ernest Bazzinotti On Saturday, May 9, 2020, 09:05:45 AM EDT, w7boz <w7boz@users.sourceforge.net> wrote: Any computer or raspberry pi. Not difficult at all. Kevin Bosworth W7BOZ Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android On Fri, May 8, 2020 at 7:55 AM, Ernest Bazzinottiebazz@users.sourceforge.net wrote: How do you install and run IRLP-Repeater...
How do you install and run IRLP-Repeater for linux. Nothing I'll tried is working for me. Thank you Ernie Bazzinotti ebazz@yahoo.com