Activity for Philip Dutton

  • Philip Dutton Philip Dutton posted a comment on discussion Jamulus Server

    The question... Is our server powerful enough for Jamulus? We have 1 intel Xeon Vcore CPU and 1024 MB of RAM and a bandwidth of 100 GB. The background.... We have rented a cloud based server in our city, installed Jamulus and have managed some singing rehearsals with about 25 people. The latency is excellent for some and a bit difficult for others but understand that this all to do with the clients' set-ups. What we have noticed is that when everyone is singing the performance gets worse and wondered...

  • Philip Dutton Philip Dutton posted a comment on discussion Jamulus Server

    Try as I might, I cannot get a Jamulus server to appear in a client connect list. When I go to I can see it listed but not from the Jamulus client. I note also that the port is not the standard 22124. Is that the problem? I try to force the port in startup script with -s -p 22124 but it still appears with different numbers in the explorer. Any thoughts would be appreciated. Philip