Activity for D. Requena

  • D. Requena D. Requena modified a comment on discussion Help

    Thanks again for your reply. That being the case I think it'd be in order some clarification to the documentation. As it is now it seems to convey some earlier releases don't allow it whyle [non early, current?] releases do. Also elimininating the parts in bold below might help: If a trigger is FOR EACH STATEMENT, then a transient table is created containing all the rows for the OLD state and another transient table is created for the NEW state. The [ REFERENCING <transition table="" or="" variable="">...

  • D. Requena D. Requena posted a comment on discussion Help

    Thanks again for your reply. That being the case I think it'd be in orther some clarification to the documentation. As it is now it seems to convey some earlier releases don't allow it whyle [current] releases do. Also elimininating the parts in bold below might help: If a trigger is FOR EACH STATEMENT, then a transient table is created containing all the rows for the OLD state and another transient table is created for the NEW state. The [ REFERENCING <transition table="" or="" variable=""> ] is...

  • D. Requena D. Requena posted a comment on discussion Help

    Many thanks, understood. I must be missing something tho... What's REFERENCING NEW TABLE AS ntable purpose meant to be in this context? I might be confused by the guide stating the following in the triggers chapter: If a trigger is FOR EACH STATEMENT, then a transient table is created containing all the rows for the OLD state and another transient table is created for the NEW state. The [ REFERENCING <transition table="" or="" variable=""> ] is used to give a name to the OLD and NEW data row or table....

  • D. Requena D. Requena posted a comment on discussion Help

    I'm gettin a -5501 error (ntable not found) when trying to create atriggers like the following: CREATE TRIGGER sometrigger AFTER INSERT ON sometable REFERENCING NEW TABLE AS ntable FOR EACH STATEMENT BEGIN ATOMIC INSERT INTO someothertable (SELECT * FROM ntable); END ; So, how would I go about referencing ntable in a situation like this? Thaks in advance!

  • D. Requena D. Requena committed [158ae9]

    Renamed NetRexxC-3.00 tag to NetRexxC-3.00_prot...

  • D. Requena D. Requena committed [42afb4]

    Also removed the bootstrapping jars from the Ne...

  • D. Requena D. Requena committed [8cea81]

    First release made available by RexxLA at netre...

  • D. Requena D. Requena committed [a388ba]

    Initial RexxLA sources commit. ICU notices adde...

  • D. Requena D. Requena committed [934358]

    Removed some intermediate java files and an emp...

  • D. Requena D. Requena committed [727d54]

    Removed the bootstrapping jar files. These go t...

  • D. Requena D. Requena committed [72e3cd]

    Added failonerror="true" attribute to the java ...

  • D. Requena D. Requena posted a comment on discussion Help

    Many thanks for a timely reply Fred!

  • D. Requena D. Requena posted a comment on discussion Help

    I’ve a process which upon text file reception, sets it as source for a text table,...