User Activity

  • Modified a comment on ticket #102 on Outlook CalDav Synchronizer

    Short Update: I tested creating a reminder 01.01.1975 does NOT prevent iOS from creating the default reminder too :( - probably there is another way to prevent iOS from creating the default reminder... Update 2: I had another interesting find: a) I created an event on iOS with default reminders disabled. Synched to caldav - deleted calendar on iphone - enabled default reminder - synched from caldav server to phone -> default reminder was created b) I created an event on iOS with default reminder...

  • Modified a comment on ticket #102 on Outlook CalDav Synchronizer

    Short Update: I tested creating a reminder 01.01.1975 does NOT prevent iOS from creating the default reminder too :( - probably there is another way to prevent iOS from creating the default reminder... Update 2: I had another interesting find: a) I created an event on iOS with default reminders disabled. Synched to caldav - deleted calendar on iphone - enabled default reminder - synched -> default reminder was created b) I created an event on iOS with default reminder on - REMOVED the reminder on...

  • Modified a comment on ticket #102 on Outlook CalDav Synchronizer

    Short Update: I tested creating a reminder 01.01.1975 does NOT prevent iOS from creating the default reminder too :( - probably there is another way to prevent iOS from creating the default reminder... Update 2: I had another intersting find: a) I created an event on iOS with default reminders disabled. Synched to caldav - deleted calendar on iphone - enabled default reminder - synched -> default reminder was created b) I created an event on iOS with default reminder on - REMOVED the reminder on...

  • Posted a comment on ticket #102 on Outlook CalDav Synchronizer

    Short Update: I tested creating a reminder 01.01.1975 does NOT prevent iOS from creating the default reminder too :( - probably there is another way to prevent iOS from creating the default reminder...

  • Created ticket #102 on Outlook CalDav Synchronizer

    An option to prevent iOS from creating the default reminder for events created outside iOS

  • Modified a comment on discussion Discussions which should rather be a ticket on Outlook CalDav Synchronizer

    Hi I got a strange issue and I need help to find a work-a-round or the actual reason (so it can be fixed): I'm synching my business appointments from outlook to an (ownCloud) CalDav server using CalDav Synchronizer. In CalDAV Synchronizer I'm supressing reminders as I do not want my private mobile to actively remind me. I'm synching my iPhone with OwnCloud using the build in functionality. tldr: outlook->caldav(map reminders: no)->caldav(ownCloud)->iPhone When I look at the appontments using the...

  • Posted a comment on discussion Discussions which should rather be a ticket on Outlook CalDav Synchronizer


  • Modified a comment on discussion Discussions which should rather be a ticket on Outlook CalDav Synchronizer

    Hi I got a strange issue and I need help to find a work-a-round or the actual reason (so it can be fixed): I'm synching my business appointments from outlook to an (ownCloud) CalDav server using CalDav Synchronihzer. In CalDAV Synchronizer I'm supressing reminders as I do not want my private mobile to actively remind me. I'm synching my iPhone with OwnCloud using the build in functionality. tldr: outlook->caldav(map reminders: no)->caldav(ownCloud)->iPhone When I look at the appontments using the...

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2009-06-07 16:50:39


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