Thank You
Hello @pepdebian Can I copy/paste your answer (referring the link to here) in other forum? In fact in this network: Pls let me know your thoughts Thank You
Hello Steve thanks for the extra information
Really huge thanks for the detailed feedback
Hello Friends For Peppermint 11.6 bullseye (32 bits) - at "Synaptic Package Manager" appears Midori as 7.0-2.1 But at is possible download a .deb file based on the version 11.3.3 So my question is: What is the recommended approach to install Midori? Thus: Is safe install that 11.3.3 through the .deb file Should I wait an upgrade from the official repository? Thanks for your understanding
Hello Friends For Peppermint 11.6 bullseye (32 bits) - at "Synaptic Package Manager" appears Midori as 7.0-2.1 But at is possible download a .deb file based on the version 11.3.3 So my question is: What is the recommended approach to install Midori? Thus: Is safe install that 11.3.3 through the .deb file Should I wait an upgrade from the official repository? Thanks for your understaning
Thanks for the reply In my case by default I got: cat /etc/os-release PRETTY_NAME="Debian GNU/Linux 11 (bullseye)" NAME="Debian GNU/Linux" VERSION_ID="11" VERSION="11 (bullseye)" VERSION_CODENAME=bullseye ID=debian HOME_URL="" SUPPORT_URL="" BUG_REPORT_URL="" Thus after to execute the suggested sudo xDaily command now I got cat /etc/os-release PRETTY_NAME="PeppermintOS" NAME="Peppermint" ID=peppermint HOME_URL=""...
Hello In Fedora and Ubuntu when is executed the cat /etc/os-release command the output is according themselves respectively. But for Peppermint 11.6 bullseye appears the debian term instead. Why does not appear the Peppermint term? Thank You