Activity for D. Michael McIntyre

  • D. Michael McIntyre D. Michael McIntyre modified ticket #1590

    FileMergeDialog has bad layout

  • D. Michael McIntyre D. Michael McIntyre posted a comment on ticket #1590

    That went better than I expected. I haven't worked on Qt layout code in years, but I think that's about right. I didn't overthink it, and it might not have been a good approach, but the dialog is legible now.

  • D. Michael McIntyre D. Michael McIntyre committed [r16055]

    Fix #1590.

  • D. Michael McIntyre D. Michael McIntyre committed [r16054]

    Update copyright to 2021

  • D. Michael McIntyre D. Michael McIntyre created ticket #1590

    FileMergeDialog has bad layout

  • D. Michael McIntyre D. Michael McIntyre committed [r16029]

    Spanish, American, British translations

  • D. Michael McIntyre D. Michael McIntyre posted a comment on ticket #1589

    I'm getting an average of 7 seconds per run using the previous testing procedure. That's up 3 seconds from the 2017 version I tested, but it's vastly better than the 44+ seconds I was getting with the prior revision of SVN. It seems acceptable. This particular file is pretty extremely ridiculous anyway, and I bet Rosegarden performs even better in the real world. I doubt we see too many real compositions running over 10 minutes spread across 480 segments.

  • D. Michael McIntyre D. Michael McIntyre committed [r16025]

    Contribution from Arthur Baran

  • D. Michael McIntyre D. Michael McIntyre created ticket #1589

    Rosegarden 20.06 takes a long time to open projects with lots of segments, writes to disk

  • D. Michael McIntyre D. Michael McIntyre modified ticket #73

    Support for new Roland Fantom 6/7/8 (rgd bank)

  • D. Michael McIntyre D. Michael McIntyre posted a comment on ticket #73

    Committed revision 16022

  • D. Michael McIntyre D. Michael McIntyre committed [r16022]

    Roland Fantom 6,7,8 support from Piotr Golonka via patch #73

  • D. Michael McIntyre D. Michael McIntyre committed [r15839]

    New splash screen. Feel free to replace it or undo it if you hate it.

  • D. Michael McIntyre D. Michael McIntyre committed [r15837]

    Update Spanish, Merkin and Bri'ish translations for 20.06

  • D. Michael McIntyre D. Michael McIntyre posted a comment on ticket #1578

    On 4/25/20 10:28 AM, Ted Felix wrote: Given that these segments are marked, it should be easy to never export their content to Lilypond That does sound like a handy feature. Mark the Segment(s) as "not for lilypond" or something similar. Agreed. -- D. Michael McIntyre

  • D. Michael McIntyre D. Michael McIntyre posted a comment on ticket #1575

    I hope nobody is in a hurry here. Getting into this is high on my list, but not at the top of my list, and I didn't make it that far during my last block of free time. There's a weird translation glitch I'm going to iron out first, and I didn't get that one solved either. Hopefully one day this week I will get a bit of time.

  • D. Michael McIntyre D. Michael McIntyre posted a comment on ticket #1577

    Dies ist das größte Gummiband, ich bin ein Berliner. I'll figure it out mein Freund

  • D. Michael McIntyre D. Michael McIntyre created ticket #1577

    Missing translation, updated German .ts file

  • D. Michael McIntyre D. Michael McIntyre modified a comment on ticket #1575

    On second thought, what happens if I have the same segment open in a notation editor and in a matrix editor at the same time? I perform this action on these notes in this window, and one thing happens. I do the same steps in the other window, and another thing happens. I think there may be use cases where somebody wants to defeat notation conventions and make one giant event anyway. Maybe while manipulating arpeggiated chords or something. I'm just speculating. Anyway, I think a new "Consolidate...

  • D. Michael McIntyre D. Michael McIntyre posted a comment on ticket #1575

    On second thought, what happens if I have the same segment open in a notation editor and in a matrix editor at the same time? I perform this action on these notes in this window, and one thing happens. I do the same steps in the other window, and another thing happens. I think there may be use cases where somebody wants to defeat notation conventions and make one giant event anyway. Maybe while manipulating arpeggiated chords or something. I'm just speculating. Anyway, I think a new "Consolidate...

  • D. Michael McIntyre D. Michael McIntyre posted a comment on ticket #1575

    I pondered on it, and I think it will probably be fine to leave the naming as it is. It seems like there's such a thing as being overly precise.

  • D. Michael McIntyre D. Michael McIntyre modified ticket #1575

    Inconsistent Collapse Equal pitch notes in matrix editor

  • D. Michael McIntyre D. Michael McIntyre posted a comment on ticket #1575

    I'm going to have a go at this one. Investigation phase one, when starting with a quarter note at the end of bar 1 and a quarter note at the start of bar 2, selected together, I was not able to find any combination of configuration options or tools that would avoid tying the notes at a barline. I agree that "collapse equal pitch notes" should be allowed to create giant bar-spanning single events in the matrix editor, when that's what you want to do. If there are any edge cases here, it seems like...

  • D. Michael McIntyre D. Michael McIntyre posted a comment on ticket #1575

    I don't have time to look through this at the moment, but I'll stick my head in here and take a look at where we are now. My mental map of how all this is presently supposed to work tells me that we already dealth with all these use cases, and the tools are there. I may be completely wrong. I'm intrigued either way.

  • D. Michael McIntyre D. Michael McIntyre modified ticket #1574

    Typo in german language file

  • D. Michael McIntyre D. Michael McIntyre posted a comment on ticket #1574

    I'm going ahead and closing this, as the fix was very simple. If you're in the mood to contribute, the German translation could use some love, and I don't think anyone has updated it in some time. It's not too far out of date, and would be fairly easy to catch up.

  • D. Michael McIntyre D. Michael McIntyre posted a comment on ticket #1574


  • D. Michael McIntyre D. Michael McIntyre committed [r15767]

    Fix #1574

  • D. Michael McIntyre D. Michael McIntyre posted a comment on ticket #482

    This seems so obvious in hindsight, but I sure tried and never figured it out.

  • D. Michael McIntyre D. Michael McIntyre posted a comment on ticket #1572

    I'm thinking what's probably happening here is that the driver is randomly assigning :0 through :3 to different ports on the MIDI interface at boot time. Rosegarden tries to compensate for things moving around, but as I recall, it does so by matching text strings. It's going to find a match for what it matched last time, only now that particular string is associated with something different. My memory on this is pretty distant, and not the clearest, but I vaguely recall having similar issues back...

  • D. Michael McIntyre D. Michael McIntyre posted a comment on ticket #1560

    With one comment about inheritance spaghetti you made me feel a lot better for never being able to achieve more around here. This controller nonsense in particular was always one of those things I struggled to even define in terms of expected behavior. It's hard to decide whether it's working when it isn't totally clear what the expectations should even be, and the target seemed to move constantly, depending on context, and who was complaining. You're a brave man, Ted Felix.

  • D. Michael McIntyre D. Michael McIntyre posted a comment on ticket #1571

    That code is just something I banged together trying to get a broken feature working again during the Qt4 rewrite. That was probably a solid 10 years ago, and I have little memory of the thought process. I do remember being aware of how crap it was. I probably put it in the fix it when somebody complains category, which would be now. I doubt the code I kludged together was very sophisticated.

  • D. Michael McIntyre D. Michael McIntyre committed [r15660]

    Flesh out future codenames

  • D. Michael McIntyre D. Michael McIntyre committed [r15653]

    Actualizar traducciones

  • D. Michael McIntyre D. Michael McIntyre committed [r15495]

    update Michael's translations

  • D. Michael McIntyre D. Michael McIntyre posted a comment on ticket #1567

    That works great at 1920x1080. You're quite right that it would be great to test this and more at a more modern resolution. Which raises the point that one of these days somebody is going to have to remake 1,000-odd icons so they perform adequately in a modern environment. I'll start thinking about that. It will take me forever to get them all done, but I can go in stages and take a couple of years if that's how long it takes.

  • D. Michael McIntyre D. Michael McIntyre posted a comment on ticket #1567

    I vaguely remember one of the commit messages mentioning something about cleaning up spacing and padding. There used to be a setMargin(5, 5, 5, 5) or something to that effect in tons of places. I guess whether it's a bug or a design improvement is debatable, but in any case it seems like this autoscroll breakage is an unforeseen consequence of that choice. I tried searching for the exact commit, and I'm not coming up with the right keywords. This extra 10 or whatever vertical pixels is probably why...

  • D. Michael McIntyre D. Michael McIntyre posted a comment on ticket #1567

    The critical difference is that Rosegarden used to have horizontal and vertical scrollbars in both sections of the main window that were always on, as far as I can tell. At some point in 2017--I didn't track it to the exact change--this behavior changed to one in which scrollbars are off unless needed. The new scrollbar behavior is fine. I just discovered a weird side effect. When there is no vertical scrollbar on the segment canvas, autoscroll doesn't work when dragging a segment. I'm also seeing...

  • D. Michael McIntyre D. Michael McIntyre committed [r15454]

    Update translations for Spanish and Bri'ish

  • D. Michael McIntyre D. Michael McIntyre posted a comment on ticket #1567

    Let the record show that I rebooted and spent hours in update hell before giving up and doing a format/install of Kubuntu 18.04.2. After it was all said and done, the issue in question persisted. I'm not imagining it then.

  • D. Michael McIntyre D. Michael McIntyre posted a comment on ticket #1567

    It looks like when maximized the window geometry is just plain wrong. I expect the scrollbar and right edge of the window frame are still there, they're just off screen. I have a single display at 1920x1080 I guess. While looking to confirm my display resolution, I realized that glxinfo is returning errors and I don't have the graphical acceleration stuff enabled. I probably never enabled the NVIDIA drivers after my distro update, and since I don't play many games, I hadn't noticed until just now....

  • D. Michael McIntyre D. Michael McIntyre created ticket #1567

    No vertical scrollbar, no horizontal autoscroll while maximized on KDE 5

  • D. Michael McIntyre D. Michael McIntyre posted a comment on ticket #1566

    I will continue looking for additional crashes related to compositions with no devices. That would probably be because you finally fixed the "phantom studio" that used to confound me. It used to be you could think you had your studio set up one way, but it was still pointing at some lingering remnant from a previous file. This mostly went unnoticed, and the behavior was ghostly and hard to work out just what was actually happening. I encountered this while adding or changing something or other related...

  • D. Michael McIntyre D. Michael McIntyre posted a comment on ticket #1566

    On 03/01/2019 09:52 AM, Ted Felix wrote: Confirmed. Looks like places I've been recently. Wonder what I broke. Also confirmed. Very similar stack trace here. D. Michael McIntyre

  • D. Michael McIntyre D. Michael McIntyre committed [r15345]

    Un double-gzip some other botched files.

  • D. Michael McIntyre D. Michael McIntyre created ticket #475

    Transpose by interval, interval specified

  • D. Michael McIntyre D. Michael McIntyre committed [r15272]

    Update Spanish, British, American translations

  • D. Michael McIntyre D. Michael McIntyre committed [r15187]

    Update copyright to 2018

  • D. Michael McIntyre D. Michael McIntyre posted a comment on ticket #1556

    Inglish are hard too spel. I applied all three patches, verified that everything still builds (of course it does), and verified that this tweak went unnoticed by the translation tools. Looks like a win to me, so I committed the whole shooting match as 15149. Thanks!

  • D. Michael McIntyre D. Michael McIntyre committed [r15149]

    Bug #1556 Misc spelling errors, three patches provided by Stuart Prescott to correct issues flagged by lintian

  • D. Michael McIntyre D. Michael McIntyre committed [r15142]

    Update translations for Spanish, Murkin and Bri'ish

  • D. Michael McIntyre D. Michael McIntyre committed [r15138]

    Update translations, apparently solving the encoding problem

  • D. Michael McIntyre D. Michael McIntyre posted a comment on ticket #1555

    Two thoughts... First, the cycle dots command should probably check for available space and fail if the extended note would extend beyond the next bar. That's easier than generating new events and tracking them for the undo operation. Second, I wonder what happens if the cycle dots runs a normalize rests at the end, especially on an undo. That might be a tidy solution, but it might also mess up explicit rests someone has drawn, so it would be necessary to do some testing and see how it all shakes...

  • D. Michael McIntyre D. Michael McIntyre committed [r15040]

    rgd file from Karl Marksteiner

  • D. Michael McIntyre D. Michael McIntyre posted a comment on ticket #1549

    Ah yes, I see what you mean now! You are correct. That behavior is weird.

  • D. Michael McIntyre D. Michael McIntyre posted a comment on ticket #1549

    The notes should not be highlighted on the piano keyboard when the velocity tool is used. Why not? The highlighted note on the keyboard lets you know the pitch of the note you are about to change with the velocity tool. This seems like useful information. Of course, I think there was supposed to be some pitch display in the status bar that got broken and lost years ago. Also, the keyboard is showing up with a color scheme like a harpsichord now, and probably has been since David Faure rewrote all...

  • D. Michael McIntyre D. Michael McIntyre committed [r15019]

    Update Spanish and Bri'ish translations

  • D. Michael McIntyre D. Michael McIntyre committed [r15015]

    Update translations so the translators we calle...

  • D. Michael McIntyre D. Michael McIntyre committed [r15008]

    Tag release 17.04

  • D. Michael McIntyre D. Michael McIntyre committed [r15007]

    Update version to 17.04 since I missed February...

  • D. Michael McIntyre D. Michael McIntyre posted a comment on ticket #1545

    And yes, thanks for mentioning that you use the German version. The issue was within...

  • D. Michael McIntyre D. Michael McIntyre posted a comment on ticket #1545

    I think I found and fixed your bug. Committed as revision 15006. Please test and...

  • D. Michael McIntyre D. Michael McIntyre committed [r15006]

    Likely fix for #1545

  • D. Michael McIntyre D. Michael McIntyre committed [r15001]

    Remove stylesheet nonsense from toolbar combo b...

  • D. Michael McIntyre D. Michael McIntyre committed [r15000]

    More palette converstion stuff...

  • D. Michael McIntyre D. Michael McIntyre committed [r14999]

    Remove useless cruft

  • D. Michael McIntyre D. Michael McIntyre committed [r14998]

    Remove three stylesheets. Remove useless Roseg...

  • D. Michael McIntyre D. Michael McIntyre committed [r14997]

    Add File->Open Example... and Open Template... ...

  • D. Michael McIntyre D. Michael McIntyre committed [r14994]

    Update copyright date

  • D. Michael McIntyre D. Michael McIntyre modified ticket #1491

    Xruns on exit

  • D. Michael McIntyre D. Michael McIntyre committed [r14901]

    Update translations, translate Ted's new string

  • D. Michael McIntyre D. Michael McIntyre committed [r14900]

    Update version for 17.02

  • D. Michael McIntyre D. Michael McIntyre committed [r14872]

    Update translations for 17.02, complete Spanish...

  • D. Michael McIntyre D. Michael McIntyre committed [r14871]

    New hack noobsolete convenience script

  • D. Michael McIntyre D. Michael McIntyre committed [r14870]

    Tweak user strings

  • D. Michael McIntyre D. Michael McIntyre committed [r14869]

    Update copyright for 2017

  • D. Michael McIntyre D. Michael McIntyre committed [r14868]

    Increase recent files count to 20 for Will

  • D. Michael McIntyre D. Michael McIntyre modified ticket #1543

    Add control ruler fails silently, Qt5 but not Qt4

  • D. Michael McIntyre D. Michael McIntyre modified ticket #1543

    Add control ruler fails silently, Qt5 but not Qt4

  • D. Michael McIntyre D. Michael McIntyre posted a comment on ticket #1543

    Here was the heart of the matter: String 1: "&Pan Controller 10 (0xa)" String 2:...

  • D. Michael McIntyre D. Michael McIntyre committed [r14826]

    Fix #1543

  • D. Michael McIntyre D. Michael McIntyre committed [r14825]


  • D. Michael McIntyre D. Michael McIntyre created ticket #1543

    Add control ruler fails silently, Qt5 but not Qt4

  • D. Michael McIntyre D. Michael McIntyre created ticket #1542

    Qt5 style issues on KDE5

  • D. Michael McIntyre D. Michael McIntyre committed [r14787]

    Translate Spanish, English, and I went ahead an...

  • D. Michael McIntyre D. Michael McIntyre committed [r14786]

    Update translations for 16.12

  • D. Michael McIntyre D. Michael McIntyre posted a comment on ticket #1540

    On 11/27/2016 06:26 AM, Fernando A. Martin wrote: Everyone has freedom of thought,...

  • D. Michael McIntyre D. Michael McIntyre posted a comment on ticket #1537

    On 10/22/2016 11:33 PM, Ted Felix wrote: aplaymidi is usually in a package called...

  • D. Michael McIntyre D. Michael McIntyre created ticket #1536

    Crash when loading certain older files

  • D. Michael McIntyre D. Michael McIntyre committed [r14771]

    Library files from Rainer Hans Liffers

  • D. Michael McIntyre D. Michael McIntyre committed [r14735]

    Library contributions from JP Morris

  • D. Michael McIntyre D. Michael McIntyre created ticket #1531

    print command index bug

  • D. Michael McIntyre D. Michael McIntyre created ticket #1530

    Welcome dialog yields dimmed main window

  • D. Michael McIntyre D. Michael McIntyre committed [r14706]

    A branch for a new approach, as all the code ch...

  • D. Michael McIntyre D. Michael McIntyre committed [r14702]

    Post 16.06 put svn revision back to 16.13 until...

  • D. Michael McIntyre D. Michael McIntyre committed [r14701]

    Update website for 16.06 release

  • D. Michael McIntyre D. Michael McIntyre committed [r14700]

    Tag release 16.06

  • D. Michael McIntyre D. Michael McIntyre committed [r14699]

    Create branch to work toward a fully integrated...

  • D. Michael McIntyre D. Michael McIntyre modified a comment on ticket #473

    If you copy your custom notation.rc to ~/.local/share/rosegarden/rc/ (you will have...

  • D. Michael McIntyre D. Michael McIntyre posted a comment on ticket #473

    If you copy your custom notation.rc to ~/.local/share/rosegarden/rc/ it will be read...

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