Activity for David Briscoe

  • David Briscoe David Briscoe posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Does GCB support ALL of the PIC16F18446 peripherals? Are there any examples already? Please forgive me if I've asked this before. Thanks.

  • David Briscoe David Briscoe posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    In which file can we read about the updates. The changelog on the website seems to be out of date. Thanks for for all of the work you have done on this.

  • David Briscoe David Briscoe posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    I've just watched Evans video where he uses the Oshonsoft AVR simulator to solve a problem. Is it possible to use the simualtor with PIC mcu's and if so what steps need to be carried out in order to use it in the same way. Is it possible to use the Oshonsoft compiler that is currently on offer at the moment. Thanks for all of your work.

  • David Briscoe David Briscoe posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Evan, Thanks for all the work you and the rest of the team have done on this. Will this be available in an update soon? Will examples be available to test? Thanks.

  • David Briscoe David Briscoe posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hi, I'm new to SDCC and this forum. I'd like to get some experience with using PIC16F819 with SDCC 4.4.0RC3 and MPLABX 6.15. Does anyone have a basic LED blinking example they can share? Thanks. David.

  • David Briscoe David Briscoe posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    The next section is writing to and reading from the internal EEPROM '---- firstime on ---- Read 0, freqhun If freqhun < 87 Or freqhun > 108 Then freqhun = 87 Write 0, freqhun freqten = 50 Write 1, freqten Endif Read 1, freqten freq1 = freqhun * 100 + freqten According to the Oshonsoft help file in the link above Read and Write are aliases for EEPROM_Read and EEPROM_Write respectively. Are there any built in function/subroutines for the internal EEPROM for the 628A or do I have to create my own with...

  • David Briscoe David Briscoe modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Continuing with my original question about the Oshonsoft listing how would these variables be defined in GCBASIC? Dim data(15) As Byte Dim tlr As Byte Dim deler As Word Dim deler1 As Word deler = 0 deler1 = 32768 Dim freq As Word Dim freq1 As Word Dim freqhun As Byte Dim freqten As Byte Dim ht As Byte Are they EXACTLY the same? Here is the Oshonsoft reference Thanks.

  • David Briscoe David Briscoe posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Continuing with my original question about the Oshonsoft list how would these variable be defined in GCBASIC? Dim data(15) As Byte Dim tlr As Byte Dim deler As Word Dim deler1 As Word deler = 0 deler1 = 32768 Dim freq As Word Dim freq1 As Word Dim freqhun As Byte Dim freqten As Byte Dim ht As Byte Are they EXACTLY the same? Here is the Oshonsoft reference Thanks.

  • David Briscoe David Briscoe modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Attached is my copy of the use.ini file in which I have added the contents of the 127 file just above the [toolvariables] section as requested. Give me about 15 mins while I have a brew and an apple. then I'll restart the IDE to see if there are any changes. Thanks.

  • David Briscoe David Briscoe posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    The ICD3 line shows up at the bottom of the list now. I will test this over the Christmas break as I have an ICD3 here at home but I'll have to dig out my development board and grab a few 628a's that we dont use any more. Does the PICKIT4 work as well? We have a few of those hanging around at work. Thanks.

  • David Briscoe David Briscoe posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Attached is my copy of the use.ini files in which I have added the contents of the 127 file just above the [toolvariables] section as requested. Give me about 15 mins while I have a brew and an apple. then I'll restart the IDE to see if there are any changes. Thanks.

  • David Briscoe David Briscoe posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Yes. Please find attached a screenshot of the full list presented.

  • David Briscoe David Briscoe posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    As requested ;Program compiled by GCBASIC (1.01.00 2023-11-23 (Windows 64 bit) : Build 1308) for Microchip MPASM/MPLAB-X Assembler using FreeBASIC 1.07.1/2023-11-25 CRC29 ;Need help? ; See the GCBASIC forums at, ; Check the documentation and Help at, ;or, email us: ; w_cholmondeley at users dot sourceforge dot net ; evanvennn at users dot sourceforge dot net ;********************************************************************************...

  • David Briscoe David Briscoe posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    I can't find MPLAB-IPE ICD3 CLI for PIC using external power in programmer preferences. It has an add button and I don't mind doing some editing to a batch file or config file if that's whats needed. Just tell me how. Thanks.

  • David Briscoe David Briscoe posted a comment on discussion Contributors


  • David Briscoe David Briscoe modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Thanks. This is what i've got so far. '''GCBASIC Program. '''-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- '''Description:Simple GCBASIC Blinky program. '''This program puts some text on an LCD (LATER) '''And makes 4 LEDs flash repeatably in sequence. '''@author David J S Briscoe '''@licence GPL '''@version 1.0 '''@date 16th December 2023 '''********************************************************************************...

  • David Briscoe David Briscoe modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Thanks. This is what i've got so far. '''GCBASIC Program. '''-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- '''Description:Simple GCBASIC Blinky program. '''This program puts some text on an LCD (LATER) '''And makes 4 LEDs flash repeatably in sequence. '''@author David J S Briscoe '''@licence GPL '''@version 1.0 '''@date 16th December 2023 '''********************************************************************************...

  • David Briscoe David Briscoe posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Thanks. This is what i've got so far. '''GCBASIC Program. '''-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- '''Description:Simple GCBASIC Blinky program. '''This program puts some text on an LCD (LATER) '''And makes 4 LEDs flash repeatably in sequence. '''@author David J S Briscoe '''@licence GPL '''@version 1.0 '''@date 16th December 2023 '''********************************************************************************...

  • David Briscoe David Briscoe posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Thanks. Great work and I appreciate your work and support.

  • David Briscoe David Briscoe posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    I'm thinking of buying myself a few PIC18F16Q41 and I'm curious if GCB supports ALL of it's functionality? I havent watched ALL of the tutorials featuring this chip on YouTube but the first few I have watched have peaked my interest. Is there anything in this chip that isn't yet supported? Thanks.

  • David Briscoe David Briscoe posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Thanks. How does GCB handle these 2 lines Define CONF_WORD = 0x3f41 AllDigital Is the fuse configuration handled elsewhere than in the source file? I'm used to having to write the fuse information explicitly into the source code listing (I mainly use CCS C compiler).

  • David Briscoe David Briscoe modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    I would like to know if it is possible to translate the attached Oshonsoft Basic code listing into GCB format? The code drives an old Philips SAA1057 phase locked loop chip. I will post the data sheet in the next post. The listing is a bit long to post inline but I can do that if it is preferred. I just want someone experienced in GCB Basic to cast a quick eye over the code before I make an attempt at conversion. Thanks.

  • David Briscoe David Briscoe posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Here is the data sheet of the SAA1057.

  • David Briscoe David Briscoe posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    I would like to know if it is possible to translate the attached Oshonsoft Basic code listing into GCB format? The code drives an old Philips SAA1057 phase locked loop chip. I will post the data sheet in the next post.

  • David Briscoe David Briscoe modified a comment on discussion Help

    I've just managed to get ktechlab built on the latest version of Linux Mint using KDE Craft. On Windows 10 there was a problem with not having Python 3.9 installed (I have a newer version installed). The Linux installation was simpler. Are there any VERY basic things that a total beginner in QT development could help with? For instance I've noticed a few things 1/ F10 seems to be reversed. The tooltip says "PAUSE" when the simulation is actually paused and "RUN" when it is actually running. This...

  • David Briscoe David Briscoe modified a comment on discussion Help

    I've just managed to get ktechlab built on the latest version of Linux Mint using KDE Craft. On Windows 10 there was a problem with not having Python 3.9 installed (I have a newer version installed). The Linux installation was simpler. Are there any VERY basic things that a total beginner in QT development could help with? For instance I've noticed a few things 1/ F10 seems to be reversed. The tooltip says "PAUSE" when the simulation is actually paused and "RUN" when it is actually running. This...

  • David Briscoe David Briscoe posted a comment on discussion Help

    I've just managed to get ktechlab built on the latest version of Linux Mint using KDE Craft. On Windows 10 there was a problem with not having Python 3.9 installed (I have a newer version installed). The Linux installation was simpler. Are there any VERY basic things that a total beginner in QT development could help with? For instance I've notticed a few things 1/ F10 seems to be reversed. The tooltip says "PAUSE" when the simulation is actually paused and "RUN" when it is actually running. This...

  • David Briscoe David Briscoe posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hi, Has anyone got a quick LED blink and switch example that I can use to test my ICD3 and IPE setup with my dev board? I'me using the latest GCBASIC version and just want to do a basic test. Also has anyone used the RTCC of this chip with GCBASIC? Thanks. David.

  • David Briscoe David Briscoe posted a comment on discussion Compiler Problems

    Hi, What is the current status relating to this thread? What works and what does not work? Tnanks. David.

  • David Briscoe David Briscoe posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    HI, I've bought myself a couple of PIC18F27J53 dev boards (

  • David Briscoe David Briscoe posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    I have an Olimex PIC-WEB development board on the way And I'm wondering if the included PIC18F67J60 (or PIC18F97J60) be supported by FlashForce in the future? Thanks. P.S What is involved If I wanted to add the chip myself? Is the method/procedure of add a chip documented anywhere. I'm an absolute beginner with the 18F series and FlashForce so it could take me a while.

  • David Briscoe David Briscoe modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hi, Any news on an SMT version of the programming board? Do you have any Kicad files for this version of the board? I'd like to build a smaller footprint version for use in our embedded system lab at the UK university where I work. Thanks.

  • David Briscoe David Briscoe posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hi, Any news on an SMT version of the programming board? Thanks.

  • David Briscoe David Briscoe posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hi, I've noticed that there is a USB solution example in the Demo folder that uses the PIC16F1459. Is there a tutorial available on how to set up the PC side of the communication link? Is there a PC application (command line based or GUI based) available that can send and receive data to/from the demo? Or does the user have to write their own USB serial application? How did you test this example? Thanks.

  • David Briscoe David Briscoe posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hi, Is there any support for the PIC18F4550 or PIC18F45K50 or the PIC18F series in general. Is there any support of the new Q series chips? Thanks.

  • David Briscoe David Briscoe posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Thanks everyone, I'll give this a try over the next few weeks. If I come across any snags, I'll come back here for help. David

  • David Briscoe David Briscoe posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    I'm agnostic about the chip at this stage (I'm using 16F819 or 16F1847 at the moment), but may choose a 18f series later on for the USB capability). I mainly use C (CCS C compiler) or assembly, but I've never used GCB. I've never used a MCP20317 or I2C either. I just want to start very simply with lighting 1 LED and then moving on to several LEDs and at the same time getting familiar with GCB. I guess reading the MCP23017.h file would help, but where does this header live?

  • David Briscoe David Briscoe posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Thanks. I'm a beginner with GCB. Where can I find (which directory?) this library file and how do I include it in a listing? I can probably start with turning an LED on and OFF. Is there an example of this anywhere? I've seen a few posts in the forum about the MCP23017 but nothing that is a clear working example. I'm mostly going to writing/polling to port pins.

  • David Briscoe David Briscoe posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hi, I'd like to use GCB to read from a 39 key keypad and write to upto 10 led's. This would use an MCP23017 port expander and a 4532 8 to 3 priority encoder (see attached example schematic-the MCP23017 replaces the SAA1061 chip). Is there any example code that uses a MCP23017 with a keypad and LED's? Thanks.

  • David Briscoe David Briscoe posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hi, I would like to build Ktechlab on Windows 10. I have QT Creator 8.01 installed but Ive never used it. Maybe this would be an opportunity to use QT. Do you have any build instructions I can follow? I also have Linux Mint 21 "Vanessa" installed and could build it on there as well. Which would be the most straightforward one to build on? Thanks. Regards, David, UK

  • David Briscoe David Briscoe posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hi, I would like to build Ktechlab on Windows 10. I have QT Creator 8.01 installed but Ive never used it. Maybe this would be an opportunity to use QT. Do you have any build instructions I can follow? I also have Linux Mint 21 "Vanessa" installed and could build it on there as well. Which would be the most straightforward one to build on? Thanks. Regards, David, UK PS I also have visual studio 2019 and 2022 Community editions installed on Windows 10. How would I use these? Thanks.

  • David Briscoe David Briscoe posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    The GTK libraries need to be installed onto a Windows PC to use OPGUI. Is it possible to compile OPGUI so that the libraries do not need to be installed separately? If so, how would I go about doing this? Thanks.

  • David Briscoe David Briscoe posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    I'm willing to be a guinea pig for any kit you produce. Please let me know when something is available and how much this would cost me. I can feed back my experience with the kit and the results of any testing that I do. Would the PCB design files be open source?

  • David Briscoe David Briscoe posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    The above post was by me.

  • David Briscoe David Briscoe posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    I've got the PIC18F2550 firmware programmed OK. Opgui reports Programmer detected VID=0x1209 PID=0x5432 Firmware version 0.11.2 Hardware ID: 0.0.1 (18F2550) Now I have the problem of trying to get the target PIC16F819 programmed. I keep getting Communication timeout USB voltage too low (VUSB<4.5V) unknown device It seems to have problems reading the target device. I've confirmed that VDDU is active during programming (with an LED and resistor). It's on breadboard at the moment. Which connections...

  • David Briscoe David Briscoe posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    I'm wondering how a pic16f819 would be programmed. Assuming I put the PIC into the 20 pin socket on the PCB how does the programming of this chip work? The programming pins on the 16f819 are PGC pin 12 (clock) and PGD pin 13 (data). Which pins on your board would I need to connect to the PIC16F819 in order to program it.Would RB5(U3) connect to PGD(pin 13) and RB6(U3) connect to PGC (pin 12) on the PIC?Which pins on the PIC18F2550 are used as master clear,clock and data pins when programming the...

  • David Briscoe David Briscoe posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Thanks. I look forward to taking a look at the files.

  • David Briscoe David Briscoe posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hi, I have opened Oprog.pcb in the latest version of PCB-RND and saved the board in the latest Kicad PCB format ( S expression). I was then able to open this file in the latest version of Kicad (5.1.6_1) I had to do a lot of moving around A LOT of copper zone edges as many points where placed at kicads 0,0 board origin (a bug in PCB-RND). Anyway all the connections seem valid. It would be helpful to me and others who would like to help...

  • David Briscoe David Briscoe modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hi, First time poster and user of GCBasic. I usually program PIC MCU's using CCS C compiler. I would like to try GCBasic to protype my code and then port it over to CCS (or vice versa as CCS has some cod that may work OK, I have yet to try it) Does this code from here work? ''' ''' ''' ''' ''' ''' ''' ''' ''' ''' ''' ''' ''' ''' ''' ''' ''' ''' ''' ''' ''' ''' ''' ''' ''' '''@author '''@licence '''@version '''@date...

  • David Briscoe David Briscoe posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hi, First time poster and user of GCBasic. I usually program PIC MCU's using CCS C compiler. I would like to try GCBasic to protype my code and then port it over to CCS (or vice versa as CCS has some cod that may work OK, I have yet to try it) Does this code from here work? ''' ''' ''' ''' ''' ''' ''' ''' ''' ''' ''' ''' ''' ''' ''' ''' ''' ''' ''' ''' ''' ''' ''' ''' ''' '''@author '''@licence '''@version '''@date...