Activity for FAYE Dioumacor

  • FAYE Dioumacor FAYE Dioumacor posted a review on Open Grid Analysis and Display System

  • FAYE Dioumacor FAYE Dioumacor posted a comment on ticket #8

    It would be very nice to have a cygwin package OpenGrads. Best regards, Dioumacor

  • FAYE Dioumacor FAYE Dioumacor posted a comment on ticket #8

    My name is Dioumacor FAYE, a doctoral student in atmospheric and oceanic physics at Cheikh Anta Diop University in Dakar, Senegal. I am currently exploring the functionalities of the GrADS (Grid Analysis display system) software for a research/analysis project. I recently discovered the re.gex function, a 2D remapping function, and I am interested in using it in my work. I would like to obtain additional information on how to insert and use the re.gex function in GrADS. Specifically, I am interested...