Activity for Dinesh Reddy

  • Dinesh Reddy Dinesh Reddy posted a comment on discussion Bug Reports

    please find the attached screenshot of the error messege

  • Dinesh Reddy Dinesh Reddy posted a comment on discussion Bug Reports

    Hi David, I have been using Qblade perfectly in Ubuntu16.04 LTS. Recently I have updated my Ubuntu to 16.10 LTS and since than I have problem opening Qblade. I have following error everytime I try to open Qblade. ./bin/QBlade: /home/shivom/QBlade 64bit release linux/bin/ version `CXXABI_1.3.9' not found (required by /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/

  • Dinesh Reddy Dinesh Reddy posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hi David, Thank you very much for quick response. I have gone through few literature and validations of Montgomerie and Viterna methods. And I think i should rely on these methods as I am not working on starting phase and unsteady cases. I think by next month I will be able to compare the results from experimental with Qblade and will come back to you with some fine results. Once again thank you for providing Qblade opensource Regards Dinesh

  • Dinesh Reddy Dinesh Reddy posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hi David, Thank you very much that was very informative you are exactly right I have gone through few literature reviews and found the same answer as you gave. Yes the Cl and Cd values are restricted to a fixed range of AoA i.e below the stall angles since the prediction beyond this includes complicated physics and moreover people do not concentrate much on such data which are not much useful for them. The CFD prediction for 360degree AoA might not be very realsitic due to complexity of turbulence...

  • Dinesh Reddy Dinesh Reddy modified a comment on discussion Help

    Hi David, I am Dinesh I have been using Qblade to validate my vertical axis wind...

  • Dinesh Reddy Dinesh Reddy posted a comment on discussion Help

    Anytime Daniela Yes the AoA for panel method converges in the range of ( -25 0 25)...

  • Dinesh Reddy Dinesh Reddy posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hi Daniela, I have Imported your airfoil and I can see that the trailing edge is...

  • Dinesh Reddy Dinesh Reddy posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hi David, I am Dinesh I have been using Qblade to validate my vertical axis wind...