Activity for Dilip Rai

  • Dilip Rai Dilip Rai posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    We have a requirement where we want to call COM function using J-Interop. But we are not able to call that function because the function takes below two parameter 1.BSTR ID, 2.EnumDSSObjectType Type, We can pass String type(1) but for enum type(2) we don't know how to pass value. When we are invoking below call we are getting TypeMismatch Exception with error code 0x80020005. "callMethodA("FindObject",new Object[]{new JIString("XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX"),3)" From JIAutomationException we are not able to get...

  • Dilip Rai Dilip Rai posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    HI Vikram, I tried reaching you on but looks like your mailbox is unavailable now. Can you post your mail id for further communication. Regards, Dilip

  • Dilip Rai Dilip Rai posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hi Vikram, I don't know how to get more info from JIAutomationException. Seems like I'm not able to get more then type mismatch code and exception. How to get the exact thing. I've printed used below pring command. System.out.println("*** ***"); JIExcepInfo jiInfo = jia.getExcepInfo(); int errorCode = jiInfo.getErrorCode(); String execDes = jiInfo.getExcepDesc(); String execSource = jiInfo.getExcepDesc(); String filepath = jiInfo.getHelpFilePath(); System.out.println("error code = "+errorCode );...

  • Dilip Rai Dilip Rai posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hi Vikram, I'm trying to convert C# code into Java code. Below is C# code. var objProjectList = objServer.Enumerator; int numDataSources; var objDataSource = objProjectList.ItemByProjectName("XXX", out numDataSources); objDataSource.Init(); var mysession = objDataSource.CreateSession(); IDSSSource obj =(IDSSSource) mysession.Component[EnumDSSComponentRole.DssRoleObjectSource]; /// Console.WriteLine("guid = "+ obj.Project.Info.Name); IDSSReportDefinition rd5 = (IDSSReportDefinition)obj.FindObject("2CEF84F448D46B6XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX",...

  • Dilip Rai Dilip Rai posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    I found the way, we need to pass int value corresponding to enum. Idea is first create the object and then set the property.

  • Dilip Rai Dilip Rai posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hi Vikram, Thanks for such a nice project. I'm new to J-Interop. I got to know how to create the instance using j-interop along with the method call. But I don't know for now that how to set the property of com object using j-interop. For example for below object how to set the property? ar objServer = new DSSDataSource { Name = "x.x.x.x", Type = EnumDSSDataSourceType.DssDataSourceTypeServer, Location = "x.x.x.x", Mode = EnumDSSConnectionMode.DssConnectionModeServerAccess, AuthMode = EnumDSSAuthModes.DssAuthStandard,...