Activity for Dennis Han

  • Dennis Han Dennis Han modified a comment on ticket #170

    For DSD or DSD+PCM, I use "ASIO+DSD: ASIO for USB Device." I've also used "WASAPI (event), (push), and (shared)" for PCM DACs, and, for those, the elapsed time indicators work; the indicators also work for "Default: Primary Sound Driver"; my Windows default driver is a PCM DAC. All of this is for playing SACD ISO files, DSF files, and PCM files converted by the DSD Processor; none show elapsed time while using the driver for my DSD64 DAC.

  • Dennis Han Dennis Han modified a comment on ticket #170

    For DSD or DSD+PCM, I use "ASIO+DSD: ASIO for USB Device." I've also used "WASAPI (event), (push), and (shared)" for PCM DACs, and, for those, the elapsed time indicators work; the indicators also work for "Default: Primary Sound Driver"; my Windows default driver is a PCM DAC.

  • Dennis Han Dennis Han posted a comment on ticket #170

    For DSD or DSD+PCM, I use "ASIO+DSD: ASIO for USB Device." I've also used "WASAPI (event), (push), and (shared)" for PCM DACs, and, for those, the elapsed time indicators work; the indicators also work for "Default: Primary Sound Driver."; my Windows default driver is a PCM DAC.

  • Dennis Han Dennis Han created ticket #170

    Elapsed Time Not Working

  • Dennis Han Dennis Han posted a comment on ticket #2488

    In my case, I always have a number followed by an alpha character, so I never noticed that print inserts spaces differently depending on the situation. Using a configuration setting would be helpful to have. I've found ways to make the changes faster with Notepad++, fortunately. I'm using version 5.4.4, which I thought was the preferred version once it was released yesterday. I'm using the Windows binary.

  • Dennis Han Dennis Han posted a comment on ticket #2488

    I have figured out how to make sprintf work for me, but the problem is I have probably 10,000 instances to fix that are not a simple search and replace. Making a command that operates the same as print had operated would be more helpful. Am I the only one to have a problem with the new print?

  • Dennis Han Dennis Han posted a comment on ticket #2488

    The text reports and configuration files have many hundreds of lines of unique text that can't be created with an array. Some of the text is numbers determined from equations. I probably should be using Perl instead, but gnuplot used to make this so easy to do.

  • Dennis Han Dennis Han posted a comment on ticket #2488

    Thanks for the reply, but I use gnuplot to create graphs and also to write text reports and configuration files for other software all with one large program. There's got to be another way. How about creating a new command called oldprint?

  • Dennis Han Dennis Han modified ticket #2488

    "print" command limitations

  • Dennis Han Dennis Han posted a comment on ticket #2488

    The extra space between numbers and alpha characters is messing up my reports and data files. How do I get rid of the extra space?

  • Dennis Han Dennis Han modified a comment on ticket #148

    Sorry, I was mistaken. With DSD Processor set to none, the PCM files play through a PCM DAC. The files also play with the DSD Processor enabled at the SACD screen, but disabled at the DSD Processor screen. I sent the log files anyway... With DSD Processor enabled: autoproxy_output::proxy_output() => Use DSD Processor [name = "DSD Processor"] new service_impl_t<autoproxy_output>(device = "WASAPI (event) : Speakers (Musical Fidelity V-DAC 24/96 )", buffer_length = 1.000s, dither = false, bitdepth =...

  • Dennis Han Dennis Han posted a comment on ticket #148

    Sorry, I was mistaken. With DSD Processor set to none, the PCM files play through a PCM DAC. The files also play with the DSD Processor enabled at the SACD screen, but disabled at the DSD Processor screen. I set the log files anyway... With DSD Processor enabled: autoproxy_output::proxy_output() => Use DSD Processor [name = "DSD Processor"] new service_impl_t<autoproxy_output>(device = "WASAPI (event) : Speakers (Musical Fidelity V-DAC 24/96 )", buffer_length = 1.000s, dither = false, bitdepth =...

  • Dennis Han Dennis Han posted a comment on ticket #148

    I had tried that already and there was no change in behavior for playing PCM files with PCM DACs.

  • Dennis Han Dennis Han created ticket #148

    Version 1.3.0 interfering with PCM DACs

  • Dennis Han Dennis Han posted a comment on ticket #135

    Same issue here with foobar2000 1.6.2.

  • Dennis Han Dennis Han posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    foobar2000 did it for me. Folder %USERNAME%\AppData\Roaming\foobar2000\user-components\foo_input_dvda has the new DLL file.

  • Dennis Han Dennis Han posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    I see now that the foo_input_dvda.fb2k-component contains the DLL and foobar2000 knows what to do with it. Readme for 0.5.0 needs updating.

  • Dennis Han Dennis Han posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    There is no DLL in the 0.5.0 archive, so am I to assume that I should delete the DLL that came with version 0.4.11 from the foobar2000 components folder?

  • Dennis Han Dennis Han created ticket #96

    1.0.11: XML Tag File Creation Problem

  • Dennis Han Dennis Han posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Does anyone know the differences between converter filters SDM types A through D? I see from that each type has a filter order of 4, 5, 3, and 5, respectively. What type of filters are these, brick wall types or minimum phase distortion types? My DSD DAC is Schiit's Loki. Does it prefer one filter type over another?

  • Dennis Han Dennis Han created ticket #20

    Coplanar Feature Not Working