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  • Posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion on Femto OS

    Hi Alice, The website is up again, but in the mean time Google has decided that i am a spammer and a scammer with my own written Femto OS. My youtube channel (10 years online without any change) has been closed, and the "femtoos" is almost erased from their index. The don't give an explanation, and 'resistance is futile'.

  • Posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion on Femto OS

    Hi, the project is not actively developed any more, but the code is still very usable. The website (which contains all documentation) is down because i need to relocate my server to an other datahotel, my apologies for that. This may take up to two weeks.

  • Posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion on Femto OS

    This parameter indeed may interfere with the execution of the code to report an error on the pins. (it depend on the device type which port is used, see the device.asm file) See here what error you may expect. If you set cfgCheckAlwaysFatal to cfgTrue, femto os will report the error 'forever'.

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on Femto OS

    Very nice indeed. Good work!😄

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on Femto OS

    If i remember correctly the events are stored in e byte somewhere, so 8 events is a hard limit i am afraid. Such hard limits apply to most of the parts (tasks, priorities etc) and this was a design decission. Normally when you need the OR function on different events, you just fire the same event from different places. And use one event for the blocking tasks. Is this not possible? May i don not quit understand you problem correctly

  • Posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion on Femto OS

    Hi osiixy , i have patches produced by Chris Gorman, which i had no time to test yet. These are now published under the filename I hope they are of use to you.

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on Femto OS

    I have a port that is for 80% ready. Never got around to finish. If you have a serious interest i can post these, but it will still require some serious digging to complete.

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on Femto OS

    Sorry, i did not forget you, i am still on a journey. In any case, i stopped using AVR studio at version 6 because there were to many 'weird errors'. So my first question would be, can you compile from the command line? Futhermore, it may be an compiler incompatibity. Did you try the last gcc version 4? If not, i would give that a spin. When i am back home i can try to recreate this, but not from where i am now.

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2005-01-18 16:59:50


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