Activity for Dermot Donnelly

  • Dermot Donnelly Dermot Donnelly posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Thanks for that Chris. I'll study your code and see can I make it work. Regards Dermot

  • Dermot Donnelly Dermot Donnelly posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Thank you very much for the info and code. It is more than generous. I'll study what you've given me carefully and I'll also try simply using the pulsout and wait commands as I already have the codes and just want to turn one socket on and off. Thanks again for your help and code.

  • Dermot Donnelly Dermot Donnelly posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Thanks for that info.

  • Dermot Donnelly Dermot Donnelly posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hi, I want to try and control a remote 433MHz RF plug with a PIC and cheap transmitter. I’ve searched the forum but couldn’t find anything specific on this question although there is a lot on RF transmission and reception. I have been able to sniff the codes using an Arduino and a library called RCSwitch.h. See the attached file and the raw code here: Decimal: 6725231 (24Bit) Binary: 011001101001111001101111 Tri-State: not applicable PulseLength: 315 microseconds Protocol: 1 Raw data: 9788,204,116,348,468,136,104,80,96,272,364,248,828,332,832,1004,256,960,224,316,888,920,264,244,412,68,408,48,92,236,168,304,240,100,616,108,212,276,84,372,256,72,88,268,76,164,120,224,308,...

  • Dermot Donnelly Dermot Donnelly posted a comment on discussion Great Cow Graphical BASIC Problems

    Thanks for the help. Really fast response. Great forum. I've donated the £23 for the Pickit Plus even though I don't need it. The free stuff you give is easily worth that. Regards Dermot

  • Dermot Donnelly Dermot Donnelly posted a comment on discussion Great Cow Graphical BASIC Problems

    Sorry folks. Everything works fine. I had a pull down resistor on my breadboard for GPIO.5 and it was a bit loose. DOH!

  • Dermot Donnelly Dermot Donnelly posted a comment on discussion Great Cow Graphical BASIC Problems

    Hi, I'm using GCB 6.22.2290 and the 12F683. I need to have two inputs and 4 outputs. I'm using GPIO.5 and GPIO.3 as inputs and GPIO.0, GPIO.1, GPIO.2 amd GPIO.4 as outputs. When I bring an input high I want to get an output to go high. When I do this with GPIO.3 I get one of my outputs to go high no problem. When I do the same thing with GPIO.5 it doesn't work. I think it's because GPIO.5 is a serial in pin as well as an input pin. Is there some command I can use to turn GPIO.5 into an input pin...

  • Dermot Donnelly Dermot Donnelly posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    I just got back to completing my project and thought I should give a word of warning and a correction to what I wrote about making output pins high and connecting them to V+ and saving myself the use of three resistors. This doesn't work in the long term. I discoverd that although it worked fine the PIC began to get very hot and I'm sure would become damaged after a while.

  • Dermot Donnelly Dermot Donnelly posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Thanks for that. "That best portion of a good man's life; His little, nameless, unremembered acts of kindness" William Wordsworth. On 16/03/2019 17:04, Anobium wrote: Pleasure - the dog woke me up! at 5:55am I was using Real Simulator for you code. :-) If Statements Sent from because you indicated interest in To unsubscribe from further messages, please visit

  • Dermot Donnelly Dermot Donnelly posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Thanks Anobium for the reply. You were right about the pulling the pins high (Ports A1,A2 and C.0). It's working now. I pulled the three pins high with 10k resistors as you suggested, it worked. I then pulled them low with the resistors and physically connected the appropriate pins to the V+ and it worked. So having floating input pins is the problem. I then decided to make the pins output pins in the code and again connected the appropriate pins to V+ and it also worked saving me the use of 3 resistors!...

  • Dermot Donnelly Dermot Donnelly posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hi, I’m new to GCB and would appreciate a little help with some code please. The code is attached in a very simplified form. It is at end of this query as well. GCB version is SynWrite 6.22.2290 and Compiler Version (YYYY-MM-DD): 0.98.04 2018-10-20 (Windows 32 bit) Pickit OS firmware version 2.32.00. My OS is win7(64bit). I’ve hexed and flashed it to the 16F684 but it doesn’t work on my breadboard even though I’m not getting any error messages. I basically want different relays to be activated when...

  • Dermot Donnelly Dermot Donnelly posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Thanks very much for that William. Looks like I'll have to RTFM from now on! I found the data sheets a bit daunting but you've cleared away some of the fog. Thanks again.

  • Dermot Donnelly Dermot Donnelly posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Thanks very much for that stan. That was exactly the information I was looking for.

  • Dermot Donnelly Dermot Donnelly posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hi. I need a little help to get started. I have used the picaxe but want to migrate to GC Basic. I'm a bit confused with how the pins are designated especially with regard to reading an analogue value from a pin. Perhaps I can make clearer my problem if I show the picaxe code I want to convert to GCBasic: 'picaxe 14M2 readadc C.4,b0 'reads the value on pin C.4 (leg 3 of 14M2 which is 16F684) and stores it in variable b0 pause 50 if b0>=120 then goto State0001 'if it is above a certain value then...