Activity for Dorit Borrmann

  • Dorit Borrmann Dorit Borrmann committed [r2378]

    initialize pairing mode

  • Dorit Borrmann Dorit Borrmann committed [r2373]

    fixed autoOct for scanio with data_suffix other than .3d

  • Dorit Borrmann Dorit Borrmann committed [r2372]

    Added option toggle off show display objects

  • Dorit Borrmann Dorit Borrmann committed [r2368]

    cleanup CMakeLists.txt

  • Dorit Borrmann Dorit Borrmann committed [r2367]

    Compute lenght of trajectory based on pose or frames files

  • Dorit Borrmann Dorit Borrmann committed [r2337]

    Added default behaviour for -s and -e to scan_red (start at 0 and end at last available scan)

  • Dorit Borrmann Dorit Borrmann posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hi, I'm sure, JoSch could answer most questions better than me, but I'll give it a try anyways: yes, indeed. For that kind of data you should give the voxel size in cm. Regarding the masks, there is one small thing to consider. When reading the data some filters may be apllied. You can specify a minimum range and a maximum range, for example. I think there is also a peopleremover-specific filter applied to reduce the number of misdetections. The peopleremover only considers points which are not filtered...

  • Dorit Borrmann Dorit Borrmann committed [r2334]

    Some more avoiding unnecessary normal calculation for point pair search.

  • Dorit Borrmann Dorit Borrmann committed [r2333]

    Avoid unnecessary normal computation for point pair search.

  • Dorit Borrmann Dorit Borrmann posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Please note though, that there are a few important exceptions, most importantly the xyz and the rxp (proprietary format for Riegl laser scanners) format. As there are so many default parameters in all the programs in 3DTK some assumptions had to be made for those. The default format (uos) is in a left handed coordinate system and for the default parameters scenarios with mobile robots and data in cm are assumed. If your data is in a right handed coordinate system, you might want to use the xyz format....

  • Dorit Borrmann Dorit Borrmann committed [r2330]

    maybe no more carriage return despite the fact that I couldn't find any before

  • Dorit Borrmann Dorit Borrmann committed [r2329]

    merge gone wrong

  • Dorit Borrmann Dorit Borrmann committed [r2328]

    Bug fix for normal calculation, needed in scan2scan distance

  • Dorit Borrmann Dorit Borrmann committed [r2327]

    Added tool to compute scan2scan distance

  • Dorit Borrmann Dorit Borrmann committed [r2326]

    removed debug output

  • Dorit Borrmann Dorit Borrmann committed [r2325]

    -r parameter now working in show.

  • Dorit Borrmann Dorit Borrmann committed [r2317]

    Compute distance of points in global coordinates instead of local coordinates.

  • Dorit Borrmann Dorit Borrmann committed [r2316]

    syntax error

  • Dorit Borrmann Dorit Borrmann committed [r2315]

    changed default control files to install no ROS related packages

  • Dorit Borrmann Dorit Borrmann committed [r2299]

    fixed FIXME from scan::calcReduced()

  • Dorit Borrmann Dorit Borrmann committed [r2298]

    added keyboard functionality for all 6 DoF motion in show

  • Dorit Borrmann Dorit Borrmann posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hi Anton, for these none basic data types, you need to add a validate function. You can check it out, for example, in src/slam6d/ it is implemented for the IOtype. I hope that helps! Best, Dorit

  • Dorit Borrmann Dorit Borrmann posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hi Anton, there was recently a change to Surf in Feature Based Registration. Have a look at the changes in: Please check, if you are using a current version of 3DTK and verify if your OpenCV version is compatible with the #if #else construct in the code. Best, Dorit

  • Dorit Borrmann Dorit Borrmann posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hi Anton, are you talking about scan_to_panorama or scan_red? If you are talking about scan_to_panorama: First, please update to the current revision (2223). I just committed a small bug-fix for the ZAXIS projection method that removes hard coded limits in the code. Second, "-m 180 -w 180" sets the minimum and maximum horizontal angles to 180 degrees, resulting in a FOV of 0 degrees. "-m 0 -w 360" should lead to better results. Best regards, Dorit

  • Dorit Borrmann Dorit Borrmann committed [r2223]

    removed hard-coded values for zMin and zMax for z-Axis projection

  • Dorit Borrmann Dorit Borrmann committed [r2158]

    noanimcolor also for advanced option to iterate through frames

  • Dorit Borrmann Dorit Borrmann committed [r2142]

    removed trailing whitespaces

  • Dorit Borrmann Dorit Borrmann committed [r2141]

    Inverted checkbox for noanimcolor

  • Dorit Borrmann Dorit Borrmann committed [r2140]

    -Added checbox for --noanimcolor to show

  • Dorit Borrmann Dorit Borrmann committed [r2094]

    Added customFilter to caliboard

  • Dorit Borrmann Dorit Borrmann committed [r2052]

    Fixed check for old rivlib

  • Dorit Borrmann Dorit Borrmann committed [r2051]

    use all points in getPtPairsParallel

  • Dorit Borrmann Dorit Borrmann committed [r2038]

    Fixed error in scan2utm; added some more (preliminary) functions for getting poses from GPS devices.

  • Dorit Borrmann Dorit Borrmann committed [r2037]

    Optional delimantor for strtoarray

  • Dorit Borrmann Dorit Borrmann committed [r2036]

    Added option to use reflectance information as gray scale for coloring meshes

  • Dorit Borrmann Dorit Borrmann committed [r2021]

    Enabled ability to reduce scans directly in exportPoints

  • Dorit Borrmann Dorit Borrmann committed [r2020]

    Corrected scan transformations for mesh reconstruction with reduction.

  • Dorit Borrmann Dorit Borrmann committed [r1986]

    Updated mesh reconstruction to use aknn from slam6d/normals

  • Dorit Borrmann Dorit Borrmann committed [r1985]

    fixed bug in recoverPointCloud used for range reduction

  • Dorit Borrmann Dorit Borrmann committed [r1858]

    Adjusted some parameter descriptions in exportPoints

  • Dorit Borrmann Dorit Borrmann committed [r1821]

    Adjusted scale factor for export points to work with both uos and xyz format.

  • Dorit Borrmann Dorit Borrmann posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hi, to add to Josch's answer, as you noticed, the pose.dat file saves a pose in the viewer, including some additional parameters, such as the fog. Please refer to the savePose-function for more details in "src/" The .pose files, however, store the initial pose of the scan, i.e., the transformation that transforms each individual scan into a global coordinate system. This is relevant, of you have more than one point cloud. Thus the .pose files transform the scans, while the 'pose.dat'...

  • Dorit Borrmann Dorit Borrmann committed [r1790]

    -Add missing descriptions to boost::program_options in slam6d

  • Dorit Borrmann Dorit Borrmann committed [r1789]

    Only compile curvefusion if WITH_ROS is set.

  • Dorit Borrmann Dorit Borrmann committed [r1774]

    Fixing some of the issues with the boost::program_options

  • Dorit Borrmann Dorit Borrmann committed [r1773]

    remove dummy source file from CMakelist.txt

  • Dorit Borrmann Dorit Borrmann committed [r1772]

    scan_io_laz can now use an options file to enable options implemented in the lastools

  • Dorit Borrmann Dorit Borrmann committed [r1761]

    Updated conversion between ECEF and local 3DTK coordinate system

  • Dorit Borrmann Dorit Borrmann committed [r1760]

    add validate function for IOtype to scan2utm

  • Dorit Borrmann Dorit Borrmann committed [r1759]

    restored linking XGetopt for programs that are not yet using boost::program_options

  • Dorit Borrmann Dorit Borrmann posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hello Marek, if I interpret your data correctly, the scanner scans the profile, i.e. it is mounted in a way that it rotates around the axis of the movement of your UAV. This is a challenging setup for the global optimization. Just imagine you are flying over a completely planar surface, all your scans would look exactly the same. With the initial pose estimate these identically looking scans have a small (correct) offset, due to the limited field of view of the scanner. In the matching step, all...

  • Dorit Borrmann Dorit Borrmann posted a comment on discussion Help

    The rotation matrices in the .frames files are always absolute. To get the final transformation for any scan you just need to take the last line from the corresponding .frames file.

  • Dorit Borrmann Dorit Borrmann posted a comment on discussion Help

    Sure, but you need to modify the code for this. In file "src/show/" remove or comment line 368: selectionfile << "# points from scan nr " << i << std::endl;

  • Dorit Borrmann Dorit Borrmann posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hello Marek, if you use the option '--anim=1' and visualize the data with show afterwards, you can click on 'Animate' to the what the algorithm does in each iteration. This should help with identifying where the problem is. It could be with the prealignment (or your dataset in general) or with the parameters for the registration. Best regards, Dorit

  • Dorit Borrmann Dorit Borrmann committed [r1750]

    draw coordinate systems correctly in advanced mode

  • Dorit Borrmann Dorit Borrmann committed [r1749]

    bugfix for coordinate systems after animation

  • Dorit Borrmann Dorit Borrmann committed [r1747]


  • Dorit Borrmann Dorit Borrmann committed [r1742]

    - add option to display the local coordinate axes of each scan

  • Dorit Borrmann Dorit Borrmann posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hi, please adjust the following function in src/scanio/ to: bool ScanDataTransform_xyz::transform(double xyz[3], unsigned char rgb[3], float refl, float temp, float ampl, int type, float devi) { double tmp; tmp = xyz[2]; xyz[2] = 100.0xyz[0]; xyz[0] = -100.0xyz[1]; xyz[1] = 100.0tmp; return true; } That way your data will internally be treated as cm and the default parameters make more sense. Using NR=10 would be a good first try to reduce that data to one point per voxel with side length...

  • Dorit Borrmann Dorit Borrmann posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hi, is your data in meters? Our standard data sets are all in cm and thus all the default parameters for 3DTK assume data to be in cm. This way all the points are so close together, that the algortihms simply fits a plane through the entire point cloud. If this is not the problem, try reducing your point cloud with the octree reduction to enforce equal density. Best regards, Dorit

  • Dorit Borrmann Dorit Borrmann committed [r1739]

    use xfeatures only for opencv nonfree

  • Dorit Borrmann Dorit Borrmann committed [r1738]

    remove namespace xfeatures

  • Dorit Borrmann Dorit Borrmann committed [r1737]

    try to make non-free features work for OpenCV 3

  • Dorit Borrmann Dorit Borrmann committed [r1676]

    basic tools for gps related things

  • Dorit Borrmann Dorit Borrmann committed [r1677]

    moved check for color and reflectance to io_types

  • Dorit Borrmann Dorit Borrmann committed [r1651]

    added coordinate systems to show display objects

  • Dorit Borrmann Dorit Borrmann committed [r1653]

    Adjust installation instructions for Debian Jessie

  • Dorit Borrmann Dorit Borrmann committed [r1631]

    Test commit

  • Dorit Borrmann Dorit Borrmann committed [r1630]

    added coordinate systems to show display objects

  • Dorit Borrmann Dorit Borrmann committed [r1624]

    Program to apply a transformation to all frames.

  • Dorit Borrmann Dorit Borrmann committed [r1614]

    program to align scans with known correspondences

  • Dorit Borrmann Dorit Borrmann committed [r1527]


  • Dorit Borrmann Dorit Borrmann committed [r1506]

    fix for ./bin/scan_red --reduction RANGE

  • Dorit Borrmann Dorit Borrmann posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hi, the error hints to a missing X server on your Linux subsystem. As I don't have any way to try this, I did some research. From what I found, the most common options are: or or After installing one of them, you need to setup the DISPLAY environment: export DISPLAY=:0 I am not sure if you need any other packages, like x11-common Best regards, Dorit On 04/29/2017 09:54 PM, Cameron wrote:...

  • Dorit Borrmann Dorit Borrmann posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hi, the error hints to a missing X server on your Linux subsystem. As I don't have any way to try this, I did some research. From what I found, the most common options are: or or After installing one of them, you need to setup the DISPLAY environment: export DISPLAY=:0 I am not sure if you need any other packages, like x11-common Best regards, Dorit

  • Dorit Borrmann Dorit Borrmann committed [r1347]

    Add ANN requirement for MAC

  • Dorit Borrmann Dorit Borrmann committed [r1344]

    Fix for compiling the compact octree

  • Dorit Borrmann Dorit Borrmann committed [r1343]

    convert ply files from left to right handed (y = -y), to show files from vsfm nicely

  • Dorit Borrmann Dorit Borrmann committed [r1333]

    export color for ply files

  • Dorit Borrmann Dorit Borrmann committed [r1332]

    added BoxDisplay

  • Dorit Borrmann Dorit Borrmann committed [r1330]

    Bug fix in Hough

  • Dorit Borrmann Dorit Borrmann posted a comment on discussion Help

    Dear John, if I understand correctly, what you want to do, this is the general idea...

  • Dorit Borrmann Dorit Borrmann committed [r1230]


  • Dorit Borrmann Dorit Borrmann committed [r1228]

    exportPoint: changed -h to -H

  • Dorit Borrmann Dorit Borrmann committed [r1226]


  • Dorit Borrmann Dorit Borrmann committed [r1206]

    Fixed dependency of scan_io_b3d to WITH_TOOLS

  • Dorit Borrmann Dorit Borrmann committed [r1203]

    reverted to reading frames from m_path/scan*.fr...

  • Dorit Borrmann Dorit Borrmann committed [r1201]

    Restored original Makefile

  • Dorit Borrmann Dorit Borrmann posted a comment on discussion Help

    HI, deleting all the points except the ones from the walls is essentially already...

  • Dorit Borrmann Dorit Borrmann posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hi, planes is actually calculating planes only based on a single scan. In your case...

  • Dorit Borrmann Dorit Borrmann posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hi, what is your command line call for getting these results? What are the dimensions...

  • Dorit Borrmann Dorit Borrmann posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hi, please make sure, the parameters in bin/hough.cfg are compatible with your dataset....

  • Dorit Borrmann Dorit Borrmann modified a comment on discussion Help

    Hello John, for most applications the chosen method has hardly any influence on the...

  • Dorit Borrmann Dorit Borrmann posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hallo John, for most applications the chosen method has hardly any influence on the...

  • Dorit Borrmann Dorit Borrmann posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hello Jhon, the methods are described in the paper cviu2010.pdf, that can be found...

  • Dorit Borrmann Dorit Borrmann committed [r1109]

    changes for new wxwidgets library

  • Dorit Borrmann Dorit Borrmann committed [r1063]

    renamed file to make compatible with windows

  • Dorit Borrmann Dorit Borrmann committed [r1046]

    removed CMakeStuff from cvblob

  • Dorit Borrmann Dorit Borrmann committed [r1045]

    - Added floorplan generation

  • Dorit Borrmann Dorit Borrmann posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hello Nick, slam6d writes the initial transformation, intermediate steps and the...

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