So - as I think that we do not know all about logolib rules - especially naming rules - I'd like to ask how the naming conventions are. The best person to ask is Brian Harvey, since he wrote most of logolib. I think most of the conventions are due the way FMSLogo treats logolib, documented at However, if the procedure is still not defined and a file with the same name exists in the Logolib directory, then that Logolib file is loaded This...
Manfred Zindel asks Now what do you think about it? I think it's great that you were able to extend FMSLogo to suit your educational goals. I think you're using Logolib exactly as it was designed to be used. And the GNU GPL ensures that you can redistribute your own version of FMSLogo that has X_DASHED included in it. I suspect that you're not asking for a general opinion of your new command, but whether it should be added to the logolib in FMSLogo's standard installer. In my view, this doesn't follow...
Manfred Zindel wrote: logohelp.chw was really missing - I don't know why. Perhaps a robbery AI stole it. The file that contains the help content is called logohelp.chm. I think logohelp.chw is generated by hh.exe when you view the logohelp.chm. It doesn't come with FMSLogo and it's safe to delete. But sometimes the help dialog appears and the explanations at the right side are gone, it is empty. Why? I expect that this is because of the way you're copying the files. If they're copied with a Microsoft...
Manfred writes: To read that there may be not more than 20 really active FMSLogo supporters all over the world By "that potentially helps 20 people" I meant the number people who would EDIT something that was buried...that is, library writers. I've found a few libraries for FMSLogo and I suppose there are a few more I haven't seen, so I estimated it in the 10s, not the 100s or 1000s. There are certainly much more than 20 people who use FMSLogo. The number of downloads has been going up year after...
Add a reminder to upload files in the "media" directory.
Rewrite the instructions for tagging, now that I no longer have the svn root checked out as a working copy.
Tagging source code used to build FMSLogo 8.4.0
Add the result of the 8.4.0 test pass.