I don't understand this reply by David Weber.
Just to let you know that this IS adminer related, since I solved the problem by using phpmyadmin. David Spector On 2/7/2021 3:08 AM, "Jakub Vrána" wrote: status: open --> closed-rejected Comment: This is not Adminer related. [bugs-and-features:#776] https://sourceforge.net/p/adminer/bugs-and-features/776/ Cannot create user and privileges Status: closed-rejected Group: Git Created: Mon Jan 04, 2021 04:42 PM UTC by David Spector Last Updated: Mon Jan 25, 2021 10:27 AM UTC Owner: nobody I am just...
Dear Stephan, Thank you for your feedback. I will try adminer again when I next need to do admin work on my DB. It is certainly fast. David
I have been successful in fixing my root and user using phpmyadmin.php. That program, although slow, gives much better guidance for beginners than does adminer. I could click on User Accounts and see clearly the problems, and had no trouble fixing them. I will keep Adminer around if I am sure I know what I'm doing, but it does not supply defauilt values and otherwise help beginners the way phpmyadmin.php does. In my opinion, there is still a need for a good alternative to phpmyadmin. Also, your user...
Cannot create user and privileges
Peter, Thank you for your supportive posting. I am so glad that we found a few points of agreement. If you ever think of hints other than Configurator.exe > Troubleshooting > Install as SFX (which did not work for me), please let me know here. I was not, myself, able to locate any other adjustments in Equalizer APO that I could try. Finally, I will repeat my belief, based on my experience, that Equalizer APO, when it can be made to work, is an excellent product. My general criticisms were all based...
I just believe that a product should work out of the box. And that if it does not work out of the box, there should be some actual real support in terms of: Installation smarts Documentation Options not requiring a computer restart that can be played with. I've made all these points already, and I'm getting tired of having to spell this out again and again. I had no idea who you were and I was not trying to attack you. If the actual owner of this product doesn't wish to participate in his or her...
I'm sorry you have a thin skin,. All I can say is that your product didn't work on my new computer after 4 or 5 modifications and restarts. My users have never had such an experience. I think I can judge, based on my actual experience. Oh, I don't doubt that there is some magic one-line change that would get it working. But the product does not come with enough information to make that change obvious to an experienced software engineer. Those are the facts, and if you don't mind, I'll stop repeating...