User Activity

  • Posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion on Podget

    If anyone wonders who "Charles" was, I have marked his posts as spam because he wasn't asking serious questions but rather attempting to use these forums to increase the links to his own product. It is not a competing product to Podget but his posts got discarded because he was being deceptive.

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on Podget

    Charles, It has become obvious that your posts are little more than spam to promote your own product. So they are and will be marked as spam. Enjoy. Dave

  • Posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion on Podget

    Charles, First, let me start by saying you are very lucky that Sourcforge notifies me of any posts here. As it says on the main page for Podget, I have moved development to Now if I'm interpreting your question right you want to move the previously downloaded files and logs to a new PC. The first thing we need to know is where the files were downloaded to on the old PC. Generally that can be found in your podgetrc file in the DIR_LIBRARY configuration option. While...

  • Posted a comment on ticket #41 on Podget

    First let me apologize for the delay responding to this request. This was due to two minor issues. First I was traveling and didn't have a good connection for testing. Second, I primarily monitor the Github page for Podget so this wasn't always on my radar. However now that I have returned home, I have been able to test this feed and Podget was able to download 38 files. The most recent file was mrp_mrp070.mp3 from Sept 25. Is that the last file you were able to download or was this issue caused...

  • Modified ticket #32 on Podget

    Mac OS X: sed issue

  • Posted a comment on ticket #32 on Podget

    OK, let me start by apologizing that this took a couple years to address but I do believe we've fixed it in the new 0.8.5 version. Basically it requires the user on Mac OS to use homebrew to install GNU Sed but from there it appears to work.

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on Podget

    This sounds similar to an issue that was fixed in recent versions. Unfortunately...

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on Podget

    OK, testing went a lot faster this morning than I anticipated. I was approximately...

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Personal Data

2001-11-08 15:27:23
United States / MDT


This is a list of open source software projects that Dave Vehrs is associated with:

  • Podget A simple podcast aggregator. Last Updated:
  • pydsh   Last Updated:

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