Activity for darkpandaman

  • darkpandaman darkpandaman modified a wiki page

    Reference values

  • darkpandaman darkpandaman created a wiki page

    Reference values

  • darkpandaman darkpandaman modified a wiki page

    SVE data reference table

  • darkpandaman darkpandaman renamed a wiki page

    SVE data reference table

  • darkpandaman darkpandaman created a wiki page

    CivDOS EN 474.01 RE names

  • darkpandaman darkpandaman modified a wiki page

    CivDOS EN 474.01 RE segments

  • darkpandaman darkpandaman created a wiki page

    CivDOS EN 474.01 RE functions

  • darkpandaman darkpandaman modified a wiki page

    CivDOS EN 474.01 RE segments

  • darkpandaman darkpandaman created a wiki page

    CivDOS EN 474.01 RE segments

  • darkpandaman darkpandaman committed [r32] on Code

    Releasing JCivEd 0.0.23a

  • darkpandaman darkpandaman committed [r31] on Code

    Releasing JCivEd 0.0.23a

  • darkpandaman darkpandaman modified a wiki page

    Welcome to JCivED

  • darkpandaman darkpandaman modified a wiki page

    SVE file format

  • darkpandaman darkpandaman modified a wiki page

    SVE file format

  • darkpandaman darkpandaman modified a wiki page

    SVE file format

  • darkpandaman darkpandaman modified a wiki page

    Welcome to JCivED

  • darkpandaman darkpandaman modified a wiki page

    Welcome to JCivED

  • darkpandaman darkpandaman modified a wiki page

    Welcome to JCivED

  • darkpandaman darkpandaman renamed a wiki page

    Welcome to JCivED

  • darkpandaman darkpandaman committed [r30]

    Releasing JCivEd 0.0.21a

  • darkpandaman darkpandaman modified ticket #7

    Feature request: toggle bonus map objects display

  • darkpandaman darkpandaman posted a comment on ticket #7

    Implemented in 0.0.21a

  • darkpandaman darkpandaman modified ticket #2

    Feature Request: CivWin sav format support

  • darkpandaman darkpandaman committed [r29]

    Updated release notes

  • darkpandaman darkpandaman committed [r28]

    Committing source of 0.0.20a

  • darkpandaman darkpandaman committed [r27]

    JDK7 compatibility

  • darkpandaman darkpandaman modified ticket #1

    Cannot load saves after changing player to Barbs

  • darkpandaman darkpandaman modified ticket #3

    Bug: JCivEd crashed wen CIV dir not available

  • darkpandaman darkpandaman modified ticket #4

    Consistent exception trying to decode specific MAP file

  • darkpandaman darkpandaman modified ticket #5

    Unable to load save game if future tech was discovered

  • darkpandaman darkpandaman modified ticket #6

    Unlocking tech bug when NONE

  • darkpandaman darkpandaman posted a comment on ticket #6

    Value correctly set to 127 for "obsolete tech" when applicable

  • darkpandaman darkpandaman committed [r26]

    Updating main post template for release of 0.0.19a

  • darkpandaman darkpandaman committed [r25]

    Commit of dd-jcived for 0.0.19a

  • darkpandaman darkpandaman committed [r24]

    Commit of dd-commons for 0.0.19a

  • darkpandaman darkpandaman modified ticket #6

    Unlocking tech bug when NONE

  • darkpandaman darkpandaman modified ticket #6

    Unlocking tech bug when NONE

  • darkpandaman darkpandaman created ticket #6

    Unlocking tech bug when NONE

  • darkpandaman darkpandaman posted a comment on ticket #5

    Fixed in 0.0.19a

  • darkpandaman darkpandaman posted a comment on ticket #4

    Fixed in 0.0.19a

  • darkpandaman darkpandaman modified ticket #3

    Bug: JCivEd crashed wen CIV dir not available

  • darkpandaman darkpandaman modified ticket #3

    Bug: JCivEd crashed wen CIV dir not available

  • darkpandaman darkpandaman posted a comment on ticket #3

    Fixed in 0.0.19a

  • darkpandaman darkpandaman modified ticket #1

    Cannot load saves after changing player to Barbs

  • darkpandaman darkpandaman posted a comment on ticket #1

    Bug fixed in 0.0.19a

  • darkpandaman darkpandaman modified a comment on ticket #1

    Hi there, Digging down into this issue, the real cause is in fact due to a value for Barbarian set to "-1" by default (FFFF) corresponding to which leader portrait to be used (because of 2 possible portraits per color). This value is used by JCivEd for the window icon (...), and in-game to select which PIC to display when you meet other leaders. Since you never meet Barbarians, it is never used for them ingame, but when you set yourself as Barbarians, and try to load the savegame from the disk, JCivEd...

  • darkpandaman darkpandaman modified a comment on ticket #1

    Hi there, Digging down into this issue, the real cause is in fact due to a value for Barbarian set to "-1" by default (FFFF) corresponding to which leader portrait to be used (because of 2 possible portraits per color). This value is used by JCivEd for the window icon (...), and in-game to select which PIC to display when you meet other leaders. Since you never meet Barbarians, it is never used for them ingame, but when you set yourself as Barbarians, and try to load the savegame from the disk, JCivEd...

  • darkpandaman darkpandaman posted a comment on ticket #1

    Hi there, Digging down into this issue, the real cause is in fact due to a value for Barbarian set to "-1" by default (FFFF) corresponding to which leader portrait to be used (because of 2 possible portraits per color). This value is used by JCivEd for the window icon (...), and in-game to select which PIC to display when you meet other leaders. Since you never meet Barbarians, it is never used for them, but when ytou set yourself as Barbarians, and try to load the savegame from the disk, JCivEd...

  • darkpandaman darkpandaman posted a comment on ticket #1

    Hi there, finally had some time to look into this, not sure if you're still hanging around :) Anyways, I see the error is caused by JCivEd trying to display the PIC of the Barbarian leader.... which dsoen't exist, of course, thus bug. I am thinking of several ways to cope with this: - put placeholder pictures when they don't exist, but I guess CIV will fail to load the savegame anyway (didn't try) - setup some kind of warning mechanism that this PIC is missing - upgrade error messaging and exception...

  • darkpandaman darkpandaman modified ticket #4

    Consistent exception trying to decode specific MAP file

  • darkpandaman darkpandaman posted a comment on ticket #4

    Apparently a conditional read is not correctly checking that it has enough bytes to consum, at line 102 in LZWDecoder: By modifying the condition to the below, it seems to fix the problem (very little testing): Before: while(usableBitCount<8+indicatorLength) { After: while(remainingCodedBytes>0 && usableBitCount<8+indicatorLength) {

  • darkpandaman darkpandaman modified ticket #4

    Consistent exception trying to decode specific MAP file

  • darkpandaman darkpandaman posted a comment on ticket #4

    Thanks for reporting, I will try to have a look at it as soon as possible. Maybe an opportunity to write unit tests for this part too.

  • darkpandaman darkpandaman modified ticket #3

    Bug: JCivEd crashed wen CIV dir not available

  • darkpandaman darkpandaman created ticket #3

    Bug: JCivEd crashed wen CIV dir not available

  • darkpandaman darkpandaman modified ticket #1

    Cannot load saves after changing player to Barbs

  • darkpandaman darkpandaman posted a comment on ticket #1

    Wll investigate and fix this in next release, after I re-deploy my build environment...

  • darkpandaman darkpandaman modified ticket #2

    Feature Request: CivWin sav format support

  • darkpandaman darkpandaman modified ticket #2

    Feature Request: CivWin sav format support

  • darkpandaman darkpandaman posted a comment on ticket #2

    This is something I have always been wanting to do - full support for CivWin as well as CIV I for DOS, but so far it never went very high in the TODO list. Still, keeping this in mind for the future.

  • darkpandaman darkpandaman posted a comment on ticket #1

    Sorry about that change and thanks for fixing, seems the sourceforge web UI doesn't do well through Android browsers...

  • darkpandaman darkpandaman modified ticket #1

    Cannot load saves after changing player to Barbs

  • darkpandaman darkpandaman committed [r23]

    Release candidate 0.0.18a

  • darkpandaman darkpandaman modified a blog post

    JCivED 0.0.18a released: map terrain select/copy/paste

  • darkpandaman darkpandaman created a blog post

    JCivED 0.0.18a released: map terrain select/copy/paste

  • darkpandaman darkpandaman committed [r22]

    Tagging dd-commons-1.0

  • darkpandaman darkpandaman committed [r21]

    Tagging jcived-0.0.17a

  • darkpandaman darkpandaman committed [r20]

    Release candidate 0.0.17a

  • darkpandaman darkpandaman modified a blog post

    JCivED 0.0.17a released! Yes, it's still alive!!

  • darkpandaman darkpandaman created a blog post

    JCivED 0.0.17a released! Yes, it's still alive!!

  • darkpandaman darkpandaman committed [r19]

    Preparing room for "dd-commons" code base split

  • darkpandaman darkpandaman created a blog post

    JCivED 0.0.16a released! (bugfix)

  • darkpandaman darkpandaman committed [r18]

    Tagging as jcived-0.0.15a after release

  • darkpandaman darkpandaman committed [r17]

    Tagging as jcived-0.0.14a after release

  • darkpandaman darkpandaman committed [r16]

    Release candidate 0.0.16a

  • darkpandaman darkpandaman committed [r15]

    Release candidate 0.0.15a

  • darkpandaman darkpandaman created a blog post

    JCivED 0.0.15a released! (bugfix)

  • darkpandaman darkpandaman committed [r14]

    Release candidate 0.0.14a

  • darkpandaman darkpandaman created a blog post

    JCivED 0.0.14a released!

  • darkpandaman darkpandaman created a blog post on jcived

    JCivED 0.0.13a released

  • darkpandaman darkpandaman committed [r13]

    Tagging as jcived-0.0.13a after release

  • darkpandaman darkpandaman committed [r12]

    Release candidate 0.0.13a