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  • Posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion on XFLR5

    I dont think there is a way nothing as of my knowledge. But if you want those values you can download XFOIL and use gdes command and find the value after importing your airfoil

  • Posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion on XFLR5

    Hi, Can you share your XFLR file. My email Id is danijaimi@gmail,com

  • Posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion on XFLR5

    XFLR5 uses 2D airfoil data to interpolate 3D Values in the analysis so if you dont have that 2D airfoil data which is required to interpolate XFLR wont give any graphs generally. So you have to get some polar plots of the airfoils you are using from a wide range of Re if your still facing this problem check your LOG file. And Of course dont except good results at high AOA's >7 - 9deg . If your issue is still not sorted send your XFL file here if your not comfortable doing it send share your LOG ...

  • Posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion on XFLR5

    XFLR is not at all reliable at high AOA. If you want to see stall characteristics XFLR/AVL/OpenVSP or any software which uses VLM is useless. If you want to find stall angle drag characterstics then use CFD software like ansys , openFOAM , star ccm+ if u do t have a good PC u can use SimScale.

  • Posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion on XFLR5

    Check Your root locus graphs if the lateral modes are stable ur aircraft is stable laterally. Increase your dihedral angle. If you want more details on aircraft mechanics refer Daniel P Reymer or MH Sadrey.

  • Posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion on XFLR5

    double click the plots and select the parameters you want

  • Posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion on XFLR5

    Check your log file and make sure you have polar data for S1223 for the Re ranges your wing will have and don't expect convergence at higher aoa's (>6 or 8)

  • Posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion on XFLR5

    in the toolbar Options > Preferences > units

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