User Activity

  • Posted a comment on discussion General Discussion on cppcheck

    Hi, I saw this solution in StackOverflow but with 25+ years old code base with 500+ KLOC (C/C++), it's not my favorite solution. This is why I am looking for something only for the function parameters. This would reduce the scope to something maybe more manageable.

  • Posted a comment on discussion General Discussion on cppcheck

    Hi, is there an option with cppcheck to catch wrong typedef in parameters ? See the example here, ConvertMeter() and ConvertFeet() with the wrong parameter type. Thanks. typedef float Meter; typedef float Feet; Feet ConvertMeter( Meter a ) { return a * 3.2807; } Meter ConvertFeet( Feet a ) { return a / 3.2807; } void TestThis(void) { Feet a = 1.0; Meter b = 1.0; ConvertMeter( a ); ConvertFeet( b ); }

  • Posted a comment on ticket #613 on Code::Blocks

    Hi, I have the same issue with French characters with version svn 13394. I am attaching a test file to show the problem and I will try to update the patch according to Petrov. Regards, Robert

  • Posted a comment on ticket #1363 on Code::Blocks

    Hi, I can't reproduce the problem anymore in svn 13231. I guess that this ticket can be closed until I can reproduce it. Thanks.

  • Posted a comment on ticket #1363 on Code::Blocks

    Hi, something related to the mouse; I'm getting this once in a while and maybe it's linked to this issue: WxWidgets Debug Alert ../../src/common/wincmn.cpp(3426) assert "!wxMouseCapture::stack.empty()" failed in ReleaseMouse(): Releasing mouse capture but capture stack empty?

  • Posted a comment on ticket #1363 on Code::Blocks

    Hi, no RPT and I tried also with /v to display more info but nothing important is showing up except that I noticed the verbose trace is not 'flushed' . Here's an example: Conversion succeeded using wxEncodingConverter (buffer size = 37983, converted size = 37987. Editor Open Project data set for xxxxxxx Mozilla universal detection engine detected 'Pure ASCII'. Final encoding detected: Windows Western European (CP 1252) (ID: 33) Conversion succeeded using wxEncodingConverter (buffer size = 39555,...

  • Created ticket #1363 on Code::Blocks

    When editing makefile in 2 projects, C::B stalled

  • Created ticket #1328 on Code::Blocks

    The 'scriptwizard' plugin should have more details in the description.

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Personal Data

2011-07-22 20:37:07
Montréal / Canada / EDT


  • No projects to display.


This is a list of skills that Robert Morin possesses:

  • Mobile Operating Systems

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