For anyone still reading this post - the component is installed with the existing 'Data Access' components rather than getting a folder for TDBF. The trouble is there is nothing to tell one to look there so it seems like it was not installed when actually it was installed. See my Tutorial for beginners for other hints.
When calling BatchMove the error appears : 'Table#####:Cannot perform this operation on an open dataset' This occurs when using batchmove and am unaware of how to get past the error. It seems to be a bug in that batchmove re-opens the source dataset then tries to create the source dataset file rather than the destination dataset file – which is not allowed of course. The error is caught when Batchmove calls CreateTableEx. The same applies to the procedure CopyFrom as it just calls BatchMove. Can...
Is there a more suitable location for this manual?
Here I supply a TDBF Beginners and BDE Migration manual. I am no expert but gather that as a beginner I can see hurdles to TDBF adoption that experts could not. Comments are welcome.
A workaround is to use OnFilterRecord instead as follows: Accept := DataSet.FieldByName('OMIT').AsBoolean = FALSE;
TableInput.Filter:= 'OMIT = FALSE'; Recognizes FALSE as a field
I followed instructions for installing TDBF on Delphi 10.1 Berlin I selected the *.groupproj file and compiled from the right click menu Then I Installed the dcltdbf101.bpl from the right click menu. I do not see the TDBF component in the Tool Palette so cannot use it. How do I get it into the Tool Palette? The following may be clues as to what went wrong? Selecting Component>Install Packages, I can see in the Design Package List - TDBF for Delphi 10.1 Berlin and TDBF Delphi 10.1 Berlin runtime but...
The first link you provide does not work but it seems the relevant files are under the code tab of the sourceforge tDBF web page under trunk src r710 Thankyou for the guidance.