User Activity

  • Committed [657360]

    rewrite loop to avoid index correction

  • Committed [2754e8]

    fix behavior if not each segment has a bcname

  • Committed [ef80db]

    modify PointBetween for manually generated meshes

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on Netgen Mesh Generator

    Hi, you could use a python script from netgen.geom2d import unit_square mesh = unit_square.GenerateMesh(maxh=0.1) mesh.Export("mesh.stl","STL Format") This should have the same behavior as the Export Mesh in the GUI. There is also a "STL Extended Format". For further questions please use the forum on the NGSolve homepage. Regards Christoph

  • Committed [20d6a1]

    check extension of filename to ensure that the loading process is successful

  • Committed [ccc092]

    save check of file ending

  • Committed [753c22]

    add Heal function to the python interface with the same functionality as the "Heal Geometry" button in the gui

  • Committed [df01ff]

    setting occparms not necessary

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Personal Data

2013-05-28 15:33:39


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