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  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on Efax-gtk

    Although I am the author, it is some time since I last looked at the code for efax-gtk. However, I am pretty sure that the fax top header (if that is what you are concerned with) is always in ASCII. As for efax (if you are using efax separately) from what I remember it might possibly allow an ISO-8859-7 font. You could try it and see, but as I say, I don't think this is supported by efax-gtk, nor do I remember the requirements for efax's -f option.

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on Efax-gtk

    Maybe your distribution puts its library files in /usr/lib64 and /usr/local/lib64, and not /usr/lib and /usr/local/lib. If so, when configuring c++-gtk-utils and efax-gtk you need to use the --libdir option (for example, --libdir=/usr/local/lib64). Make sure also that you call up ldconfig after installing c++-gtk-utils, and that has appropriate contents.

  • Posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion on Efax-gtk

    On HylaFAX, I don't know of any GUI interface. On saved images, a received fax is saved by efax-gtk on the file system in TIFF format. To view it, efix is used to convert that to PS for the viewer program. To print the fax, the TIFF images are sent to a TIFF GTK+ printer. The results of bringing up the print dialog and viewing from there will probably go better for you. Beyond that I don't understand the rest of your question.

  • Posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion on Efax-gtk

    On the resolution issue, the program uses the efix binary to convert the input fax image to PS suitable for a viewer, or to convert to TIFF suitable for printing by GTK+'s print system. The conversion to PS does seem to be incomplete in some way as you have noticed, but printing via GTK+'s print system works fine. There is little that can be done about that I am afraid, without rewriting efix. On destination number prefixes, efax-gtk is in maintenance mode (bug fixes only), so I don't plan to extend...

  • Committed [d90991]

    Revert last two commits: stock items now fixed in gtk+-3.24.34

  • Posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion on Efax-gtk

    OK, I understand. I have committed the revised translations to git. The Turkish translation seems to work OK for me. I am not sure what is wrong with the sourceforge mail system; I'll see if I can get it fixed. Many thanks.

  • Committed [467671]

    Update French and Turkish translations

  • Posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion on Efax-gtk

    Hi, Thanks. I notice that the fr.po file contains a number of UTF-8 C2A0 characters (non-breaking space) which seem to have been put there incorrectly by your editor. I can remove them programmatically using sed but I wonder if you could look at your editor settings to check that nothing else that is unknown to you is being added. The tr.po file looks OK as far as C2A0 is concerned but since you say some lines are not displayed in the Turkish locale perhaps you could also check that there aren't...

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2004-05-20 19:52:25


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