Activity for Gary Cutler

  • Gary Cutler Gary Cutler posted a comment on discussion Contributions

    COMING SOON... A new version (2.0) of the GnuCOBOL Interactive Compiler. This new version - a complete rewrite - is currently being tested and should be released (here on Sourceforge) in early November. For the curious...the file "gcic-readme.html", available for download from the "2.0" folder within provides complete documentation (Installation, Usage, Internals) on the new version; this file will be part of the new version, serving...

  • Gary Cutler Gary Cutler committed [r1022]

  • Gary Cutler Gary Cutler committed [r1021]

  • Gary Cutler Gary Cutler committed [r1020]

  • Gary Cutler Gary Cutler committed [r1019]

  • Gary Cutler Gary Cutler posted a comment on discussion The Lounge

    When I wrote the original versions of the Programmer's Guide I strictly avoided the use of any standards documents and vendor manuals. All syntax diagrams were created from interpretation of parser.y and behavior was documented based on trial-and-error experimentation, combined with analysing cobc, cobcrun, and libcob code (and even then i got a few things wrong - sorry). I did find out after the fact that i phrased some things in a manner reminiscent of standards, manuals, and/or textbooks, but...

  • Gary Cutler Gary Cutler posted a comment on discussion Contributions

    It’s part of the X11 package on MacOS. I assume it would be similar with Linux distributions. Sent from my iPhone On Aug 10, 2022, at 9:25 PM, Vincent (Bryan) Coen wrote:  Thanks but do you know what package or library has resize It is not installed on my MGA v8 X64 Linux system. Vince On 11/08/2022 00:11, Gary Cutler wrote: Dug out my Unix notes ... a couple of possibilities follow. They won't work for all terminal types, but perhaps this helps. Option 1 - If X11 is...

  • Gary Cutler Gary Cutler posted a comment on discussion Contributions

    LOL ... as is "COLUMNS" on Option 1. i think i'll quit now.

  • Gary Cutler Gary Cutler posted a comment on discussion Contributions

    i'd like to ammend option 2 slightly .... there needs to be a lowercase "t" after COLS. I hope it's obvious that ROWS and COLS should be the desired numeric values.

  • Gary Cutler Gary Cutler posted a comment on discussion Contributions

    Dug out my Unix notes ... a couple of possibilities follow. They won't work for all terminal types, but perhaps this helps. Option 1 - If X11 is installed, "resize -s ROWS COLUMNS (I used this on MacOS) Option 2 - ANSI escape sequence to set screen size: printf '\033[:ROWS;COLS'

  • Gary Cutler Gary Cutler posted a comment on discussion Contributions

    i am in the process of upgrading GCic for 3.1.2, and correcting this is on the list.

  • Gary Cutler Gary Cutler posted a comment on discussion Contributions

    it definitely sounds worth waiting for "-format". I've rewritten major parts of GCic (and built-in an online help feature into it). it seems the most volatile part of the program, with respect to GnuCOBOL version dependencies, is the reserved-word list. I'm working on a way to automatically determine the reserved-word list based on the version of "cobc" that is installed on the system. by the time I get that worked out, perhaps 3.2 will be released!

  • Gary Cutler Gary Cutler posted a comment on discussion Contributions

    I am embarrased to say I have never looked at the code to cobxref, but this was exactly what i was thinking of doing myself! I'll still need a (small, hand-coded) table of verbs that can UPDATE data items so I can add the "updated" asterisk to reference line numbers, but that should be relatively insulated from cobc versionupdates. Thanks for confirming I'm onnthe right track!

  • Gary Cutler Gary Cutler posted a comment on discussion Contributions

    I did for Windows(10)/MinGW : Before the first screen DISPLAY/ACCEPT: CALL 'SYSTEM' USING 'mode con: cols=104 lines=39' The setting takes effect immediately but does not permanently affect your default cmd.exe settings. I don’t know of any equivalent in Unix-land (and no longer have access to a Unix platform to experiment on). From: On Behalf Of Vincent (Bryan) Coen Sent: Sunday, August 7, 2022 12:06 PM To: [gnucobol:discussion]...

  • Gary Cutler Gary Cutler posted a comment on discussion Contributions

    Somehow, i accidentally flagged this thread as SPAM (no idea how that happened). I wanted to provide an aupdate on GCic. From the program Update Log: GLC AUGUST 2022 - Massive update to utilize new features in GnuCOBOL 3.0+; de-tagged all updates and will now be calling this "GCic 2.0"; henceforth change tags will be of the form "v.r", with the date in the text (like this update). Release highlights: 1) This change record now covers all changes to all programs (6, currently) in this file; other change...

  • Gary Cutler Gary Cutler posted a comment on discussion The Lounge

    Unisys COBOL for supports PIC 1, which allocates a single bit. comes in handy!

  • Gary Cutler Gary Cutler posted a comment on discussion Contributions

    I am embarrased to say I have never looked at the code to cobxref, but this was exactly what i was thinking of doing myself! I'll still need a (small, hand-coded) table of verbs that can UPDATE data items so I can add the "updated" asterisk to reference line numbers, but that should be relatively insulated from cobc versionupdates. Thanks for confirming I'm onnthe right track!

  • Gary Cutler Gary Cutler posted a comment on discussion Contributions

    it definitely sounds worth waiting for "-format". I've rewritten major parts of GCic (and built-in an online help feature into it). it seems the most volatile part of the program, with respect to GnuCOBOL version dependencies, is the reserved-word list. I'm working on a way to automatically determine the reserved-word list based on the version of "cobc" that is installed on the system. by the time I get that worked out, perhaps 3.2 will be released!

  • Gary Cutler Gary Cutler posted a comment on discussion Contributions

    i am in the process of upgrading GCic for 3.1.2, and correcting this is on the list.