Activity for Patrick

  • Patrick Patrick modified ticket #626

    Read as option in publication

  • Patrick Patrick posted a comment on ticket #626

    It's not null, it is "null" because you removed the default siglum from the "Commentary." I fixed it by adding back a Siglum.

  • Patrick Patrick modified ticket #620

    Order of publication content not consistent with the order of the sections

  • Patrick Patrick posted a comment on ticket #620

    Index error should have it fixed. If it still occurs on anything, try reordering the sections and put them back how you want and see if that fixes it.

  • Patrick Patrick modified ticket #614

    Applying a style to tagged text within styled tagged text causes the larger tags style to be applied to the smaller tagged item

  • Patrick Patrick posted a comment on ticket #614

    Shoudl be fixed live.

  • Patrick Patrick posted a comment on ticket #621

    5 is fixed others are not yet, but maybe are in other tickets.

  • Patrick Patrick modified ticket #623

    Stacking styles not happening.

  • Patrick Patrick posted a comment on ticket #623

    currently live

  • Patrick Patrick modified ticket #622

    List display issue

  • Patrick Patrick posted a comment on ticket #622

    preferred solution to ellipsis with full title in tooltip. Check it out live and let me know if it is insufficient.

  • Patrick Patrick posted a comment on ticket #622

    Is it preferable to clip the label or run it to another line and make the button taller?

  • Patrick Patrick modified ticket #613

    no spaces between decisions causing reflow issues with text in collated outlines

  • Patrick Patrick posted a comment on ticket #613

    Closing. This is fixed and if it shows up again it is likely a bad rendering, not the original issue. It may still appear in publications that have undecided decisions, but that is a strange case that I think is an expected breaking condition.

  • Patrick Patrick committed [r803]

    fix for #623, stacking styles

  • Patrick Patrick modified ticket #626

    Read as option in publication

  • Patrick Patrick posted a comment on ticket #626

    implemented for review

  • Patrick Patrick posted a comment on ticket #626

    Section indexes were wonky, but resorting them fixes that issue. What was underneath that was a misbehaviour in the check for whether the section contained multiple materials. That is fixed in r802

  • Patrick Patrick committed [r802]

    ticket 626

  • Patrick Patrick posted a comment on ticket #626

    This is working with publication 8. So troubleshooting the others (35,36).

  • Patrick Patrick committed [r801]

    publication formatting fix

  • Patrick Patrick committed [r800]

    fix #620

  • Patrick Patrick committed [r799]

    Manipulating tags for #612

  • Patrick Patrick committed [r798]

    just reuse the same formatter to split decisions?

  • Patrick Patrick committed [r797]

    Apply styling when changing sections

  • Patrick Patrick committed [r796]

    proper showing of publication

  • Patrick Patrick created ticket #612

    Tags list does not populate on draft/#/collation/# interface

  • Patrick Patrick modified ticket #329

    401 error in Publications doesn't bring up login screen

  • Patrick Patrick modified ticket #434

    New UI doesn't show version information

  • Patrick Patrick posted a comment on ticket #434


  • Patrick Patrick modified ticket #449

    Other annotate button does nothing

  • Patrick Patrick posted a comment on ticket #449

    works now

  • Patrick Patrick modified ticket #450

    401 errors not reported and not giving user chance to authenticate

  • Patrick Patrick modified ticket #456

    List of tags (or types) for filtering annotations doesn't correspond to what's present

  • Patrick Patrick modified ticket #458

    Need consistent UI for filtering annotation types (and tags)

  • Patrick Patrick modified ticket #521

    PUT /outline should return new object in response body

  • Patrick Patrick modified ticket #527

    PUTting to /outline may create new annotations

  • Patrick Patrick modified ticket #533

    PUT of /outline creates/destroys motes unnecessarily

  • Patrick Patrick modified ticket #562

    New User auto-confirms

  • Patrick Patrick posted a comment on ticket #562

    It was a work-around for the non-mailer. It should be fixed now.

  • Patrick Patrick modified ticket #566

    Infinite digest on main.html#/material/:id/structure

  • Patrick Patrick posted a comment on ticket #566

    Could not find a behavior or action path to replicate this. Please add more information to reopen.

  • Patrick Patrick modified ticket #577

    Disappearing tags

  • Patrick Patrick modified ticket #580

    Cannot annotate materials in tradamus live or _slumail in safari

  • Patrick Patrick posted a comment on ticket #595

    Fixed in current live build

  • Patrick Patrick modified ticket #595

    BUG - annotation details truncates selection but doesn't indicate it

  • Patrick Patrick modified ticket #596

    BUG - annotations in collation window

  • Patrick Patrick posted a comment on ticket #596

    Will fix with #595

  • Patrick Patrick posted a comment on ticket #597

    In current build, annotations seem to go in fine, but the list is not updating with no errors showing. Reloading shows them accurately. The content and label don't clear after hte annotation is saved either Hovering to highlight doesn't work, but maybe it wasn't in this interface? Label+content+tags viewing works well for list, however.

  • Patrick Patrick modified ticket #597

    BUG - creating annotations refresh fail and disappearance

  • Patrick Patrick modified ticket #599

    BUG - refresh does not return the user to the page they were on

  • Patrick Patrick modified ticket #603

    BUG - Publish - styling pop up reorder sections broken

  • Patrick Patrick posted a comment on ticket #603

    This won't fail in Chrome on Win7. Is it Mac only or Safari?

  • Patrick Patrick modified ticket #578

    loading materials from T-PEN

  • Patrick Patrick modified ticket #358

    Tags for wrong witness showing up

  • Patrick Patrick modified ticket #355

    Is there a way to see annotation attributes?

  • Patrick Patrick modified ticket #330

    Mysterious alert after invalid user/password attempt

  • Patrick Patrick modified ticket #398

    Add edition metadata from JSON not saving

  • Patrick Patrick modified ticket #435

    Rethink the temple icon

  • Patrick Patrick posted a comment on ticket #464


  • Patrick Patrick modified ticket #464

    Delete button removes structural annotation from database but not from UI

  • Patrick Patrick committed [r795]

    Fixed issue #464

  • Patrick Patrick posted a comment on ticket #610

    marked is changed to UPPERCASE since that is a thing that people could want and is easy to do and keeps an even number of rows.

  • Patrick Patrick posted a comment on ticket #610

    The status was suppressed in the logic because it is connected to Bootstrap and not regular CSS, but the interface had it not commented out yet. fix commited

  • Patrick Patrick modified ticket #610

    BUG- single text styling that are not working

  • Patrick Patrick committed [r794]

    applyStyle.html hides "status" related to Bootstrap

  • Patrick Patrick modified ticket #592

    BUG- all materials are 'hideable' in the draft coalition window

  • Patrick Patrick posted a comment on ticket #592

    materialArray wasn't being honored in materialController.js:5, because of Materials, but it sort of is now. tested working in r793

  • Patrick Patrick committed [r793]

    fix for #592

  • Patrick Patrick posted a comment on ticket #592

    MaterialService.getAll(mats) in draftController.js:841 should be limiting to represented materials,but maybe it aint.

  • Patrick Patrick modified ticket #592

    BUG- all materials are 'hideable' in the draft coalition window

  • Patrick Patrick posted a comment on ticket #582

    Everything looks fine this morning. (W7, Chrome, TPEN material)

  • Patrick Patrick modified ticket #582

    BUG - creating segment shows annotation label multiple times untill page is refreshed

  • Patrick Patrick posted a comment on ticket #576

    I think this is working, but it is a little non-obvious. Here's proof of a tagged annotation showing up: (attached) The filters are off by default. Adding a tag creates an annotation of type tr-userAdded. If you turn on the filter for those, you will see the highlight and the snip in the details. Fun fact, everywhere you see tr-* was supposed to be hidden from the visualizations as a Tradamus-only thing, but we never got to that part of the interface.

  • Patrick Patrick modified ticket #576

    annotating materials visualization error

  • Patrick Patrick modified ticket #510

    POST to create an annotation

  • Patrick Patrick modified ticket #587

    entering into a collated draft doc gives gibberish

  • Patrick Patrick posted a comment on ticket #587

    Can you still make this happen? Environment/browser/steps to repeat?

  • Patrick Patrick modified ticket #570

    Add grey box to layout and styling popup in publisication

  • Patrick Patrick modified a comment on ticket #570

    this is the add rule area of the styling interface

  • Patrick Patrick modified ticket #353

    No page-selection menu after logging out and back in

  • Patrick Patrick posted a comment on ticket #353

    unfortunately old news. This interface is deprecated.

  • Patrick Patrick modified ticket #208

    Creating edition with duplicate name fails with no error

  • Patrick Patrick posted a comment on ticket #208

    The error is not cute (raw HTML) but it does communicate the problem.

  • Patrick Patrick modified ticket #332

    Sort By combo-box on Dashboard has no effect

  • Patrick Patrick posted a comment on ticket #332

    suppressed the box

  • Patrick Patrick modified ticket #354

    Zero Wing error on trying to logout

  • Patrick Patrick posted a comment on ticket #354

    Confirmed. If Tomcat crashes while the user is in the application and then they attempt to logout, we prevent their logout attempt and leave them with no other options. All their base are belong to us.

  • Patrick Patrick posted a comment on ticket #594


  • Patrick Patrick modified ticket #594

    BUG p- cascading GETS

  • Patrick Patrick committed [r792]

    fix #594

  • Patrick Patrick posted a comment on ticket #594

    img.onerror continues to fail. Needs a null.

  • Patrick Patrick modified ticket #600

    BUG - Delete annotations fails to update annotation list

  • Patrick Patrick modified ticket #606

    BUG - no error message when logged out but draft screen still open

  • Patrick Patrick posted a comment on ticket #606

    committed r791

  • Patrick Patrick committed [r791]

    fixes #606

  • Patrick Patrick modified ticket #586

    styling the sections for publishing

  • Patrick Patrick posted a comment on ticket #586

    fixed in #602

  • Patrick Patrick modified ticket #571

    Adding a segment an already collated outline

  • Patrick Patrick posted a comment on ticket #571

    Makes sense to me. I think I can just check for outlines.decisions.length, but we will see.

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