User Activity

  • Created ticket #259 on AlphaCocoa

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  • Posted a comment on ticket #251 on AlphaCocoa

    Hi Bernard, I can't remember the last time that I saw this problem. I think that this ticket should be marked as fixed and closed. Another ticket can be opened if this problem ever raises its ugly head again. Cheers, Chris.

  • Posted a comment on ticket #251 on AlphaCocoa

    Not on the machine I am using the most at the moment. I will upgrade. On 2 Jun 2021, at 8:05 pm, Bernard Desgraupes via AlphaCocoa-devel<> wrote: External email: Please exercise caution Hi Chris, are you using the new Alpha 9.2.3 ? [tickets:#251] Strange hang Status: open Created: Thu Apr 22, 2021 06:00 AM UTC by Chris Skeels Last Updated: Wed Jun 02, 2021 07:08 AM UTC...

  • Posted a comment on ticket #251 on AlphaCocoa

    Hi Bernard, The % character has certainly been there on occasion, as does the notion of automatic line breaking (which I do have turned on). That said, it is one of those things that was infrequent and not something that I was ever thinking about until it started happening, whereupon it was a bugger to get rid of. Anyway, what you describe has that ring of familiarity to it. I would be happy if my bug was marked as a duplicate of the earlier ones and, if it persists after the next upgrade, it can...

  • Posted a comment on ticket #251 on AlphaCocoa

    That previous post should have said TeX mode not text. This, I believe ,is just a repeat of Bug #249, which I notice that you have just closed. Has something happened for it to be resolved? It continues to happen for me, although I am still yet to find the cause. That said, it is a tenacious problem once it occurs. It will continually happen at a particular point in the text, no obvious pattern as to which point, although always towards where a line break should ordinarily occur. Once it happens...

  • Posted a comment on ticket #251 on AlphaCocoa

    Further to this, I am mostly in text mode and the key combination cmd-I does seem to induce the problem.

  • Created ticket #251 on AlphaCocoa

    Strange hang

  • Posted a comment on ticket #212 on AlphaCocoa

    Hi Bernard, This should be closed now. Thanks for the fix. Cheers, Chris.

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2008-02-02 00:27:05


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