Activity for Chris Skeels

  • Chris Skeels Chris Skeels created ticket #259

    Printing from built-in PDF viewer

  • Chris Skeels Chris Skeels posted a comment on ticket #251

    Hi Bernard, I can't remember the last time that I saw this problem. I think that this ticket should be marked as fixed and closed. Another ticket can be opened if this problem ever raises its ugly head again. Cheers, Chris.

  • Chris Skeels Chris Skeels posted a comment on ticket #251

    Not on the machine I am using the most at the moment. I will upgrade. On 2 Jun 2021, at 8:05 pm, Bernard Desgraupes via AlphaCocoa-devel<> wrote: External email: Please exercise caution Hi Chris, are you using the new Alpha 9.2.3 ? [tickets:#251] Strange hang Status: open Created: Thu Apr 22, 2021 06:00 AM UTC by Chris Skeels Last Updated: Wed Jun 02, 2021 07:08 AM UTC...

  • Chris Skeels Chris Skeels posted a comment on ticket #251

    Hi Bernard, The % character has certainly been there on occasion, as does the notion of automatic line breaking (which I do have turned on). That said, it is one of those things that was infrequent and not something that I was ever thinking about until it started happening, whereupon it was a bugger to get rid of. Anyway, what you describe has that ring of familiarity to it. I would be happy if my bug was marked as a duplicate of the earlier ones and, if it persists after the next upgrade, it can...

  • Chris Skeels Chris Skeels posted a comment on ticket #251

    That previous post should have said TeX mode not text. This, I believe ,is just a repeat of Bug #249, which I notice that you have just closed. Has something happened for it to be resolved? It continues to happen for me, although I am still yet to find the cause. That said, it is a tenacious problem once it occurs. It will continually happen at a particular point in the text, no obvious pattern as to which point, although always towards where a line break should ordinarily occur. Once it happens...

  • Chris Skeels Chris Skeels posted a comment on ticket #251

    Further to this, I am mostly in text mode and the key combination cmd-I does seem to induce the problem.

  • Chris Skeels Chris Skeels created ticket #251

    Strange hang

  • Chris Skeels Chris Skeels posted a comment on ticket #212

    Hi Bernard, This should be closed now. Thanks for the fix. Cheers, Chris.

  • Chris Skeels Chris Skeels posted a comment on ticket #212

    Hi Bernard, Fair enough. The fact that I find the colour of the prompts (or placeholders) so light that they are difficult to read against the white background of the status bar perhaps says more about my eyesight than anything else. Thanks for the feedback. Cheers, Chris.

  • Chris Skeels Chris Skeels created ticket #212

    LaTeX menu: Curiosities with environments

  • Chris Skeels Chris Skeels posted a comment on ticket #211

    Hi Matt, In my experience, once this happens the unbalanced parameters sit in the log file and kills all subsequent runs of LaTeX. It may not solve the problem but, if you haven’t done so, delete the existing log file (I usually throw out everything except the source files) and start the process as though it is the first time it has been run. That often helps, although is a workaround rather than a real fix for the problem. I hope this helps. Cheers, Chris. From: Joachim Kock via AlphaCocoa-devel...

  • Chris Skeels Chris Skeels posted a comment on ticket #189

    I see this too when editing .tex files. I am not sure if whether the insertion point being near the middle of a line matters (in the only instance that springs to mind, the cursor was mid-line). In any event, the common feature is that when I inset some sort of environment, say in-line maths, it is not uncommon to see what Joachim describes. Typing command-I sees it all spring back to the middle of the screen again (and the text tidied up as well, in the usual command-I way).

  • Chris Skeels Chris Skeels posted a comment on ticket #195

    Yes. This should be closed. Thanks Bernard. -- Christopher L. Skeels Associate Professor, Department of Economics Secretary, Australasian Standing Committee of the Econometric Society Director, Econometrics Research Unit Room 327, FBE Building (#105), 111 Barry Street The University of Melbourne VIC 3010 Australia ORCID: 0000-0003-3632-1933 Tel: (+61) 03 8344 3783<tel: (+61)%2003%208344%203783=""> Fax: (+61) 03 8344 6899<tel: (+61)%2003%208344%206899=""> email:</tel:></tel:>...

  • Chris Skeels Chris Skeels created ticket #195

    Odd menubar behaviour

  • Chris Skeels Chris Skeels posted a comment on ticket #1500

    Thank you so much for the fast and positive response. Cheers, Chris.

  • Chris Skeels Chris Skeels created ticket #1500

    PDF-TeX Sync Preset for Alpha

  • Chris Skeels Chris Skeels posted a comment on ticket #153

    This is probably the right call. I suspect that it was a manifestation of the two monitor problem, .e. something was happening, just not where I was looking. Cheers, Chris. On 12 June 2018 at 4:06:59 pm, Bernard Desgraupes ( wrote: status: open --> closed Version: 9.0rc1 --> 9.0rc4 Comment: I checked again with 9.0rc4. It works for me. Closing this ticket now. Please reopen if the issues shows up again. [tickets:#153]

  • Chris Skeels Chris Skeels created ticket #155

    A Multi-monitor curiosity

  • Chris Skeels Chris Skeels posted a comment on ticket #151

    At the moment, if I try to compare two open windows I get an error saying Diff marks not properly set, offering me the opportunity to either Cancel or Try Again. (Note that the windowns being compared snap into place as they should and the * Windows Comparison * window appears as it should. In this latter window is the following entry: Process "psn ($0000000000000000$)" not found If I choose to Try Again then everything seems to work fine.

  • Chris Skeels Chris Skeels posted a comment on ticket #150

    This is now working perfectly, as far as I can tell, so I am happy for this to be closed.

  • Chris Skeels Chris Skeels posted a comment on ticket #149

    Works like a charm. Perhaps not quite as elegant as being able to access these parameters from the Printing Panel that appears when one pushes cmd-P, but it does the job. I am happy for this to be closed now.

  • Chris Skeels Chris Skeels posted a comment on ticket #148

    This appears to be fixed now and can be closed.

  • Chris Skeels Chris Skeels created ticket #153

    Problem with Ref completions

  • Chris Skeels Chris Skeels posted a comment on ticket #148

    Better but not quite fixed. Try type-setting the following: ( \frac{1}{2} ). For me the key-stroke sequence is ctrl-cmd-m, \frac{, 1, tab, 2 tab, tab to reach the end. It is taking an additional tab on leaving the fraction to exit the math environment than it should

  • Chris Skeels Chris Skeels posted a comment on ticket #149

    Much as it pains me to say it, Microsoft Word offers such a facility. You can, of course, alter margins using the Rulers (available from the View Menu). Alternatively, from the Print Dialog, select Page Setup followed by the Microsoft Word setting, and then finally select Margins. In Tex model we can do it because we have control of the page. What brought my attention to it was trying to print some Matlab code. Lots of lines were wrapped, making the code more difficult to read, but there was also...

  • Chris Skeels Chris Skeels posted a comment on ticket #152

    Further to this, if you double click on delta in \delta_{n} then it is \delta_ that is selected, so the { is breaking the word. From: Joachim Kock via AlphaCocoa-devel<> Reply-To: Ticket 152<> Date: Saturday, 24 March 2018 5:56 pm To: ""<>...

  • Chris Skeels Chris Skeels posted a comment on ticket #150

    Hi Bernard, I’m at home, where I only have a single screen, and so this is from memory (which my wife reliably informs me is usually at fault). In any event, with 2 screens you have a menu bar on both screen. On the screen with the active window, whichever that maybe, the menu bar is bright (like when you have a single screen). On the other screen the menu bar is faded in appearance. This changes as you work with windows on one screen or another. The Status Bar, on the other hand appears only on...

  • Chris Skeels Chris Skeels created ticket #151


  • Chris Skeels Chris Skeels created ticket #150

    Staus Bar Location

  • Chris Skeels Chris Skeels posted a comment on ticket #147

    This is not a problem that I am still seeing. This Bug should probably be closed. Cheers, Chris.

  • Chris Skeels Chris Skeels created ticket #149

    Printing area

  • Chris Skeels Chris Skeels created ticket #148

    Problems with the Better Templates feature

  • Chris Skeels Chris Skeels posted a comment on ticket #147

    One further observation. The earlier comments were based on experience on a machine running OS X 10.9.5. I don't observe any of these symptoms on a machine running OS X 10.12.6.

  • Chris Skeels Chris Skeels created ticket #147

    Encoding issues

  • Chris Skeels Chris Skeels posted a comment on ticket #139

    Based on very limited experience, the drag and drop issue seems much improved with the latest pre-release (9.0b4). It can still take a while for the cursor icon to change but dragging and dropping by itself seems to work regardless of the shape of the cursor and is much more responsive than seen previously, which suggests that the cursor is taking longer to change than it should, i.e. whatever condition is checked to determine the shape of the cursor is being checked later in the sequence than it...

  • Chris Skeels Chris Skeels posted a comment on ticket #141

    Problem gone. This can be closed.

  • Chris Skeels Chris Skeels created ticket #141

    Cancel 'Create A New ...' Prefs throws error

  • Chris Skeels Chris Skeels created ticket #139

    Problems with text selection

  • Chris Skeels Chris Skeels posted a comment on ticket #133

    For what little it is worth, I have long felt that many of the default menu settings are tailored for very small screens, the LaTeX menu being a good example, but certainly not the only one. I think that it is great that it is possible to configure menus to be compact, if say working on a laptop, but I am not sure that is it is all that desirable if working on a desktop machine which, these days, is likely to have much more extensive real estate available. The problem, as seen here, is that you only...

  • Chris Skeels Chris Skeels posted a comment on ticket #112

    Dear Andreas, It may have been related to the make sf-update flavour of the update....

  • Chris Skeels Chris Skeels posted a comment on ticket #112

    Hi Bernard, It all works fine now. Thanks. I think that this ticket could be closed....

  • Chris Skeels Chris Skeels posted a comment on ticket #112

    Hi Bernard, On my home machine (running OS X 10.9.5) I am still getting errors when...

  • Chris Skeels Chris Skeels posted a comment on ticket #112

    Hi Bernard, I just tried to rebuild the core to check that the latest changed resolved...

  • Chris Skeels Chris Skeels created ticket #112

    AlphaCocoa Lives!

  • Chris Skeels Chris Skeels posted a comment on ticket #24

    Now works for me. This should be closed. Thanks Bernard.

  • Chris Skeels Chris Skeels posted a comment on ticket #24

    Thanks Bernard. Christopher L. Skeels Associate Professor, Department of Economics...

  • Chris Skeels Chris Skeels posted a comment on ticket #105

    Hi Joachim, There is nothing wrong with the Aussie hat! :-) Moreover, the OzTeX icon...

  • Chris Skeels Chris Skeels posted a comment on ticket #24

    The trouble finding the Help files was apparently due to the updating of AlphaTcl...

  • Chris Skeels Chris Skeels posted a comment on ticket #93

    You’re right. Sorry for the noise. This bug should be closed. Thanks, Chris.

  • Chris Skeels Chris Skeels posted a comment on ticket #93

    This fix does appears to resolve the problem on a machine running OS X 10.12.3. Before...

  • Chris Skeels Chris Skeels posted a comment on ticket #92

    The fix seems to work and so this bug should be closed. Thanks, Chris.

  • Chris Skeels Chris Skeels created ticket #93

    Alpha and Google Chrome

  • Chris Skeels Chris Skeels created ticket #92

    Double-clickable commands in TeX mode lost

  • Chris Skeels Chris Skeels posted a comment on ticket #74

    Hi Bob, Did you manage to do the Developer Update described in the Technical Note?...

  • Chris Skeels Chris Skeels posted a comment on ticket #66

    Hi Bob, Once you have been able to do a checkout you should check how an update works...

  • Chris Skeels Chris Skeels posted a comment on ticket #36

    I don't know whether this is related or not, but it is similar. I can use the left-most...

  • Chris Skeels Chris Skeels posted a comment on ticket #48

    Magenta is back. Hoorah! Feel free to close this at your leisure.

  • Chris Skeels Chris Skeels created ticket #48

    Colouring in TeX mode

  • Chris Skeels Chris Skeels posted a comment on ticket #42

    This can be closed.

  • Chris Skeels Chris Skeels posted a comment on ticket #41

    Hi Bernard, I downgraded to the most recent distributed version of 9.0a4 and now...

  • Chris Skeels Chris Skeels created ticket #42

    PDF Viewers in TeX mode

  • Chris Skeels Chris Skeels posted a comment on ticket #41

    And here is Fig2.pdf

  • Chris Skeels Chris Skeels created ticket #41

    New LaTeX Document

  • Chris Skeels Chris Skeels posted a comment on ticket #33

    I can no longer reproduce this either. I suggest that this bug be closed. It can...

  • Chris Skeels Chris Skeels posted a comment on ticket #32

    Hi Bernard, I just checked the new links on the Alpha Developer > AlphaDev Web Sites...

  • Chris Skeels Chris Skeels posted a comment on ticket #32

    What caught my eye is the asymmetry in the treatment of AlphaCocoa and AlphaTcl....

  • Chris Skeels Chris Skeels created ticket #33

    Menu Update Proc error: texConsole

  • Chris Skeels Chris Skeels created ticket #32

    Developer Menu mis-named?

  • Chris Chris posted a comment on ticket #25

    This is 9.0a2 (which is not currently a Milestone optionin the Bug tracker).

  • Chris Chris created ticket #25

    Embrace package activation error

  • Chris Chris posted a comment on ticket #24

    Correction: Milestone 9.0a2

  • Chris Chris created ticket #24

    Global Features

  • Chris Chris created ticket #22

    Problems with Update AlphaTcl submenu

  • Chris Chris created ticket #9

    LaTeX Menu Icon

  • Chris Chris created ticket #8

    Problems with Alpha Developer Menu