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  • Posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion on luckyBackup

    Okay, things are fine again. I did a reboot and the problem went away. I must say this is an odd occurrence, but I'll take it.

  • Posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion on luckyBackup

    If I look at the LB process in System Monitor, I see ~~~ Waiting Channel iterate_dir. ~~~ Other than that, the other properties look okay. The program is active but doesn't do anything; no CPU utilization, no reads or writes, no anything. Until the update, it was fine. Now I have no idea how to fix things. I have reoved LB, and reinstalled it. That didn't help. I suppose I could reboot. So I guess I'll try that.

  • Posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion on luckyBackup

    I first triesd to launch LB by clicking the icon in the Menu. The normal screen came up but the program did not do anything.. I had to stop the program. I checked the logs and saw this in the logs folrder.: command: exit code: 0 output: No program defined I also foung this in a log: =====================================execution of task : Backup My Documents to Ext Drive on CP2, startingSource : /media/Data/Destination : /nfs/Ubuntu_Data_Backup/ Failed to create destination directory -----| Backing-up...

  • Posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion on luckyBackup

    Another thought. If I delete and reinstall LB, will I lose my configurations or jobs I have created?

  • Posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion on luckyBackup

    I just updated my OS from Ubuntu 20.04 to 22.04. I use the Gnome Flashback desktop which uses alacarte for the application menus. I noticed that LB did not have an associated icon for the non superuser program but did have for the superuser one. I decided to assign the icon, but when I clicked on the Properties Bar in alacarte I got no response. So I ran alacarte in a terminal. I get the following when I click on the properties link: File "/usr/share/alacarte/Alacarte/", line 451, in...

  • Posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion on luckyBackup

    Loukas, I had to reboot my system because of some updates, and LB now runs as before. Since I could find nothing in the logs or messages, either the update fixed the problem or at least reset something that had gotten out of whack. So all is good.

  • Posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion on luckyBackup

    I have done that. There are no messages. I have to go into System Monitor and End the program. The Terminal will then return to the prompt. I can start LB multiple times. If I check System Monitor, there will be that number of instances of LB shown as active, but none of them display the LB screen. It's as if LB is running but is not communicating with the display.

  • Modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion on luckyBackup

    Suddenly LB started loading but does nothing. The program does not come up. It shows up in system monitor but is doing nothing. No interface to select previously defined backups, just nothing. This just started about a week ago.. What can I run to get a response? I am on Ubuntu 21.04.4.

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2006-05-02 21:43:35


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