Activity for Richard C

  • Richard C Richard C committed [4f1d27] on qucsator

    qucs-core.cbp: Updated code::blocks project file to add CMake build files

  • Richard C Richard C committed [8e9811] on qucsator

    Updated mextrsolver to use qucs namespace

  • Richard C Richard C committed [cd22c7] on qucsator

    removed generated files

  • Richard C Richard C committed [66ba2c] on qucsator

    put much of code into qucs namespace with wide-ranging changes to support this

  • Richard C Richard C committed [8b899c] on qucsator

    Merge branch 'master' of ssh://

  • Richard C Richard C committed [076509] on qucsator

    Merge branch 'master' of ssh://

  • Richard C Richard C committed [ead5aa] on qucsator

    Merge branch 'master' of ssh://

  • Richard C Richard C committed [aee66b] on qucsator

    qucs_interface.h: removed unistd.h include

  • Richard C Richard C committed [d5b380] on qucsator

    Removed config.h include from interface headers

  • Richard C Richard C committed [4cbd2e] on qucsator

    qucs-core/ actually call adms bootstrap, not autogen_lin

  • Richard C Richard C committed [9b607a] on qucsator

    converter/ Updated to use libtool libraries

  • Richard C Richard C committed [531fab] on qucsator

    qucs-core/ changed to

  • Richard C Richard C committed [1875f2] on qucsator

    Modifications to create qucs-core shared library

  • Richard C Richard C committed [a60579] on qucsator

    Added bootstrap script for adms, and call it in qucs-core bootstrap if present

  • Richard C Richard C committed [7b88ac] on qucsator

    Made into custom makefile project

  • Richard C Richard C committed [55c7b8] on qucsator

    moved to, and updated to reflect this. Also updated README file for qucs

  • Richard C Richard C posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Github is where xfemm's latest source code is stored and developed. We use Git for development, and Github is a kind of web interface for Git. PR is short for Pull Request. Probably explaining what a pull request is is beyond the scope of this forum. At the very least, however, using the 'Issues' tab for the project to describe the problem and track it would be useful and requires no prior knowledge of git or github.

  • Richard C Richard C posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Even better if you can submit a PR on Github!

  • Richard C Richard C posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    If you open a github issue it is a bit more likely to get addressed. Unfortunately there doesn't seem to be many mac users (or at least enough who complain).

  • Richard C Richard C posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    have you run mfemm_setup?

  • Richard C Richard C imported Files

  • Richard C Richard C imported Files

  • Richard C Richard C posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Thanks, could you please submit an issue on github with an example failing script please.

  • Richard C Richard C posted a comment on discussion Help

    Speaking as a long time contributor to Qucs, and the person who essentially once revived it from death with the help of others, I don't find him to be "abusing the forum" just for mentioning some alternative software. I recall a time when we actually cared about windows users and made sure there was a build, now there's barely a build available for Linux, so I don't think we can complain if people mention alternatives that they can actually use. Sadly I don't have time to help maintain Qucs any more,...

  • Richard C Richard C posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Actually, to be more accurate, please try with the 1.9 release. There's issues with the other releases which were never resolved.

  • Richard C Richard C posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Please try with the latest release. The github master is not guaranteed to work, and is WIP.

  • Richard C Richard C posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    exactly what version are you using?

  • Richard C Richard C committed [0cb2e9]

    removed some more code for clarity

  • Richard C Richard C committed [09a357]

    removed all code and added note annoncing move to github

  • Richard C Richard C committed [e6d698]

    main.cpp: replaced Q3 cleanDirPaths with cleanPaths

  • Richard C Richard C committed [cebf06]

    renamed some settings dialog code variables for clarity and added widget to display new path list setting

  • Richard C Richard C committed [7962f8]

    circulator.cpp: whitespace change, no logic changes

  • Richard C Richard C committed [fb70a3]

    chnages to introduce new subcircuit search path

  • Richard C Richard C committed [8b210d]

    removed debugging output code

  • Richard C Richard C committed [fab596]

    Added Code::Blocks makefile project file for convenience

  • Richard C Richard C committed [55f561]

    changes to allow adding and removing search path entries through application settings dialog

  • Richard C Richard C committed [4c49b7]

    qucs.cpp: fixed Go Into Subcircuit

  • Richard C Richard C committed [d9aca7]

    qucssettingsdialog.cpp: fixed bug with empty row insertions in search path table

  • Richard C Richard C committed [e39cb9]

    Added functionality to 'Add with Subfolders' button

  • Richard C Richard C committed [8ecbe7]

    changed string to make qucs editor to 'qucs', qucs also now used if setting is empty

  • Richard C Richard C committed [55fcbf]

    added to code::blocks project file

  • Richard C Richard C committed [f04f19]

    fixed saved path settings load failure

  • Richard C Richard C committed [6207a1]

    Merge branch 'master' of ssh://

  • Richard C Richard C committed [812e5d]

    moved to, and updated to reflect this. Also updated README file for qucs

  • Richard C Richard C committed [f9216e]

    put much of code into qucs namespace with wide-ranging changes to support this

  • Richard C Richard C committed [8ad79d]

    qucssettingsdialog.cpp: fixed search path button locations

  • Richard C Richard C posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    You might need to rebuild from sources, are you on windows or linux?

  • Richard C Richard C posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    There are issues with this version, hence the official download still being 1.9, I reccomend sticking with that for now.

  • Richard C Richard C posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    I applied Christian's fix on Github with this commit: Any further disuccion would be best done on github

  • Richard C Richard C posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Christian thanks for this, I will take a look at the patch. Incidentally, I just moved the code to github here: Feel free infuture to fork the github repo and send me a pull request. I'll try applying your patch when I get a chance.

  • Richard C Richard C posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Sorry, I was interrupted, there are issues with the development sources, Try the latest official download (in fact I'd reccommend version 1.9 for now).

  • Richard C Richard C posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Try the official

  • Richard C Richard C posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    I was listening, if it helps, but unfortunately too busy to help at the moment, and have experience, or access to a mac. At some point I can see if I can merge your changes with the main code.

  • Richard C Richard C posted a comment on discussion Help

    This is very interesting! Any idea when you might be able to make it public? Would really like to play around with this.

  • Richard C Richard C posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hi, you can use the loadSTLMesh of the nemoh.body class for this. Theoretically this should work, but in practice I have had Nemoh throw errors with meshes imported this way.

  • Richard C Richard C posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    I'm not the FEMM project, xfemm works differently, but I'll help you anyway. The problem is that Octave is trying to communicate with FEMM using activex, which doesn't work on Linux. You need to use the filelink method instead. You need to start femm with the --filelink option (see manual, and possibly edit openfemm to make sure it doesn't try to use the activex server. It shouldn't be trying to use the activex server, it should only do this on Windows, but it seems like it is trying to. If you want...

  • Richard C Richard C posted a comment on discussion Help

    With QUCSStudio? No sorry, perhaps contact the author, the Qucs devs have no contact with anyone involved in QUCSStudio. If you want to achieve something though we can probbably explain how to do it in Qucs instead. I suggest starting a new discussion asking how to do whatever you want to do but in Qucs. We can point you to tutorials and examples for Qucs.

  • Richard C Richard C posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    QUCSStudio is a completely differrent program from Qucs, it was forked many years ago. As such, we can't help with it, sorry.

  • Richard C Richard C posted a comment on discussion Help

    QUCSStudio is a completely differrent program from Qucs, it was forked many years ago. As such, we can't help with it, sorry.

  • Richard C Richard C posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    If I use the same .fem file in both FEMM and xfemm (the one created by writefemfile in xfemm) I get identical results from FEMM and xfemm, see the attached script. Does this also work for you? I noticed in the xfemm script you provided that you left the problem depth at 0, but in the .fem file you provided it is 1. Could there be other discrepancies?

  • Richard C Richard C posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Thanks, I will investigate, I forgot to ask which version of xfemm you are using? Recently (with version 2.0) there were big changes, this may have introduced a bug, You might like to try xfemm 1.9 instead, which I have made the default download again.

  • Richard C Richard C posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Can you share the actual problem files or xfemm scripts?

  • Richard C Richard C posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    There's not a special mfemm mesh plotting routine yet. Before solving the best you can do is to use loadmesh_mfemm to load the mesh into a matlab structure. You would do this after running fmesher, and before running fsolver (or if you run fmesher with keepmesh set to true). You can then plot it using matlab's triplot function. after solving, using fpproc you can use getvertices and getelements then use matlab's triplot to plot it. It would look something like the following (which I've done off the...

  • Richard C Richard C posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    If you want to know how to load Qucs data and manipulate it in Octave or Python, then naturally you must have some knowledge of these systems. I'm not sure why you would think otherwise? The tutorial is totally accurate. It explans how to use qucs (actually qucsator, the solver which Qucs uses to solve circuits by default), from the command line to generate data, using its native input format which is a netlist (text based) type file. Normally Qucs generates this netlist file from the schematic file...

  • Richard C Richard C posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    loglog is a built in Octave function.

  • Richard C Richard C posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    sydney, with all due respect, the problem here is that you don't know how to use Octave, not that the tutorial has a problem.

  • Richard C Richard C posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Unfortunately this file is not very well documented, the help for loadQucsDataSet is pretty useless. However, data is an array of Octave Structures. each one contains the data for one variable. If you have run it in octave, why noe just try running data to see what fields there are. I can't rememeber offhand, but I think each structure in the array will have a 'time' and 'data' field or something like that.

  • Richard C Richard C modified a comment on discussion Help

    On my linux machine it gets installed in /opt/share/qucs/octave/loadQucsDataSet.m I dont knoe where it will go in windows, if thats your OS. EDIT, actually I mean /usr/local/share/qucs/octave/loadQucsDataSet.m

  • Richard C Richard C posted a comment on discussion Help

    On my linux machine it gets installed in /opt/share/qucs/octave/loadQucsDataSet.m I dont knoe where it will go in windows, if thats your OS.

  • Richard C Richard C posted a comment on discussion Help

    I thought it would be rather obvious that loadQucsDataSet is an Octave file shipped with Qucs, and not a stndard Octave function. If the tutorial has a problem, it is that the location of this file is not explained.

  • Richard C Richard C posted a comment on discussion Help See last item. Qucs is free software. If anyone wants to fork it, they can. That is the beauty of the GPL. As for why, if you want to know more than what's in his FAQ, you'll have to direct these questions to the author.

  • Richard C Richard C posted a comment on discussion Help

    QucsStudio was forked from Qucs by one of the original Qucs authors many years ago. There is no mixing between Qucs and QucsStudio, it's a completely different project, with a closed source solver too.

  • Richard C Richard C modified a wiki page


  • Richard C Richard C modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    You can use subcircuit parmeters to pass the same values into all three components. You could set up the parameters for one transistor then just copy and paste. Have you seen: It describes how to use subcircuit parameters. Chapter 16.4 of the pdf linked to below also has more information on subcircuit parameters (the workbook also has info on many other things about qucs): Hope this is helpf...

  • Richard C Richard C modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    You can use subcircuit parmeters to pass the same values into all three components. You could set up the parameters for one transistor then just copy and paste. Have you seen: It describes how to use subcircuit parameters. Chapter 16.4 of the pdf linked to below also has more information on subcircuit parameters (and may other things about qucs):

  • Richard C Richard C posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    You can use subcircuit parmeters to pass the same values into all three components. You could set up the parameters for one transistor then just copy and paste. Have you seen: It describes how to use subcircuit parameters. Chapter 16.4 of this pdf has more information on subcircuit parameters (and may other things about qucs):

  • Richard C Richard C posted a comment on discussion Help

    It's a .sch file, Qucs file format, you open it with Qucs.

  • Richard C Richard C posted a comment on discussion Help

    You can raise a ticket with sourceforge here: to request an enhancement with the sourceforge site.

  • Richard C Richard C posted a comment on discussion Help

    Ths is a question for the sourceforge developers.

  • Richard C Richard C posted a comment on discussion Help

    I'm afraid we can't help with QucsStudio. It's a fork of Qucs from a very very long time ago, and we have nothing to do with it.

  • Richard C Richard C posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    If you're using xfemm in Octave, you can use the plotting methods of the fpproc class to show the results in a figure. Have a look at the exmple tutorial where a plot is done at the end. There are plotBField method which I guess is what you want.

  • Richard C Richard C posted a comment on discussion Help

    Yes, I'm afraid the only place to switch the number of cores is in the Qucs source code, by modifying the solver to be parallelized. The small speedup you see is probably just some lower level system library like BLAS which has some parallelization.

  • Richard C Richard C posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Looks good, I've now merged, very useful to start adding some. One point about the...

  • Richard C Richard C posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Pull request are probably easiest, but it would be good to put this work on a new...

  • Richard C Richard C modified a wiki page


  • Richard C Richard C posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hi Johannes, ok, I just thought I'd check you'd seen that post. So, the heat flow...

  • Richard C Richard C posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hi johannes, Regarding problem.h and hproblem.h, you are right, these could both...

  • Richard C Richard C modified a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hello, mfemm_setup does two things, compiles the mex functions, and also adds the...

  • Richard C Richard C posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hello, mfemm_setup does two things, compiles the mex functions, and also adds the...

  • Richard C Richard C posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hi Alejandro, could you give a little more information? The problem solves fine on...

  • Richard C Richard C posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Sorry for taking a long time to reply. I wouldn't have any special requirements,...

  • Richard C Richard C posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Klaus, regarding lua scripting. to reimplement this on the command line would require...

  • Richard C Richard C modified a comment on discussion General Discussion

    I can help guide anyone who wants to help implement the other solvers. I'll start...

  • Richard C Richard C posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    I can help guide anyone who wants to help implement the other solvers. I'll start...

  • Richard C Richard C posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    oh, and if you take a look at the README.txt and INSTALLATION.txt files provided...

  • Richard C Richard C posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Morning Klaus, glad you solved your issue, yes, you must omit the '.fem' for fsolver...

  • Richard C Richard C posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    I'd like to, but I've no specific plans, it's quite low on the list unfortunately....

  • Richard C Richard C posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hi Stephane, The problem is the overlapping segments, xfemm is less forgiving than...

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