Activity for Crises

  • Crises Crises posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hi, First of all, Lee, thanks for your changes in the Hylafax+ code, now the Fax is working perfect with Active Directory. But at this point I have a problem. Some of my users are sending faxes to mobile phones, or numbers like "0", "00", "000" putting on the fax unnecessary load. Can I block this numbers for not processing? I readed in the documentation about jobcontrolcmd, and the possibily to put a script that proccess this, like: *case "$number" in 0) echo "RejectCall: yes" echo "RejectNotice:...

  • Crises Crises modified a comment on discussion Help

    The problem continues... I tried changing the machine, but the same error. I'm using Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server 7.4 (Maipo) with kernel 3.10.0-693.el7.x86_64 This problem was tonight: May 28 00:09:45 kernel: t38modem[9396]: segfault at 7f0ddc00f440 ip 00007f0ddc00f440 sp 00007f0dc3b6cd58 error 15

  • Crises Crises posted a comment on discussion Help

    The problem continues... I tried changing the machine, but the same error. I'm using Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server 7.4 (Maipo) with kernel 3.10.0-693.el7.x86_64 This problem was tonight: May 28 00:09:45 iv4tl0200 kernel: t38modem[9396]: segfault at 7f0ddc00f440 ip 00007f0ddc00f440 sp 00007f0dc3b6cd58 error 15

  • Crises Crises posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hi, I have a server Hylafax+ t38modem with this version: T38Modem Version 3.15.3, OPAL-3.10.15/3.10.15 (svn:30298), PTLIB-2.10.15/2.10.15 Worked without problems during weeks, but the last night: kernel: t38modem[24338]: segfault at 7feab400e9b0 ip 00007feab400e9b0 sp 00007fea8c1d5db8 error 15 kernel: t38modem[17831]: segfault at 0 ip (null) sp 00007f6642092db8 error 14 in t38modem[400000+6c000] Why this happened after a good work?

  • Crises Crises modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Now worked. Perfect. I think at this moment the code is highly configurable for all the needs/platforms. Great work and thank you very much for your help. It was a pleasure! If you need contact me for test code or something in the future, you can send me a DM!

  • Crises Crises modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Now worked. Perfect. I think at this moment the code is highly configurable for all the needs/platforms. Great work and thank you very much for your help. It was a pleasure! If you need contact me for test of something in the future, you can send me a DM!

  • Crises Crises posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Now worked. Perfect. I think at this moment the code is highly configurable for all the needs/platforms. Great work and thank you very much for your help. It was a pleasure!

  • Crises Crises posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    I don't know why is not working. Login failed: 530 Login incorrect. I tried to put this solution in your LDAP_test.c++ and it's working, but not in the code.

  • Crises Crises posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    I added this option yesterday to my code, before your commit, but gives me this: Login failed: 530 Access Denied

  • Crises Crises posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Nice. I'm trying to add a option for enable disable the group in LDAP. Because now my company don't want use specific group for fax users, but maybe in the future they want use a specific group. But can be interesting add this function. Regards.

  • Crises Crises posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hi, I added to the code the next option. err = ldap_set_option(p_LDAPConn, LDAP_OPT_REFERRALS, LDAP_OPT_OFF); if (err != LDAP_SUCCESS) { reply(530, "Set Option LDAP Referrals Off error:", err, ldap_err2string(err)); goto cleanup; } The Active Directory in my company is huge, so if this option is not activated, the code does not work. Maybe can be interesting add this code. Regards

  • Crises Crises modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    The commit is working. My hfaxd.conf is: LDAPServerURI: "ldap://" LDAPReqGroup: "CN=Hylafax,CN=Users,DC=example,DC=com" LDAPBindQuery: %s LDAPSearchDN: "dc=example,dc=com" LDAPGroupAttribute: "memberOf" LDAPSearchQuery: "sAMAccountName=%s" LDAPVersion: 3 This weekend I will test in OpenLDAP for securing is working in OpenLDAP and Active Directory. Now the code is highly configurable. A new improvement could be put only the name of the group like "Hylafax" or "CN=Hylafax" not all the DN....

  • Crises Crises posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    The commit is working. My hfaxd.conf is: LDAPServerURI: "ldap://" LDAPReqGroup: "CN=Hylafax,CN=Users,DC=example,DC=com" LDAPBindQuery: %s LDAPSearchDN: "dc=example,dc=com" LDAPGroupAttribute: "memberOf" LDAPSearchQuery: "sAMAccountName=%s" LDAPVersion: 3 This weekend I will test in OpenLDAP for securing is working in OpenLDAP and Active Directory. Now the code is highly configurable. Thank you very much for your pattience.

  • Crises Crises modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    If you are confused is because my level in English is really bad. Sorry. For do this simple. I have a LDAP_test.c++ modified by a coworker (the code that attached you yesterday). This code is working good. When I try to put that modified code into a Login.c++ and compilate, if I try to send a fax, "Login timeout" appears. I'm sure is my bad. The code has 3 important parts: i = snprintf(filter, sizeof(filter), "cn=%s", user); The filter used in the search, works like a "(objectClass=*) in a ldapsearch,...

  • Crises Crises modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    If you are confused is because my level in English is really bad. Sorry. For do this simple. I have a LDAP_test.c++ modified by a coworker (the code that attached you yesterday). This code is working good. When I try to put that modified code into a Login.c++ and compilate, if I try to send a fax, "Login timeout" appears. I'm sure is my bad. The code has 3 important parts: i = snprintf(filter, sizeof(filter), "cn=%s", user); The filter used in the search, works like a "(objectClass=*) in a ldapsearch,...

  • Crises Crises modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    If you are confused is because my level in English is really bad. Sorry. For do this simple. I have a LDAP_test.c++ modified by a coworker (the code that attached you yesterday). This code is working good. When I try to put that modified code into a Login.c++ and compilate, if I try to send a fax, "Login timeout" appears. I'm sure is my bad. The code has 3 important parts: i = snprintf(filter, sizeof(filter), "cn=%s", user); The filter used in the search, works like a "(objectClass=*) in a ldapsearch,...

  • Crises Crises modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    If you are confused is because my level in English is really bad. Sorry. For do this simple. I have a LDAP_test.c++ modified by a coworker. This code is working good. When I try to put that modified code into a Login.c++ and compilate, if I try to send a fax, "Login timeout" appears. I'm sure is my bad. The code has 3 important parts: i = snprintf(filter, sizeof(filter), "cn=%s", user); The filter used in the search, works like a "(objectClass=*) in a ldapsearch, in this case "(cn=user)" or (sAMAccountName=user)...

  • Crises Crises modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    If you are confused is because my level in English is really bad. Sorry. For do this simple. I have a LDAP_test.c++ modified by a coworker. This code is working good. When I try to put that modified code into a Login.c++ and compilate, if I try to send a fax, "Login timeout" appears. I'm sure is my bad. The code has 3 important parts: i = snprintf(filter, sizeof(filter), "cn=%s", user); The filter used in the search, works like a "(objectClass=*) in a ldapsearch, in this case "(cn=user)" or (sAMAccountName=user)...

  • Crises Crises modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    If you are confused is because my level in English is really bad. Sorry. For do this simple. I have a LDAP_test.c++ modified by a coworker. This code is working good. When I try to put that modified code into a Login.c++ and compilate, if I try to send a fax, "Login timeout" appears. I'm sure is my bad. The code has 3 important parts: i = snprintf(filter, sizeof(filter), "cn=%s", user); The filter used in the search, works like a "(objectClass=*) in a ldapsearch, in this case "(cn=user)" or (sAMAccountName=user)...

  • Crises Crises modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    If you are confused is because my level in English is really bad. Sorry. For do this simple. I have a LDAP_test.c++ modified by a coworker. This code is working good. When I try to put that modified code into a Login.c++ and compilate, if I try to send a fax, "Login timeout" appears. I'm sure is my bad. The code has 3 important parts: i = snprintf(filter, sizeof(filter), "cn=%s", user); The filter used in the search, works like a "(objectClass=*) in a ldapsearch, in this case "(cn=user)" or (sAMAccountName=user)...

  • Crises Crises modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    If you are confused is because my level in English is really bad. Sorry. For do this simple. I have a LDAP_test.c++ modified by a coworker. This code is working good. When I try to put that modified code into a Login.c++ and compilate, if I try to send a fax, "Login timeout" appears. I'm sure is my bad. The code has 3 important parts: i = snprintf(filter, sizeof(filter), "cn=%s", user); The filter used in the search, works like a "(objectClass=*) in a ldapsearch, in this case "(cn=user)" or (sAMAccountName=user)...

  • Crises Crises posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    If you are confused is because my level in English is really bad. Sorry. For do this simple. I have a LDAP_test.c++ modified by a coworker. This code is working good. When I try to put that modified code into a Login.c++ and compilate, if I try to send a fax, "Login timeout" appears. I'm sure is my bad. The code has 3 important parts: i = snprintf(filter, sizeof(filter), "cn=%s", user); The filter used in the search, works like a "(objectClass=) in a ldapsearch, in this case "(cn=user)" or (sAMAccountName=user)...

  • Crises Crises modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Finally I changed the code for work in Active Directory. Im attaching you the result of the code. I did two things, changed separate the bind and the search. The problem is, if I test this code works without problem, but if I compile the changes and test, the fax does not send. I dont know why.

  • Crises Crises posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Finally I changed the code for work in Active Directory. Im attaching you the result of the code. I did two things, changed separate the bind and the search. The problem is, if I test this code works without problem, but if a compile the changes and test,

  • Crises Crises modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Okey, time for long post. But I think we are near the solution. First, in my previous post I think I made you fall into error. This execution is from ldapsearch, not the LDAP_test.c++. Sorry! Second, I tested your code and che changes are really awesome, because now the search is highly configurable. But again, the code only works with Full BaseDN with Active Directory. Testing the code I did another interesting discover: Active Directory accept the bind with user@basedn, so I modified the LDAP_test.c++...

  • Crises Crises modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    The changes are really awesome, because now the search is highly configurable. My ldapsearch with this works: dc = example, dc = com sAMAccountName = userfax But the code again only work if the basedn is full. The problem I think is here: ldap_sasl_bind_s(p_LDAPConn, sLDAPUserDN, LDAP_SASL_SIMPLE, &s_UserPasswd, NULL, NULL, NULL); I think this function only works with user+basedn (Only in OpenLDAP) or user+fullbasedn, if we put something like dc=example,dc=com sAMAccountName=%s, the bind not work....

  • Crises Crises posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    The changes are really awesome, because now the search is highly configurable. My ldapsearch with this works: dc = example, dc = com sAMAccountName = userfax But the code again only work if the basedn is full. The problem I think is here: ldap_sasl_bind_s(p_LDAPConn, sLDAPUserDN, LDAP_SASL_SIMPLE, &s_UserPasswd, NULL, NULL, NULL); I think this function only works with user+basedn (Only in OpenLDAP) or user+fullbasedn, if we put something like dc=example,dc=com sAMAccountName=%s, the bind not work....

  • Crises Crises posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    I did a interesting discovery. The code, in this line: i = snprintf (sLDAPUserDN, sizeof (sLDAPUserDN), "cn =% s,% s", user, (const char *) ldapBaseDN); This line is doing a cn = userfax, dc = example, dc = org But this query does not work in Active Directory, but in Active Directory this query work: dc = example, dc = com sAMAccountName = userfax Maybe if we change the code for search this line, the code maybe works.

  • Crises Crises posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    I don't have problems in test your code in my OpenLDAP/Active Directory test environment if you want.

  • Crises Crises modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    After a new look in the code, I think the problem because is not working in AD is because is searching "cn=userfax,dc=example,dc=com" If I try to do a ldapsearch with that, ldapsearch return me an error: "No such object ( 32 ) Matched DN: DC=example,DC=com" But if I do a ldapsearch with dc=example,dc=com, works without problem. I think the problem is here, I don't tested, but I'm pretty sure OpenLDAP accept a query with "cn=userfax,dc=example,dc=com". Maybe removing the user in the search makes the...

  • Crises Crises posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    After a new look in the code, I think the problem because is not working in AD is because is looking "cn=userfax,dc=example,dc=com" If I try to do a ldapsearch with that, ldapsearch return me an error: "No such object ( 32 ) Matched DN: DC=example,DC=com" But if I do a ldapsearch with dc=example,dc=com, works without problem. I think the problem is here, I don't tested, but I'm pretty sure OpenLDAP accept a query with "cn=userfax,dc=example,dc=com". Maybe removing the user in the search makes the...

  • Crises Crises posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    My users that can send fax in my company, are in all distributed in the tree, not static in one subtree, so, I can't use this authentication, because need base DN like dc=osboxes,dc=org instead cn=Users,dc=osboxes,dc=org. and the code I don't know why is not checking recursively the tree. Some advices I can give you is: The code need check in all the tree for the user recursively. The code need check in all the tree for the group recursively. OpenLDAP dont has anymore the parameter groupmembership,...

  • Crises Crises modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    I don't have problems in helps you to provide some tips for improve the code. I'm not a developer, so, I can't modify the code and less without affecting the existing users, my options now are PAM with LDAP. Are you tested this? If you have some questions, I'm totally open in my spare time.

  • Crises Crises posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    I don't have problems in helps you to provide some tips for improve the code. I'm not a developer, so, I can't modify the code and less without affecting the existing users, my options now are PAM with LDAP. Are you tested this? If you have some questions, I'm totally open in my spare time.

  • Crises Crises modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hi, I explained really bad. Yeah, the code is working now and validate my user. And works with this config: LDAPServerURI: "ldap://" LDAPBaseDN: "cn=Users,dc=example,dc=com" LDAPReqGroup: "CN=Hylafax,CN=Users,DC=example,DC=com" LDAPVersion: 3 But the code has some problems... For my situation. Maybe others users don't has my problems. 1- BaseDN needs the exact ubicacion for the user in the tree, don't search the user in the tree recursively, this is a problem for me, because my user are...

  • Crises Crises modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hi, I explained really bad. Yeah, the code is working now and validate my user. And works with this config: LDAPServerURI: "ldap://" LDAPBaseDN: "cn=Users,dc=example,dc=com" LDAPReqGroup: "CN=Hylafax,CN=Users,DC=example,DC=com" LDAPVersion: 3 But the code has some problems... For my situation. Maybe others users don't has my problems. 1- BaseDN needs the exact ubicacion for the user in the tree, don't search the user in the tree recursively, this is a problem for me, because my user are...

  • Crises Crises modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hi, I explained really bad. Yeah, the code is working now and validate my user. And works with this config: LDAPServerURI: "ldap://" LDAPBaseDN: "cn=Users,dc=example,dc=com" LDAPReqGroup: "CN=Hylafax,CN=Users,DC=example,DC=com" LDAPVersion: 3 But the code has some problems... For my situation. Maybe others users don't has my problems. 1- BaseDN needs the exact ubicacion for the user in the tree, don't search the user in the tree recursively, this is a problem for me, because my user are...

  • Crises Crises modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hi, I explained really bad. Yeah, the code is working now and validate my user. But the code has some problems... For my situation. Maybe others users don't has my problems. 1- BaseDN needs the exact ubicacion for the user in the tree, don't search the user in the tree recursively, this is a problem for me, because my user are grouped by Country, for example, Spain, UK, USA, France, etc... If one user located in France, try to send a Fax, he can't send the Fax, because in my hfaxd.conf is Spain,...

  • Crises Crises posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hi, I explained really bad. Yeah, the code is working now and validate my user. But the code has some problems... For my situation. Maybe others users don't has my problems. 1- BaseDN needs the exact ubicacion for the user in the tree, don't search the user in the tree recursively, this is a problem for me, because my user are grouped by Country, for example, Spain, UK, USA, France, etc... If one user located in France, try to send a Fax, he can't send the Fax, because in my hfaxd.conf is Spain,...

  • Crises Crises modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hi, The code works without problem! Testing LDAP with the following... Username: "userfax" Password: "123" LDAPServerURI: "ldap://" LDAPBaseDN: "cn=Users,dc=example,dc=com" LDAPReqGroup: "CN=Hylafax,CN=Users,DC=example,DC=com" LDAPVersion: 3 Attempting to connect to LDAP URI: "ldap:// Succeeded Attempting to set LDAP version 3... Succeeded Attempting to bind to LDAP server with: "cn=userfax,cn=Users,dc=example,dc=com" and "123"... Succeeded Attempting to search LDAP server...

  • Crises Crises modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hi, The code works without problem! Testing LDAP with the following... Username: "userfax" Password: "123" LDAPServerURI: "ldap://" LDAPBaseDN: "cn=Users,dc=example,dc=com" LDAPReqGroup: "CN=Hylafax,CN=Users,DC=example,DC=com" LDAPVersion: 3 Attempting to connect to LDAP URI: "ldap:// Succeeded Attempting to set LDAP version 3... Succeeded Attempting to bind to LDAP server with: "cn=userfax,cn=Users,dc=example,dc=com" and "123"... Succeeded Attempting to search LDAP server...

  • Crises Crises modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hi, The code works without problem! Testing LDAP with the following... Username: "userfax" Password: "123" LDAPServerURI: "ldap://" LDAPBaseDN: "cn=Users,dc=example,dc=com" LDAPReqGroup: "CN=Hylafax,CN=Users,DC=example,DC=com" LDAPVersion: 3 Attempting to connect to LDAP URI: "ldap:// Succeeded Attempting to set LDAP version 3... Succeeded Attempting to bind to LDAP server with: "cn=userfax,cn=Users,dc=example,dc=com" and "123"... Succeeded Attempting to search LDAP server...

  • Crises Crises posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hi, The code works without problem! Testing LDAP with the following... Username: "userfax" Password: "123" LDAPServerURI: "ldap://" LDAPBaseDN: "cn=Users,dc=example,dc=com" LDAPReqGroup: "CN=Hylafax,CN=Users,DC=example,DC=com" LDAPVersion: 3 Attempting to connect to LDAP URI: "ldap:// Succeeded Attempting to set LDAP version 3... Succeeded Attempting to bind to LDAP server with: "cn=userfax,cn=Users,dc=example,dc=com" and "123"... Succeeded Attempting to search LDAP server...

  • Crises Crises posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hi, I tried, and validate correctly with: LDAPReqGroup: CN=Hylafax,CN=Users,DC=example,DC=com and LDAPReqGroup: Hylafax The problem is here: strcmp(ldapReqGroup, p_arr_values[i]->bv_val) == 0) This function is trying to compare ldapReqGroup with p_arr_values, if is not 0, then return null. I think, I'm not fluent with C++.

  • Crises Crises modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hi, Well, a lot of ideas when you give that code, and now again, I can understand better the code. Look at my exit in Active Directory: dn: CN=userfax,CN=Users,DC=example,DC=com objectClass: top objectClass: person objectClass: organizationalPerson objectClass: user cn: userfax givenName: userfax distinguishedName: CN=userfax,CN=Users,DC=example,DC=com instanceType: 4 whenCreated: 20190228162632.0Z whenChanged: 20190301073059.0Z displayName: userfax uSNCreated: 12675 memberOf: CN=Hylafax,CN=Users,DC=example,DC=com...

  • Crises Crises posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hi, Well, a lot of ideas when you give that code, and now again, I can understand better the code. Take my exit in Active Directory: dn: CN=userfax,CN=Users,DC=example,DC=com objectClass: top objectClass: person objectClass: organizationalPerson objectClass: user cn: userfax givenName: userfax distinguishedName: CN=userfax,CN=Users,DC=example,DC=com instanceType: 4 whenCreated: 20190228162632.0Z whenChanged: 20190301073059.0Z displayName: userfax uSNCreated: 12675 memberOf: CN=Hylafax,CN=Users,DC=example,DC=com...

  • Crises Crises posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Well, after testing the code, not with Active Directory with Windows Server, if not with OpenLDAP, the code works, but only because the ldapsearch show that OpenLDAP have a param called uid, that Active Directy doesn't have. Im not sure if you/developer know this or tested this code into a Windows Active Directory. But now I can uderstand better this code. The code compare my user "cn=userfax,dc=example,dc=com" with uid=userfax. But only get the first parameter, because the second doesn't exist....

  • Crises Crises posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    If my hfaxd.conf is: LDAPServerURI: ldap:// LDAPBaseDN: cn=users, dc=example,dc=com LDAPReqGroup: hylafaxgroup LDAPVersion: 3 Then return me: Login failed: 530 LDAP user not found If my hfaxd.conf is: LDAPServerURI: ldap:// LDAPBaseDN: dc=example,dc=com LDAPReqGroup: hylafaxgroup LDAPVersion: 3 Login failed: 530 Bind LDAP error 49: Invalid credentials I don't understand why with the first line, show one message and with the second, other. The credentials and parameters are correctly...

  • Crises Crises modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hi, first, thank you for your comments. I readed your post with many attention, and all you explain here, I knew it. Two weeks ago, checked the code of Login.c++ for understand where is my problem, but I can't understand why fails. Because all you explain has sense. Taking my hfaxd.conf LDAPServerURI: ldap:// LDAPBaseDN: cn=Users,dc=example,dc=com LDAPReqGroup: Hylafax LDAPVersion: 3 My user, userfax, can't connect. But is inside my group. A quick ldapsearch show me this info. .......

  • Crises Crises posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hi, first, thank you for your comments. I readed your post with many attention, and all you explain here, I knew it. Two weeks ago, checked the code of Login.c++ for understand where is my problem, but I can't understand why fails. Because all you explain has sense. Taking my hfaxd.conf LDAPServerURI: ldap:// LDAPBaseDN: cn=Users,dc=example,dc=com LDAPReqGroup: Hylafax LDAPVersion: 3 My user, userfax, can't connect. But is inside my group. A quick ldapsearch show me this info. .......

  • Crises Crises posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    After two weeks testing the connection with 2 differents AD, I always have the same error message. Login failed: 530 LDAP user not found Can you say me why always have the same message error? I'm pretty sure the parameters in my hfaxd.conf are correct.

  • Crises Crises modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    I tested various combinations about LDAPServerURI and LDAPBaseDN and I'm sure the good combinationis this one for the first and second line: LDAPServerURI: ldap:// LDAPBaseDN: cn=Users,dc=example,dc=com LDAPReqGroup: Hylafax LDAPVersion: 3 In LDAPServerURI: If ldap:// is not present, fails. If the port is not present, fails. In LDAPBaseDN: If is not like the top line, fails. If I touch one of the top parameters, the client show me this: Login failed: 530 Bind LDAP error 49: Invalid...

  • Crises Crises posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    I tested various combinations about LDAPServerURI and LDAPBaseDN and I'm sure the good combinations is this one for the first and second line: LDAPServerURI: ldap:// LDAPBaseDN: cn=Users,dc=example,dc=com LDAPReqGroup: Hylafax LDAPVersion: 3 In LDAPServerURI: If ldap:// is not present, fails. If the port is not present, fails. In LDAPBaseDN: If is not like the top line, fails. If I touch one of the top parameters, the client show me this: Login failed: 530 Bind LDAP error 49: Invalid...

  • Crises Crises modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hi again. I'm trying to connect to my LDAP, but I cant. Now, lsof show libldap. lsof | grep hfaxd | grep libldap hfaxd 2945 uucp mem REG 8,3 352608 6699519 /usr/lib64/ This time, I compiled Hylafax+ without PAM (In the configure --disable-pam) I don't have any line in the hosts.hfaxd, just only what come by default: localhost My hylafax+ can see my Windows Server AD, and when I try to connect with them using telnet, work well, but, when I try to send a Fax, this is...

  • Crises Crises posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hi again. I'm trying to connect to my LDAP, but I cant. Now, lsof show libldap. lsof | grep hfaxd | grep libldap hfaxd 2945 uucp mem REG 8,3 352608 6699519 /usr/lib64/ This time, I compiled Hylafax+ without PAM (In the configure --disable-pam) I don't have any line in the hosts.hfaxd, just only what come by default: localhost My hylafax+ can see my Windows Server AD, and when I try to connect with them using telnet, work well, but, when I try to send a Fax, this is...

  • Crises Crises modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    First of all, thank you for your quick response. I really appreciate it. I compiled Hylafax+, is not by default compiled and installed by LDAP support? Or need specify some parameter? When I compile Hylafax+, I can only see this options in the configure: --disable-pam disable all PAM support --disable-jbig disable all JBIG support --disable-lcms disable all Little CMS support --disable-jpeg disable all JPEG library support --disable-ldap disable all LDAP support and I have not used any. My lsof is...

  • Crises Crises posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    First of all, thank you for your quick response. I really appreciate it. I compiled Hylafax+, is not by default compiled and installed by LDAP support? Or need specify some parameter? When I compile Hylafax+, I can only see this options in the configure: --disable-pam disable all PAM support --disable-jbig disable all JBIG support --disable-lcms disable all Little CMS support --disable-jpeg disable all JPEG library support --disable-ldap disable all LDAP support and I have not used any. My lsof is...

  • Crises Crises modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hi, First of all, sorry for my English, its not my mongue tongue. After this, I installed and configured a server with Hylafax+ and t38modem and I can send faxes without problems. But now, I have a Active Directory and I want synchronize with him. I readed the Wiki/man page and configured the parameters into hfaxd.conf: LDAPServerURI: ldap:// LDAPBaseDN: cn=users, etc etc LDAPReqGroup: hylafaxgroup LDAPVersion: 3 But after this, what I need to do? What need execute? How authenticate my...

  • Crises Crises posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hi, First of all, sorry for my English, its not my mongue tongue. After this, I installed and configured a server with Hylafax+ and t38modem and I can send faxes without problems. But now, I have a Active Directory and I want synchronize with him. I readed the Wiki and configured the parameters into hfaxd.conf: LDAPServerURI: ldap:// LDAPBaseDN: cn=users, etc etc LDAPReqGroup: hylafaxgroup LDAPVersion: 3 But after this, what I need to do? What need execute? How authenticate my Hylafax+...