Activity for Robert G.

  • Robert G. Robert G. posted a comment on discussion GestióIP Help

    Thanks for the assist. Took me a while working with all my sysadmin to get this up and running. Everything is up and working fine

  • Robert G. Robert G. posted a comment on discussion GestióIP Help

    I am a moderate level linux user. I had someone build me a Redhat server with Enterprise V 8.8 Has sqlite and postgress installed I tried to install but got multiple failures. I have attached the log. Any assistance would be appreciated.

  • Robert G. Robert G. posted a comment on discussion GestióIP Help

    Sorry, I got delayed. No, I do not see anything in httpd/error-log when I enter new user info and hit add

  • Robert G. Robert G. modified a comment on discussion GestióIP Help

    I am running GestioIP on Centos Version 8. Running Version 3.5 Patch 7. I am trying to create additional users. Every user I try to create, I get an error that says Username already exists (2) I wasn't sure which version I originally installed, so I performed the pre 3.5.4 user update. That hasn't made a difference.

  • Robert G. Robert G. posted a comment on discussion GestióIP Help

    I am running GestioIP Centos Version 8. Running Version 3.5 Patch 7. I am trying to create additional users. Every user I try to create, I get an error that says Username already exists (2) I wasn't sure which version I originally installed, so I performed the pre 3.5.4 user update. That hasn't made a difference.

  • Robert G. Robert G. posted a comment on discussion GestióIP Help

    All, I am using Linux Mint (not one of the listed versions but a version of Ubuntu). I have been using Linux Mint for a number of years with no issue. I needed to rebuild my server to upgrade to 64bit version. When I tried the latest version, I got errors and gestio did not load. So I went to an earlier version of Linux Mint (V18) and everything loaded ok (got no errors). But when I try to run the install page, I get a 404 error. But if I just go to base ip of system, I get the Apache Web page, so...

  • Robert G. Robert G. posted a comment on discussion GestióIP Help


  • Robert G. Robert G. modified a comment on discussion GestióIP Help

    The common name is in the description. I have a number of networks that are named as XXXX_ICU So to find all of them, I do a network search for ICU. If there are any logs you think might be helpful, let me know.

  • Robert G. Robert G. posted a comment on discussion GestióIP Help

    The common name is in the discretion. I have a number of networks that are named as XXXX_ICU So to find all of them, I do a network search for ICU. If there are any logs you think might be helpful, let me know.

  • Robert G. Robert G. posted a comment on discussion GestióIP Help

    I am running 3.5 patch 4. I searched for a group of networks that have a common name I select multiple networks. Select delete then mass update. It asks if I wish to delete all selected networks I click ok. It returns but nothing happens. If I select the gear next to one of them and chose delete, it does delete. Thanks for assistance

  • Robert G. Robert G. posted a comment on discussion GestióIP Help

    I think if you go through AZ (so 26 more) I should be good. Thanks

  • Robert G. Robert G. posted a comment on discussion GestióIP Help

    I have some data that I am trying to work out how to represent in Gestio (it is more than just subnet allocation) As I have been trying multiple ways (adding in new columns for example), I keep importing data from existing spreadsheets. Would be easier to have an option to overwrite existing data from the import screen vs having to go back and delete old data (not all of it is to be deleted only sections) and then doing import.

  • Robert G. Robert G. posted a comment on discussion GestióIP Help

    I have a spreadsheet that has a lot more info than I want/need to import into Gestio. But the Import from Spreadhseet does not allow columns past Z to be selected.

  • Robert G. Robert G. posted a comment on discussion GestióIP Help

    I just use Gestio in offline mode (all inputs are done by hand). I have a large amoung of data that has become outdated (as well as adding columns) Does the import allow me to specify an overwrite?

  • Robert G. Robert G. posted a comment on discussion GestióIP Help

    I used the feature to add new columns to networks. In most cases the data lines up with the columns names. But I found one case where it does not. I have a group of subnets that I have all under one rootnet. If I search the rootnet, then click on it, I get all of the subnets under it. That is when the columns don't line up. I have attached screenshots.

  • Robert G. Robert G. posted a comment on discussion GestióIP Help

    I am slowly trying to migrate from multiple spreadhseets to Gestio. As it has taken time, items have changed. Is there any way to force Gestio to update description based on matching network and netmask using import function?

  • Robert G. Robert G. posted a comment on discussion GestióIP Help

    WIll take a look. Being a bit of a linux novice, can you tell me where to find the log? What I find strange is that it works locally uusing localhost/gestioip

  • Robert G. Robert G. posted a comment on discussion GestióIP Help

    I have an issue that just cropped up. I was unable to access gui remotely. Accessing via web browser on server always works fine. Rebooted server. Can access gui. But if log out and back in, get timeout error again. Running Linux mint. Any hints?

  • Robert G. Robert G. posted a comment on discussion GestióIP Help

    Marc, Will you be looking for beta testers?

  • Robert G. Robert G. posted a comment on discussion GestióIP Help

    Unfortunately I didn't take a screen shot. Not sure if it was an apache error. I...

  • Robert G. Robert G. posted a comment on discussion GestióIP Help

    I was able to restore by downloading and doing install again. Should I have done...

  • Robert G. Robert G. posted a comment on discussion GestióIP Help

    I was running Version 3 patch 6. I did an upgrade directly to patch 9. When I restarted...

  • Robert G. Robert G. posted a comment on discussion GestióIP Help

    You can import networks as new from a spreadsheet. Look at import menu. If what you...

  • Robert G. Robert G. posted a comment on discussion GestióIP Help

    Got it. Thanks

  • Robert G. Robert G. posted a comment on discussion GestióIP Help

    I have range of BGP AS that I allocate to routers within my network. Would be nice...

  • Robert G. Robert G. posted a comment on discussion GestióIP Help


  • Robert G. Robert G. posted a comment on discussion GestióIP Help

    It would be nice if there was a section that included BGP AS assignments.

  • Robert G. Robert G. posted a comment on discussion GestióIP Help

    Here's the scenario: I created a group of networks. Then I decided I wanted to add...

  • Robert G. Robert G. posted a comment on discussion Wish list for next releases

    I am looking for IPAM software to help me migrate from spreadhseets I use today....

  • Robert G. Robert G. posted a comment on discussion GestióIP Help

    I had previously use ipplan. One feature it had that I liked was the ability to search...

  • Robert G. Robert G. posted a comment on discussion GestióIP Help

    I bulk loaded via spreadsheet a lot of /29 and /28 networks. I am now trying to mass...

  • Robert G. Robert G. posted a comment on discussion GestióIP Help

    I figured out how to add the universe repository. Once I did that, the setup script...

  • Robert G. Robert G. posted a comment on discussion GestióIP Help

    I am running Linux Mint 17 which is an Unbuntu derivative. When I try and load GestioIP,...

  • Robert G. Robert G. posted a comment on discussion GestióIP Help

    I did restart. I see this in the log: [Tue Apr 01 08:40:26.410651 2014] [core:error]...

  • Robert G. Robert G. posted a comment on discussion GestióIP Help

    I installed GestioIP on a laptop running Linux Mint 16 (Petra). I also installed...