Activity for Carl Fosler

  • Carl Fosler Carl Fosler posted a comment on discussion Help

    Steve, Jim beat me to the good news that the new verions seems to fix the problem. I first ran it on a 7 day update, and then I did it on my normal 14 day update. Both seem to load without probems. Carl

  • Carl Fosler Carl Fosler posted a comment on discussion Help

    Steve, Is it possible that your change was to a dll that didn't make it into the fixpac28? Carl

  • Carl Fosler Carl Fosler posted a comment on discussion Help

    Steve, Here my log file from my run. Carl

  • Carl Fosler Carl Fosler posted a comment on discussion Help

    I have been having a problem with sourceforge drop the connect to me. I will try to load the mxf file that generated with the version that you just posted.

  • Carl Fosler Carl Fosler posted a comment on discussion Help

    Steve, OK, I was right and wrong. I made another attempt by hand editing the mxf file, this time I delete all the ScheduleEntry with the -1800 values, and I also found a number of entries with duration of "0", which I deleted as well. ALL of ScheduleEntry for the shows in the DST zone are now gone and then reloaded it. This time it loaded without error, and I didn't get an mcupdate error. When I look at the guide, all the shows in the DST zone are "no data available", and the guide for the next couple...

  • Carl Fosler Carl Fosler posted a comment on discussion Help

    Steve, I when and hand edit the mxf file, changed the -1800 to 1800. Then loaded it with loadmxf, but I got the mcupdate error. I when and pull up the guide, and I now see the guide display 12:30, 1:00, 1:30, 1:00, 1:30, 2:00am along the top for Nov 1. Half of the programs are loaded in the first 1:00am, the second half are loaded in the second 1:00 slot. The missing data is filled with "No data available", and the rest of the guide is filled out. The schedule is messed up, so that didn't fix all...

  • Carl Fosler Carl Fosler posted a comment on discussion Help

    Steve, No, that didn't fix it. Sourceforge will not allow me to post xml and mxf file, so I will try just the xml. Carl

  • Carl Fosler Carl Fosler posted a comment on discussion Help

    I have been using EPGC before DST in the spring and it didn't blow up then, so I'm guessing that EPGC added an extra hour in the spring and WMC was able to handle it. It only shown a problem now since we lose an hour and for 30 minute shows, the duration goes negative. I'm guessing that that why the GMT offset is included in the program tag, it only needed twice a year. There are some area of the US where DST doesn't exist, so I'm guessing that zap2it handles that via the GMT offset. Carl

  • Carl Fosler Carl Fosler posted a comment on discussion Help

    Steve, Looks like Guy is right, is something to do with DST. Here are two "Paid Programming" entrie from the bad xml file. Note that the stop date/time is before the start. The problem is that EPGC generates a negative duration in the mxf file (see ScheduleEntry down at the bottom). In looking at the bad mxf file, I find 8 -1800 durations, all that start at 05:30 or 05:32. I see other with 0 durations, but I'm guessing they don't cause a problem. I think all the times from zapit are in GMT, I'm in...

  • Carl Fosler Carl Fosler posted a comment on discussion Help

    Steve, In my initial posting, I include the last lines of the log of a run that failed, in it EPGC is doing the two tasks. I can't see any errors being return. EPGC only takes two minutes to run my configuration, the DoReindexSearchRoot takes 4 or 5 when I start it, so EPGC can't be doing a wait on that job, so it return code wouldn't reflect any error condition. OK, the order of the two tasks might not be the main problem. When I first discovered the problem, I was pulling 14 days of shows, but...

  • Carl Fosler Carl Fosler posted a comment on discussion Help

    Steve, Yes, when I switch the order, it fails. Guy, Here the commands I'm using. I'm pretty sure that EPGC doesn't do the "/WAIT", but it not clear if it makes a difference. On my system, the Schedule only takes a minute or two, but the Indexing can take 5 to 10 minutes. START /WAIT %SystemRoot%\ehome\mcupdate.exe -PvrSchedule START /WAIT %SystemRoot%\ehome\ehPrivJob.exe /DoReindexSearchRoot BTW Steve, on failure, mcupdate.exe will schedule a few programs, but then seems to go into a loop, taking...

  • Carl Fosler Carl Fosler posted a comment on discussion Help

    Steve, System had been working fine for months when on 10/18/20 the load started to fail. When I manual ran it, after it loaded the mxf file into the database, WMC would generated a popup saying that mcupdate had failed. The output from EPGC would show NO errors. I had been running fixpack 24, but I upgraded to 27 and that didn't fix the problem. What I found was that guide was being updated, but the scheduling was messed up. Mcupdate.exe would run for hours until I killed it, and WMC would only...

  • Carl Fosler Carl Fosler posted a comment on discussion Help

    zap2xml batch file: -d 10 -N 1 -L -T -D -I -j I'm using "-d 14 -N 1 -S 2 -F -j", The -S is to slow down requests to the sever, the -F is to output channel names first (I picked from someone else). I DO NOT use -D or -I. I can live without the icons that -I generates, and I don't miss the minor extra detail from -D. My daily pull from zap2 is normal 16 server requests, 8 for the new day (two weeks in advance -d 14), one for each 3 hour block, 8 for the current day (-N 1) , to replace any scheduling...

  • Carl Fosler Carl Fosler posted a comment on discussion Help

    I looked at the xmltv.xml file, and it seems to me that the Jimmy Fallon show has current information for the next several days, so it looks to me as if the input file has the correct information. I checked the EPGC.ini file, and it looks to me that under the "Output" tab, for "Series and repeats" option you have the default option, where as I use the "Use broadcaster references" option. Steve told me earlier on that I needed to set that option. I have never understood why, or what that option does....

  • Carl Fosler Carl Fosler posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    I'm in the process of writting a memo on how to use zap2it and the arguments to use. I'm guessing that you pull data from zap2it every day, in that case, the zap2it program caches the data you pull for each day and will reuse that data on future days. Once the cache is full, each time you request new data, the zap2it program reuses the data it has cached, and ONLY pulls data from days that it doesn't have cached. So if you are pulling 14 days of data, it caches all 14 days and then process it. The...

  • Carl Fosler Carl Fosler posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Steve, Zap2xml files without -D will generate at least 5 categories, Family, Movie, News, Sports and Talk, but only because those categories are hard coded into zap2xml program. It looks to me as if the categories information is on the main web page, but encoded as a number. My guess is that those categories are converted from a number into text when you use -D. With -D, I found one xml file with 101 categories. The category "Series" is NOT generated in either case. The Zap2xml perl program will...

  • Carl Fosler Carl Fosler posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Steve, OK, the problem is only with Miniseries shows which only get flag with the -D option. I search the only xmltv file I have generated with -D and there were 17 shows marked as Miniseries, but ALL of them are 'EP' shows, not 'SH', so they would never be flaged. The question I have, how often does a 'SH' Miniseries happen in the xml files that you have. I don't understand why Miniseries are an exceptions. In my mind, they are the same as any other series. If I was given the choice of -D or flagging...

  • Carl Fosler Carl Fosler posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Steve, Gary is the expert on the isGeneric flag, he the one that gave us this information. Here what he said: The isGeneric flag is used for those, well, generic programs that don't have episode specific information. It will tell WMC that though this program may not be properly identified, it will be treated as unique and will always be considered "new". The isGeneric flag also allows you to record the nightly news every day as part of a series recording. When to use isGeneric="true"? EPG123 uses...

  • Carl Fosler Carl Fosler posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Steve, This is my fault. I didn't realized that I use the "-j" option (using someone else setup file"), so "Series" category is always generated for my xmltv files. I just generated two xmltv files, one with "-j" and the second without, and they are same except for the "<category lang="en">Series</category>" line. I have read the zap2xml perl program, and I'm pretty sure that the best way of figuring out if a show is a series or not is to use the "<episode-num system="common">" line. That line will...

  • Carl Fosler Carl Fosler posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Steve, Here the list of zap2xml parameters from the pl file that I downloaded back in Feburary. The web site where zap2xml was residing has gone down (don't know why). Carl zap2xml <zap2xml\> ($VERSION) -u <username> -p <password> -d <# of days> (default = $days) -n <# of no-cache days> (from end) (default = $ncdays) -N <# of no-cache days> (from start) (default = $ncsdays) -B <no-cache day=""> -s <start day="" offset=""> (default = $start) -o <output xml="" filename=""> (default = "$outFile")...

  • Carl Fosler Carl Fosler posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Steve, It seems to work. I forced an update of several generic schedule programs and they all seem to update correctly. Thanks for the version information in the TVGuide file. I when to compare two versions of TVGuide and it didn't seem to have any updates, so I check the version information only to see that it was missing (I compare the wrong files). I still think you need to letter your beta versions (which would also tell you it a beta version vs a release version). So far I have found two set...

  • Carl Fosler Carl Fosler posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Steve, First, I agree with Gary that you should put EPGC version and Fixpack information into your xmf file. I would add it to the Provider displayName. Also, when you work on beta versions of EPGC, I would add a sub letter to the fixpack version so we can keep track of which version is being used. I noticed one minor problem. The show title and description is not being updated for schedule shows (Scheduled Recordings), while the guide does shows this updated information. It also looks like the description...

  • Carl Fosler Carl Fosler posted a comment on discussion Help

    Steve, I have run into this problem with your last beta version (24) that you gave me. I also tried the version that you just posted 3 days ago and it didn't fix the problem either. The problem is caused from a future show being given a place hold version, not marked as new. When that place holder is changed to a new program with all the correct information, EPGC generagtes a TVGuide file with the correct show information, but WMC Guide does NOT get updated with the new information. I have a theory...

  • Carl Fosler Carl Fosler posted a comment on discussion Help

    Jim, I took a look at your two xml files. Basically, they are the same, except 2xmltv seems to be newer (only some Paid Programming changes). There are only two entries for "Tommy" and they are both identical. The entry 04/23 entry is a repeat and the 04/30 is new. Maybe system 2 is set to record both new and repeat.

  • Carl Fosler Carl Fosler posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Steve, The beta version seems to fix the problem I was having with movies and series and I haven't had any other problems. Seems to be working the way I want it. Carl

  • Carl Fosler Carl Fosler posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Steve, First, the author of xmltv-to-mxf is Ray Douglass. While he has made some minor changes to the program in the last year, for the most part he stop supporting it several years ago. He recommonds using EPGC instead of his program. The author of EPG123 is Gary An. As I understand it, EPG123 reads the SD API which is very complete and genereates the mxf file for loading into WMC. From my reading of the forums, EPG123 is the most complete interface to WMC. If I was going to pay to use SD, I would...

  • Carl Fosler Carl Fosler posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    The program entries all having "isSeries="1" set. It causing some programs not to be scheduled because the series value has changed from the original series to the movie that it duplicate. You said that you would fix is ASAP, but that was two weeks ago. Carl

  • Carl Fosler Carl Fosler posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Steve, When are you going to release FixPack 24? Carl

  • Carl Fosler Carl Fosler posted a comment on discussion Help

    Jim, the install button for the frequences found is not on the scan results window (yes that would make sence), but on the Tuning tab. While I could do the scan of my NA OTA freqs, the input button didn't work for me. Steve says it works for him, but he doesn't have ATSC.

  • Carl Fosler Carl Fosler posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Steve, OK, I have found two problems with the new FixPack 23. I first found them in the beta version that you gave me, so I just installed the lastest FixPack and check to see if that fix the problem, but it doesn't. It looks to me that this problem is only related to Zap2it sources. All program entries have "isSeries="1" set. I noticed it because it was set for Movies, but I now see it set for every thing, and since not all non movies are series, it wrong. The second problem I found is that there...

  • Carl Fosler Carl Fosler modified a comment on discussion Help

    Panda, do you have an xmltv entry that shows this problem? Panda, I was just looking at the program and noticed that by default it does NOT generate the "LIVE" tag. You can use the -L option to make zap2xml to generate that tag. I also noticed from Steve FixPack 23 notes that he didn't generate the "Live" tag, and he corrected that in FixPack 23. So many be you need to use -L and 23 to see if this problem still exist.

  • Carl Fosler Carl Fosler posted a comment on discussion Help

    Steve, I don't have VS2017. It my understanding that to access the WMC database, you have to use VS and use an old .NETFramework. Not sure it worth the work. I check out your source code, and I see the code for WMC Export. Is that the code you were talking about? I have looked at the output and the source code, and it looks like WMC only keeps track of the programs that it has recorded and NOT deleted. I read somewhere on the net that WMC kept trace of all programs that it recorded (via system events...

  • Carl Fosler Carl Fosler posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Steve, I see that you have continue on making changes to the Channel scan in FP 23. For my OTA NA channels, I was able to scan all 38 channels in my area using 1 and 2 sec timeouts. As best as I can tell, the scan channel log has all 39 channels. The phys channel column looks correct to me. The first time I ran it, I didn't realize that I had to set the parameters (ATSC tab, NA-Terr). I had set them on the Tuning tab, I just expected them to carry over to scan tab. I forgot which setting there was,...

  • Carl Fosler Carl Fosler posted a comment on discussion Help

    My understanding from reading many of garyan2 posting is that the Schedule Direct is more comprehensive, but mostly in areas like categories, credits, and it might do a better job on the missing dates. I used SD for a while, and I found that I rarely used the extra information that SD provided, which is one reason that I been working on getting EPGC working without the -D option. The major difference that -D provides from Zap2it is credits, some categories and previously-shown dates. Yes, once in...

  • Carl Fosler Carl Fosler posted a comment on discussion Help

    Panda, do you have an xmltv entry that shows this problem?

  • Carl Fosler Carl Fosler posted a comment on discussion Help

    OK, this version seems to work as well as the last version with my modified previously-shown tags. I didn't even have to reload the series (the timestamp is only for duplicate programID, not seriesID, so the series id didn't change). Too bad you pick the same date as mine, I couldn't tell which version got loaded (turn out it was mine), so I had to do it again, and then I clear the database and reload and in each case, the new version seem fine. You might want make the fill the missing previously-shown...

  • Carl Fosler Carl Fosler posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Steve, Yes, I select the auto map, but the problem is that the channel are broadcasting diff names from what Zap2it uses. An example would be broadcast channel 5.1 generates "WTTG-DT" for the main channel and Zap2it uses "WTTGDT", and then for sub channels, it uses names like "BUZZR", "ME TV" where Zap2it uses "WTTGT2" and WTTGDT3", so the names never match up, even when they are similar. The Zap2it names are better since "BUZZR" is also the name of a sub channel in Baltimore (which I could recieve...

  • Carl Fosler Carl Fosler posted a comment on discussion Help

    Steve, Downloaded the new version and got it running. My first run was on the raw xmltv download from zap2it. This loaded into WMC, and this fix the multiple scheduling problem of rebroadcast shows. It still scheduled repeat programs, but that because you didn't set the original air date for blank previously-shown tags. You said in a previous posting: If a previously-shown tag with a start time is presnt I've set the original air date to it. If there is a previously-shown tag but it has no value...

  • Carl Fosler Carl Fosler posted a comment on discussion Help

    OK, it looks like we might have a communication problem. Each show should have it own "<Program id=" record, with it own id, (ie, "<Program id="5" "), but programs that are part of the same series AND episodes should have the same uid as part of the <Program record (ie, <Program id="13" uid="!Program!-1👎1:07-03-2020+00-00-00", each showning has it own id, but new and repeats would have the same uid "!Program!-1👎1:07-03-2020+00-00-00". I understand that you don't want to change from your naming convention...

  • Carl Fosler Carl Fosler posted a comment on discussion Help

    First, I will say agian that if you don't fix this, I can live with that. It just nice to have it do the right thing. By unset, you mean originalAirdate="0001-01-01T00:00:00". I just tested and found that setting the originalAirdate set to the date of the broadcast, it will display that value when selected via the guide. The two programs I tested with were both new programs, and WMC correctly schedule them, so from my testing, setting the originalAirdate for new programs doesn't effect anything....

  • Carl Fosler Carl Fosler posted a comment on discussion Help

    OK, after I rebuild my WMC database, I reloaded my last mxf load, but this time, I hand edit it so that one of the "Ask this old House" shows which is a repeat, I reused the EPGC progId (and it had a past previously-shown date). Now when I switch the show to New+rerun, it only schedule ONE showing of the reruns, and when I look at the guide for that show not schedule, WMC shows that another showing of the show is schedule (ie, everything is as it should). Summary, reuse of progID for shows that are...

  • Carl Fosler Carl Fosler posted a comment on discussion Help

    The code is in C# for VS2017. Can you compile it? I have access to a C compiler, if it can't compile the code, hopefully I can modify it so that works. First, I will state again that I now believe that the originalAirdate field seems to have NO effect on the scheduling of program and repeats. If given, it only shows up in the Guide. I still think that the originalAirdate field should be given a value for NEW programs. It seems clear to me that the date given as part of the previously-shown field...

  • Carl Fosler Carl Fosler posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    How does WMC does channel mapping? Is it purely by callSign? Yes, there a way to manual map channels to Guide listing. Once you made that mapping, does WMC keep that mapping until its database get rebuild? Is there any automated way to do this mapping? When you define a channel, you don't give the channel number and subnumber in the TVGuide.mxf file (but the java program xmltv-to-mxf does). I found that zap2it does not assign the same channel call signs as being broadcast over the air (what WMC finds...

  • Carl Fosler Carl Fosler posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Steve, I keep looking at the "Release Notes" file that inside the Fixpack/Documentation area looking for changes. That file never seems to change. I now see that you release a "Fixpack xx Release Notes" in the Files area. I wish that you had include this file in the Fixpack itself. I was interested to see that you had added a "Channel Scan..." feature to Fixpack 22. I was going to request this as a feature. I have run it on North America - Terrestial. It seems to work for the most part. It scan all...

  • Carl Fosler Carl Fosler posted a comment on discussion Help

    Steve, I think this test just shows that the WMC database only updates the original air date if given. I theory, you should NEVER have the same program in the MXF with diffent original air dates. If they are all the same program, they should all have the same original air date. The Microsoft docs says for program uid: "A unique ID that will remain consistent between multiple versions of this document." To me, "this document" means the mxf, so that a program uid for the same episode should be same...

  • Carl Fosler Carl Fosler posted a comment on discussion Help

    I still think that xmltv-to-mxf has does the right thing as far as using the same uid for the same program. As far as the zapit data, the url has two pieces of data: <url>;tmsId=EP005291090468</url> It has the series ID (SH00529109) and the episode ID (EP005291090468) contain in the url. If you go to the Zapit web site, the series ID will give you all the information you want about the series, and if you use the episode ID,...

  • Carl Fosler Carl Fosler posted a comment on discussion Help

    Here they are.

  • Carl Fosler Carl Fosler posted a comment on discussion Help

    1) The file included the xmltv file that was build without the -D option. 2) I rebuild my WMC database, loading the xmltv-to-mxf version, but before I did, I strip out the isRepeat flag from the ScheduleEntry. I can't see any difference in either the Guide or what was schedule, so I think that proves Steve correct in that the isRepeat flag has no effect. 3) I download the xmltv file with both with and without the -D option (one after the other to make them the same as possible, non D version...

  • Carl Fosler Carl Fosler posted a comment on discussion Help

    The problem is that even when the previously has a date (within window), the EPGC version still schedule it. I download using the -D option, and the previously shown date (and originalAirdate) is given for all programs (plus crew, credits, and extra categories ), include ones that outside the current window. I'm 98% sure that I loaded that version and I still had the repeat problem. I have also used the Lookup tag, and I'm sure that I still had the repeat problem, which is one of the reasons that...

  • Carl Fosler Carl Fosler posted a comment on discussion Help

    Steve, I didn't noticed that the uid value was the same for all of the "Mysteries of Sleep" shows, but I just check a newer verion and it the same way. He using the dd_progid value from the xmltv file (with underscore convert to '.') for his uid, so maybe its not wrong. I just check, and zap2it used the same dd_progid for "Mysteries of Sleep" across two different days (pulls), so maybe zap2it is doing that so that shows can have the same uid over time. The isRepeat flag might be for the Guide only,...

  • Carl Fosler Carl Fosler posted a comment on discussion Help

    Here the xmltv.xml file generated by zap2it and the TVGuide.mxf output file that the java xmltv-to-mxf program generated. I had 24 hours of WMC usage of the xmltv-to-mxf output and found as far as the scheduling of new programs and the not scheduling of repeats, it seems to do it right thing 100% of the time. The xmltv-to-mxf still has problems, for one, it seems to drop almost all News programs as not being in a series (60 Minutes, 48 Hours, etc). It also doesn't generate the categories tags, but...

  • Carl Fosler Carl Fosler posted a comment on discussion Help

    Steve, OK, I didn't reliese that it didn't finish processing and timeout, so not a good test of the overhead. I'm trying to not use the -D option since that will cause another hit on the Zapit website for every show in the xmltv file. I'm trying to keep my impact on their website as small as posible. It looks to me that most of the time, zap2it sets the original air date for most shows that I care about (repeasts). If we can fix the repeat scheduling issure, it looks like I can live without the originalAirdate...

  • Carl Fosler Carl Fosler posted a comment on discussion Help

    Steve, I might have found a simplier solution. I have been playing around with the perl program xmltv-to-mxf. I only have a few hours with it, but I found that it seems to do the right thing as far as repeats goes. When I reset my database and load it's mxf, I now only have one copy of "Mysteries of Sleep" being scheduled. When I look at the mxf file, it looks similar to yours, here is the output of the "Mysteries of Sleep" shows, <Program id="3856" uid="!Program!EP00003163_0953" title="NOVA" episodeTitle="Mysteries...

  • Carl Fosler Carl Fosler posted a comment on discussion Help

    Steve, OK, I hacked up my last loaded TVGuide.mxf, changed the originalAirdate of the two new "Mysteries of Sleep" programs from "0001-01-01" to "2020-02-27" and reloaded it into WMC (and rescheduled the indexing). Now when I look at the shows scheduled for NOVA, the two new showing of "Mysteries of Sleep" show a original air date, and now, the three reruns also show a original air date (they never did before). No other program that EPGC has schedule has ever show an original air date. All other...

  • Carl Fosler Carl Fosler posted a comment on discussion Help

    I'm using zap2it to build a simple OTA EPG data for Windows Media Center. I'm not using the -D option. I'm not using Lookups. I'm trying to use WMC to find the repeats (I thought you said that WMC does a better job of repeat dectection, plus I find that Lookups take a long time to run). The system is mostly working, but I find that none of the programs recorded using EPGC data have an original record date in WMC. I'm using WMC to find repeats, and I find that it rarely finds repeats. The problem...

  • Carl Fosler Carl Fosler posted a comment on discussion Help

    Another user trying to build OTA EPG data for Windows Media Center. I started building using PSIP data, but EPGC would only generate 4 hours of data (I check the channels with TSReaderLite) and the channels I check had 6, 12 or 24 hours of data. I will come back to this, but for now I'm trying to get EPGC working with Zap2xml with as small of impact as I can. I created an Zap2it account and marked my favorite channels (27). I ran zap2xml for 7 days, and loaded it into EPGC. EPGC claim it loaded it...