Activity for cpw

  • cpw cpw modified a comment on discussion Help

    If everything else fails you can do it "manually": require('/tcpdf/tcpdf.php'); $pdf...

  • cpw cpw posted a comment on discussion Help

    If everything else fails you can do it "manually": require('/tcpdf/tcpdf.php'); $pdf...

  • cpw cpw posted a comment on discussion Help

    Are you sure you're using "_blank" (with underscore!) as a target and not just "blank"?...

  • cpw cpw posted a comment on discussion Help

    If you set the "target" attribute of your "form" tag to "_blank", every click on...

  • cpw cpw posted a comment on discussion Help

    First of all: Please be aware that TCPDF is not meant to be a full-blown HTML to...

  • cpw cpw posted a comment on discussion Help

    Does this sound like a bug or user error? Depends on what exactly you're doing. In...

  • cpw cpw posted a comment on discussion Help

    You can set the line height by calling setCellHeightRatio() before, see http://w...

  • cpw cpw modified a comment on discussion Help

    Can you access the image file from your browser? Is "allow_url_fopen" set/enable...

  • cpw cpw posted a comment on discussion Help

    Can you access the image file from your browser? Is allow_url_fopen set/enabled?

  • cpw cpw posted a comment on discussion Help

    At least in Adobe Reader you can combine multiple pages to print on one sheet: Pages...

  • cpw cpw posted a comment on discussion Help

    OK, I found a workaround for stacking stuff horizontally in a "page-break-safe" way...

  • cpw cpw posted a comment on discussion Help

    this will happen since I have not added the custom Font via code(i know it works...

  • cpw cpw posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hi, I stumbled upon some odd behaviour on page breaks when stacking MultiCells horizontally...

  • cpw cpw posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hi, following example: require('./tcpdf/tcpdf.php'); $pdf = new TCPDF($orientation...

  • cpw cpw posted a comment on discussion Help

    Fonts are described by vectors, they don't have a resolution at all. Or technically...

  • cpw cpw posted a comment on discussion Help

    The automatic spacing gets really tiny at times so that there are barely any gaps...

  • cpw cpw posted a comment on discussion Help

    Use $pdf->setCellPadding(0); before $pdf->writeHTML($text, '', 1); to get rid of...

  • cpw cpw posted a comment on discussion Help

    No offense: I don't even remotely understand your question. Please try to phrase...

  • cpw cpw posted a comment on discussion Help

    I don't really get your question. Do you want to have this element in your PDF? What...

  • cpw cpw posted a comment on discussion Help

    This image is reachable... Again as in the other thread: No, it isn't right now....

  • cpw cpw posted a comment on discussion Help

    This image is reachable... No, it isn't, at least not right now.

  • cpw cpw posted a comment on discussion Help

    What are TCPDF's units measured in? The unit is set in TCPDF's constructor as the...

  • cpw cpw posted a comment on discussion Help

    OK, I think I might have found the problem: It's $format in AddPage() - it seems...

  • cpw cpw modified a comment on discussion Help

    Line 69: $pdf->SetDisplayMode($zoom='fullwidth', $layout='OneColumn', $mode='UseThumbs');...

  • cpw cpw modified a comment on discussion Help

    Line 69: $pdf->SetDisplayMode($zoom='fullwidth', $layout='OneColumn', $mode='UseThumbs');...

  • cpw cpw posted a comment on discussion Help

    Aaaah, so it's "SinglePage" and "OneColumn" in $layout - that's it, thank you very...

  • cpw cpw modified a comment on discussion Help

    Line 69: $pdf->SetDisplayMode($zoom='fullwidth', $layout='OneColumn', $mode='UseThumbs');...

  • cpw cpw posted a comment on discussion Help

    Line 69: $pdf->SetDisplayMode($zoom='fullwidth', $layout='OneColumn', $mode='UseThumbs');...

  • cpw cpw posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hi, I have a more or less a general question about PDF, respectively the way a PDF...