User Activity

  • Posted a comment on ticket #10 on libportable

    The version released on Github was automatically compiled with actions, but as the firefox source code grew, Actions doesn't have enough space to complete the automatic compilation

  • Posted a comment on ticket #2399 on Scintilla

    The test code missed one line, for /f "delims=" %%a in ('dir "%~1\*.html" /b /a-d /on') do ( for /f "delims== tokens=2*" %%i in ('findstr /i /c:"var sourceRoot" "%~1\%%a"') do ( set sourceRoot=%%i set sourceRoot=!sourceRoot:~2,-2! set htmlName=%%a set htmlName2=!htmlName:~0,-5! ) >>"%~1.html" (findstr /i "D.p([" "%~1\!htmlName!" | sed.exe -r "1s#(D.p\(\[\x22)[^^*]+\*0#\1!htmlName2!\*0#gi" | sed.exe -r "s#(D.p\(\[\x22)!sourceRoot!#\1!htmlName2!\/#gi") )

  • Posted a comment on ticket #2399 on Scintilla

    Let's not care whether batch syntax parsing implements' string' type. Look at the parenthesis match in the first picture, the other end of the parenthesis is inside the double quotation marks, this is not reasonable, right?

  • Created ticket #2399 on Scintilla

    String parsing and parenthesis matching issues in batch files

  • Posted a comment on ticket #9 on libportable

    I have tested this on Windows 7 and windows 10, but it was not reproduced. Maybe you need to download the latest version and do a separate test.

  • Posted a comment on ticket #9 on libportable

    I don't quite understand the concept of the same time what you said The browser can run multiple instances, but the process running later is only equivalent to the tab of the previous browser. If MOZ_NO_REMOTE is defined in the environment variable, the browser will display different configurations. If you are running several different versions of browsers, please keep libportable versions consistent across several browsers.

  • Posted a comment on ticket #8 on libportable

    sorry, I forgot to modify the README file . Iceweasel V53 is the last version of browser that supports Windows XP and vista.

  • Posted a comment on ticket #7 on libportable blocked by GFW. getting the source code from Baidu Yun Pan cloud drive(

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2013-07-21 06:18:42


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  • Project Logo libportable Portable Runtime For Firefox Last Updated:

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