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  • Posted a comment on discussion HYPE developers on HYPE

    A Tutorial on sub-daily timesteps has been published: here

  • Posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion on HYPE

    Hello, The cevpph parameter is on daily timestep regardless of simulation timestep. The PET models function for sub-daily imesteps has not been checked/fully implemented yet. /Charlotta

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on HYPE on HYPE

    Hello Shaini, It is possible to get some variables as output from SLCs. Soil moisture in the different soil layers are some of them. See this thread: or read on the wiki about Class output. /Charlotta

  • Posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion on HYPE

    Today there is no way to set the soildepth based on subbasin. We have earlier though about how to incorporate information from a well calibrated model for a subdomain into a larger model. This would also necessitate handling parameters on subbasin scale. There is a function in HYPE, soilstretch, that can adjust soil depths of GeoClass for parameter regions. It is not so flexible though that it would solve the problem of finer tuning of specific subbasins/classes. The parameter, soilcorr, affect the...

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on HYPE on HYPE

    Hello, The open source code for HYPE provided here at sourceforge is only for the source code (and some executables). No model set-ups are provided except for the demo models to test the code and learn about the model. To set up a HYPE model include collecting data about the catchment area and create the .txt files HYPE needs to simulate the model. Here is an tutorial on how that can be done: Setting up a HYPE domain. SMHI has a HYPE model set-up to the land surface across the globe is called “World-wide...

  • Modified a blog post on HYPE

    HYPE version 5.26.0

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on HYPE on HYPE

    Hello, The information about subbasins are coupled to each subbasins id, the subid. In GeoData.txt the information about each subbasin/subid is found on separate rows. Read about which information on the wiki. In the forcingdata files Pobs.txt and Tobs.txt, the information for a subbasin is given in a column. The column heading can be the subbasin subid, or another id in which case the file ForcKey.txt hold the coupling between subid and these other ids. The GeoClass.txt holds information about the...

  • Posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion on HYPE

    The use of ForcKey.txt does not affect which subbasins HYPE will actually calculate. The ForcKey.txt is in my example used to assign every subbasin forcing data (even those not to be simulated). The way to avoid simulating all subbasin of a model setup is called "submodel" by HYPE. To use this function you set "submodel y" in info.txt and provide a file (called pmsf.txt) with the subbasins you want to simulate. This function (and file) is a bit difficult to use, because the subbasins you chose need...

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Personal Data

2011-06-10 09:01:28


This is a list of open source software projects that Charlotta Pers is associated with:

  • HYPE hydrological model for simulation of water and water quality over time Last Updated:

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