Activity for John Coffey

  • John Coffey John Coffey created ticket #532

    Auto Complete feature request

  • John Coffey John Coffey modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Charles, I did a fresh install like you did above and the build still fails without any tweaks to the toolset - looks like the build issue might be due to using the latest version 17.2.3 of the compiler that I am using. I opened up a new issue in vcpkg to help get to the bottom of this. I noticed that the issue appears to be a permission related mt.exe : general error c101008d: Failed to write the updated manifest to the resource of file "bin\TransverseMercatorProj.exe". Access is denied. John

  • John Coffey John Coffey posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Charles, I did a fresh install like you did above and the build still fails without any tweaks to the toolset - looks like the build issue might be due to using the latest 17.2.3 of the compiler. I opened up a new issue in vcpkg to help get to the bottom of this. John

  • John Coffey John Coffey posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Thanks for the update, I'm not sure what is going on with my local and remove machines, but I seem to be stuck with those errors. There is a warning in my build.log indicating insufficient memory. This is weird as I have 16GB on my work PC and 32GB on my home system. The only difference I have with the way I build is I tweaked the x64-windows to include the latest platform toolset to v143 by adding the following line to my build triplet. set(VCPKG_PLATFORM_TOOLSET v143) to the triplets/x64-windows.cmake....

  • John Coffey John Coffey posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    No problem, I'll take the issue up with the vcpkg folks tomorrow. I'll update you with the issue link once I get a chance. John

  • John Coffey John Coffey posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Charles, I tried the build on another remote system (one that I had not updated with the patches we were testing recently - it was on GeographicLib 2.0 prior to the update) and I get the same build error. (the first sign of the error [DEBUG] ReadFile() finished with GetLastError(): 109) John PS C:\tools\vcpkg> .\vcpkg.exe install geographiclib:x64-windows --debug [DEBUG] To include the environment variables in debug output, pass --debug-env [DEBUG] Feature flag 'binarycaching' unset [DEBUG] Feature...

  • John Coffey John Coffey posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Charles, I did a git pull vcpkg update vckpg upgrade --no-dry-run earlier today and it looks like there are some issues building version 2.1. I tried to individually install with the --debug flag below. Hopefully you will have sufficient detail to address the build. Let me know if I can be of further assistance. John Coffey ~~~ PS C:\tools\vcpkg> .\vcpkg.exe install geographiclib:x64-windows --debug [DEBUG] To include the environment variables in debug output, pass --debug-env [DEBUG] Feature flag...

  • John Coffey John Coffey posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Charles, I looked at the 2 commits as part of the PR. I did not see the changes you made to address the operator warnings. Did I miss something? John On Thu, Jun 9, 2022 at 2:58 PM Charles Karney wrote: I submitted this PR to update GeographicLib to 2.1 in vcpkg. It's waiting for approval. Build issue (Math deprecated Operators "/" & ">"

  • John Coffey John Coffey posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Charles, this works well, no build issues now. Thanks for the quick turnaround. I added the patch to my local ports folder and removed the previous one. John Coffey

  • John Coffey John Coffey posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Thanks, I can wait for a month (I am running version 1.52 right now in the my testing area). Regarding the picky flag ( I can set this on a per file basis in the visual studio IDE under the advanced settings, additional compiler options) there are no issues - it basically tells the compiler to stop complaining about the deprecated feature as I'm telling the compiler to back in time to a previous version. Let me know once you have another (or a replacement) patch if you wish me to try it out and thanks...

  • John Coffey John Coffey posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Charles, I declared victory too soon, looks like DMS.hpp may require some changes. I have another project that uses the library differently, sorry I just remembered I had that project in another location and these are the warnings. John 1>------ Build started: Project: app739, Configuration: Debug x64 ------ 1>Reading Qt configuration (C:/Qt/6.3.0/msvc2019_64/bin/qmake) 1>MainWindow.cpp 1>C:\tools\vcpkg\installed\x64-windows\include\GeographicLib\DMS.hpp(251,25): warning C5055: operator '/': deprecated...

  • John Coffey John Coffey posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Charles, Thanks, that worked so I can finally remove the /Wv:18 %(AdditionalOptions) compiler option - effectively telling Visual Studio 2022 that it should an earlier version of the compiler to compile my dependent file. BTW. not a big deal but I noticed that the name of the library changed after you bumped the library version to 2.0 (its got a double lib in the string (for windows anyhow) GeographicLib-i.lib (release) & GeographicLib_d-i.lib (debug)). Will you be updating vcpkg at some time. I...

  • John Coffey John Coffey posted a comment on discussion Development

    Daniel, for some unknown reason, the only way I can get misra and the other addins to work is to special case the misra return. BTW I can also confirm that having spaces in the misra text file path causes a crash. There need to be quotes placed around the parameter when it is taken out of the json settings and passed to cppcheck.exe process.

  • John Coffey John Coffey modified a comment on discussion Development

    After debugging things a bit further - here is the fix I ended up with. The comments should be self explanatory - basically returns 'false' for success while the other addons return 'true' for a successful return from the script. Ideally the should be fixed - but I an not familiar with how python scripts work. Here is the updated block of code in cppcheck.cpp while I await a fix to the misra script. John const std::string args = cmdFileName(addonInfo.scriptFile) + " --cli" + addonInfo.args...

  • John Coffey John Coffey posted a comment on discussion Development

    After debugging things a bit further - here is the fix I ended up with. The comments should be self explanatory - basically returns 'false' for success while the other addons return 'true' for a successful return from the script. Ideally the should be fixed - but I an not familiar with how python scripts work. Here is the updated block of code in cppcheck.cpp while I await a fix to the misra script. John const std::string args = cmdFileName(addonInfo.scriptFile) + " --cli" + addonInfo.args...

  • John Coffey John Coffey modified a comment on discussion Development

    I've been having lots of problems trying to get the misra C warnings from the cppcheck gui. Actually this affects all the python addons. I found the source of the error (when running just misra checks) and am including it here in the hopes that someone can fix it. I'm a but rusty on how to create and submit requests but here is the fix for those interested. Note that when I built the GUI I needed to modify the visual studio solution settings to add the following defines to the preprocessor flags...

  • John Coffey John Coffey posted a comment on discussion Development

    I've been having lots of problems trying to get the misra C warnings from the cppcheck gui. Actually this affects all the python addons. I found the source of the error and am including it here in the hopes that someone can fix it. I'm a but rusty on how to create and submit requests but here is the fix for those interested. Note that when I built the GUI I needed to modify the visual studio solution settings to add the following defines to the preprocessor flags section. WITH_QCHART;USE_MATCHCOMPILER;HAVE_RULES;...

  • John Coffey John Coffey posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    You are correct, the package got removed somehow. I suspect it was uninstalled when I ran a command to cleanup my unused packages with a --recurse flag (I was doing a boost cleanup). BTW I noticed both these entries this in my CMake variable cache, not sure if the geographiclib_DIR is a leftover vestige. cmake -LA ... GeographicLib_DIR:PATH=/home/jcoffey/tools/vcpkg/installed/x64-linux/share/geographiclib geographiclib_DIR:PATH=geographiclib_DIR-NOTFOUND ... and with more detail... cmake -LAH ......

  • John Coffey John Coffey posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    I re-checked the Linux vcpkg for GeographicLib and it appears something regressed since the successful linux find_package from my last email 7 days ago. I don’t usually build on Linux, so when I saw the final merge in vcpkg I thought I would give it a quick try agin. The offending line from my CMakeLists.txt is shown below: find_package(GeographicLib CONFIG REQUIRED) And here is the corresponding console output: I suspect a case sensitivity issue, (_find_package) has "GeographicLib" as an argument....

  • John Coffey John Coffey posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Charles, I also tried it out on linux and it works there too (defaulting to the static library) -- Reading /home/jcoffey/tools/vcpkg/installed/x64-linux/share/geographiclib/geographiclib-config.cmake -- GeographicLib configuration, version 1.50.1 -- ${GeographicLib_LIBRARIES} set to static library -- ------------------ General configuration for tcdu ----------------- -- -- CMake Generator = Ninja Multi-Config -- Compiler = GNU -- Build type = -- CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX = /usr/local -

  • John Coffey John Coffey posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    That worked! Thanks John On Mon, Jul 13, 2020 at 6:45 PM Charles Karney wrote: Please check now. (And thanks for trying this out...!) vcpkg support out of date Sent from because you indicated interest in To unsubscribe from further messages, please visit

  • John Coffey John Coffey posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Charles, I am using the ${GeographicLib_LIBRARIES} and although it finds the library, I encountered the following errors associated with one of the tools. John -- Reading C:/Users/johnc/main/extlibs/vcpkg1/installed/x64-windows/share/geographiclib/geographiclib-config.cmake -- GeographicLib configuration, version 1.50.1 CMake Error at C:/Users/johnc/main/extlibs/vcpkg1/installed/x64-windows/share/geographiclib/geographiclib-targets.cmake:118 (message): The imported target "CartConvert" references...

  • John Coffey John Coffey posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Charles, looks like the usage string still needs to be addressed, I just tested the latest updates to your pull request which works fine as far as installation goes (search now returns 3 items per your updated vcpkg json file). geographiclib 1.50.1 a small set of C++ classes for performing conversions between geographic, UTM,... geographiclib[default-features] Features installed by default geographiclib[tools] Build the geographiclib tools However the resulting usage string is still incorrect - maybe...

  • John Coffey John Coffey modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Thanks, there was a problem building with the latest pull request. I have not used pull requests before so I kind of ploughed my way through it. To reproduce the error, I started with a clean repository with only your pull request (12397) merged locally with the master vcpkg. I then ran the .\bootstrap-vcpkg.bat command to build vcpkg with your changes. Typically afterwards, I perform a library search for geographiclib, however due to the presence of a trailing comma in the vcpkg.json file, vcpkg...

  • John Coffey John Coffey modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Thanks, there was a problem building with the latest pull request. I have not used pull requests before so I kind of ploughed my way through it. To reproduce the error, I started with a clean repository with only your pull request (12397) merged locally with the master vcpkg. I then ran the .\bootstrap-vcpkg.bat command to build vcpkg with your changes. Typically afterwards, I perform a library search for geographiclib, however due to the presence of a trailing comma in the vcpkg.json file, vcpkg...

  • John Coffey John Coffey posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Thanks, there was a problem building with the latest pull request. I have not used pull requests before so I kind of ploughed my way through it. To reproduce the error, I started with a clean repository with only your pull request merged locally with the master. I then ran the boot strap command to build vcpkg with your changes. Typically afterwards I perform a search for geographiclib - however for some reason vcpkg did not find any matches. Turns out the trailing comma in the last line of the json...

  • John Coffey John Coffey posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Thanks, that would be great. John On Fri, Jul 10, 2020 at 7:13 AM Charles Karney wrote: I see that there's a pull request in to support GeographicLib 1.50.1. I'll see about getting the errors in this pull request resolved. Don't hold your breath... but I'll try to get to this within the next 2 weeks. vcpkg support out of date Sent from because you indicated interest...

  • John Coffey John Coffey modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    GeographicLib is available in microsoft's vcpkg utility. I'm not sure where this 'portfile' is maintained (probably by some volunteer), however, it is a little out of date (1.47-patch1-16) instead of the latest release (1.51). geographiclib:x64-windows 1.47-patch1-16 a small set of C++ classes for performing conver... When these repositories are hosted on GitHub, adding the vcpkg option --head downloads, builds and installs the code from the repo's head (this is not an option for geographiclib, as...

  • John Coffey John Coffey posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    GeographicLib is available in microsoft's vcpkg utility. I'm notwhere this 'portfile' is maintained (probably by some volunteer), however, it is a little out of date (1.47-patch1-16) instead of the latest release (1.51). geographiclib:x64-windows 1.47-patch1-16 a small set of C++ classes for performing conver... When these repositories are hosted on GitHub - adding the vcpkg option --head downloads and builds from the repo's head (this is not an option for geographiclib as this port seems to be hosted...

  • John Coffey John Coffey created ticket #365

    File Manager does not auto expand 'copy to' destination folder.

  • John Coffey John Coffey posted a comment on discussion Development

    Before 1.90 is released, I think it would be useful if the following patch was applied. Basically when saving the results to a CSV file, the Title line and the ID column are missing. I've been maintaining this patch in my local checkout/build area. Also, this is how I build the code (QT based GUI with Rules & QCharts) in Windows X64. It works fine (expecially recently the misra stuff started to get way faster). The only thing is that the GUI launches and also launches a separate command window showing...

  • John Coffey John Coffey posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Mathias, unfortunately with great difficulty, I purchased the PDF and then I printed it to a PDF (in my case using the build in PhantomPDF printer but the default one would do equally fine - this effectively removes the security restriction, then I removed everything except appendix A, and left the Title to Appendix B from the resulting PDF. I then ran the above command to convert Appendix A to plain text. This is where it got a little challenging, the conversion is crap. I'm not sure if the issue...

  • John Coffey John Coffey posted a comment on discussion Development

    I wanted to give my feeback regarding building cppcheck and cppcheck-gui from a new user perspective. I finally got the gui to build - hopefully successfully, but it required quite a bit of trial and error to get it right and this was not fully addressed in the github project info page. My esperiences are a little unorganized and certainly incomplete here, but I wanted to capture and share them while they were fresh. Now that I have things working, I'll probaby just to a git pull and rebuild. My...

  • John Coffey John Coffey posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    I finally got the misra 2012 integration to work. I purchased the MISRA C 2012 pdf from the misra store in the UK. The PDF is secured, so I had to print the PDF to the microsoft PDF printer (effectively removing the security). I then removed all pages except Appendix A & the first page of Appendix B - ( has a few regular expressions that search for both of these headings and some extra stuff. I also needed to download pdftotext.exe prebuilt binary for windows and converted the 6 or so PDF...

  • John Coffey John Coffey modified a comment on discussion Help

    I am doing some calculations to determine when to initiate a turn between 2 flight legs (joined by a fly-by waypoint at the intersection). The turn is initiated at a distance DTA before the fly-by waypoint. DTA is a formula based off the current airspeed, a known bank angle and the change in course between these 2 legs. Given 2 LatLons - A and B - , I figure out this value DTA in meters, but I'm not sure which GeographicLib methods I should use to determine the value. I seem to recall GeodesicLine...

  • John Coffey John Coffey posted a comment on discussion Help

    I am doing some calculations to determine when to initiate a turn between 2 flight legs (joined by a fly-by waypoint at the intersection). The turn is initiated at a distance DTA before the fly-by waypoint. DTA is a formula based off the current airspeed, a known bank angle and the change in course between these 2 legs. Given 2 LatLons - A and B - , I figure out this value DTA in meters, but I'm not sure which GeographicLib methods I should use to determine the value. I seem to recall GeodesicLine...

  • John Coffey John Coffey posted a comment on discussion Help

    Dr Karney, I had asked you to help me figure out the cross track distance and that worked well, but I forgot to ask you about how to calculate the Along Track distance. See '@TODO not used yet.' comment in my code snippet below. /** * Calculates Cross-Track and Along-Track distances for a point * <code>rLocD</code> from Waypoint's <code>rLocA</code> and * <code>rLocB</code> * * @param rLocA [in] point 'A' lat/lon. * @param rLocB [in] point 'B' lat/lon. * @param rLocD [in] point 'D' lat/lon. * * @return...

  • John Coffey John Coffey modified a comment on discussion Help

    I’m not sure, but I may have found an issue with the DMS::Decode static method on the latest 1.49 library. If I pass in a value of -80.2812 in rFlightPosInfo.mLongitude, It appears that the seconds being returned is not correctly evaluated. The DMS::Encode methods returns -80.0, -16.0 and -52.3544... Should I only pass in positive numbers? Did you intend to cast the value to an integer line you did for the degrees and minutes returned? My code basically takes a signed lat/lon and formats a string...

  • John Coffey John Coffey posted a comment on discussion Help

    I’m not sure, but I may have found an issue with the DMS::Decode static method on the latest 1.49 library. If I pass in a value of -80.2812 in rFlightPosInfo.mLongitude, It appears that the seconds being returned is not correctly evaluated. The DMS::Encode methods returns -80.0, -16.0 and -52.3544... Should I only pass in positive numbers? Did you intend to cast the value to an integer line you did for the degrees and minutes returned? My code basically takes a signed lat/lon and formats a string...

  • John Coffey John Coffey modified a comment on discussion Help

    Thank you for the above script, I figured out that my error was passing in radians to GeographicLib - I should have been passing in degrees. I also needed to convert the returned azimuth angles back to radians. Everything was in radians in the williams approach. By the way, I am not sure where I was it before but from what I can recall I saw an approach you used to use to make a sort of successive approximation to calculating the cross track error. Was that just old code that has been replaced with...

  • John Coffey John Coffey posted a comment on discussion Help

    Thank you for the above script, I figured out that my error was passing in radians to GeographicLib - I should have been passing in degrees. I also needed to convert the returned azimuth angles back to radians. Everything was in radians in the williams approach. Now I can replace the Williams temporary code with GeographicLib calls. John This was the missing trick before calling Geographic lib // convert my proprietary GeoCoordsRads to GeoCoords GeoCoords geoA = { / Constants::degree(), a.lon...

  • John Coffey John Coffey posted a comment on discussion Help

    Thanks for following up with me. Perhaps I misunderstood something (I'm new to geodesics) but I am getting a cross track error of 15.71 nautical miles with the above formula. With the Williams formula I correctly get 0.0021674699088523514 from the xTrack function (I presume these are radians). This value correctly matches the worked example - presumably converting this to NM is just a matter of multiplying by WGS84_a() and dividing by Constants::nauticalmile(), which ends up being 7.464NM. This value...

  • John Coffey John Coffey posted a comment on discussion Help

    Dr. Karney, I have been working with GeographicLib for a few weeks and I have a couple of questions regarding how to determine the cross track error from a flight path. I use the library to make accurate point to point calculations along a flight path, but now I need to determine the cross track error away from the path (based on GPS coordinates received during flight). I saw somewhere where you performed some sort of successive approximation technique for cross track evaluation (sorry I cannot find...

  • John Coffey John Coffey posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Andrey, I just downloaded the latest release of Boost 1.65 and I noticed that I am getting a warning on the log formatter somewhere in the template expansion. My visual studio warning level is set to 4. I have my compilation set to treat warnings as errors, and although I could work around this by making an exception to ignore warnign level 4244, I would prefer to not have to do this (as was the case in version 1.64). Is there some static_cast I can add to work around this - can you tell me what...

  • John Coffey John Coffey modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Andrey, looks like there is an endianizaion issue, the native thread id is 8 bytes,...

  • John Coffey John Coffey posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Andrey, looks like there is an endianizaion issue, the native thread id is 8 bytes,...

  • John Coffey John Coffey posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Sorry to report that the fix is not quite working yet. I can see that the 0x makes...

  • John Coffey John Coffey modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Any idea which block of code the bug could be in? I can probably code up a fix for...

  • John Coffey John Coffey modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Any idea which block of code the bug could be in? I can probably code up a fix for...

  • John Coffey John Coffey posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Any idea which block of code the bug could be in? I can probably code up a fix for...

  • John Coffey John Coffey posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Per a reply I received directly from Andrey in this bug or my misuse of the API -...

  • John Coffey John Coffey posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    I recently posted a question on StackOverflow to resolve an issue with ThreadIDs....