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  • Posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion on ObjectListView

    hi Jason, maybe it's cause SelectedItems is a property of microsoft's ListView class/control while SelectedObjects is part of the ObjectListView class/control that inherits from ListView, so they behave differently when being set in the ShowDialog function. probably only ObjectListView's author knows what's truely going on. anyways you have a good workaround for all of your cases and setting SelectedObjects to null works in the Load event or in events that run/fire after the load event (e.g. in the...

  • Posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion on ObjectListView

    hi Jason, setting SelectedObject or SelectedObjects to null clears all selections. the problem with your code is that you set SelectedObject/SelectedObjects to null in ShowDialog() before the child form is fully loaded, so setting SelectedObject/SelectedObjects to null is ignored but somehow setting SelectedObject with the selected item, aggregates the selections and when the child form is displayed all the selections that were made are shown. i wouldn't try to understand it. instead i've changed...

  • Modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion on ObjectListView

    hi Jason, for me setting SelectedObject or SelectedObjects to null clears all selections. please send the project. Amit.

  • Posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion on ObjectListView

    hi Jason, use olv.SelectedObject = null to clear all selections, and set either of these properties to select an object/s: olv.SelectedObject or olv.SelectedObjects. Amit.

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on ObjectListView

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on ObjectListView

    hi James, maybe i'm missing something but when tlv's ChildrenGetter is called the objects you return are added to the tlv's list of model objects. what i suggest is having a dictionary of key=file/folder path, value=matching object. now let's say a directory on disk is renamed and you get the path of the of that directory from the event args. now find that object by the path in that dictionary. change it's values and do this to update the UI with the updated object's values: var item = tlv.ModelToItem(modelObj);...

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on ObjectListView

    hi James, have you tried calling tlv's Refresh method when you notice a change in one of the model objects? also if you can get the changed model object do this to update the UI with the updated object's values: var item = tlv.ModelToItem(modelObj); if (item != null) { tlv.RefreshItem(item); } if that's not helping: please send the code or a small project the showcases the problem. Amit.

  • Posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion on ObjectListView

    hi, glad it works. improvement to the DescriptionAspectName's getter is to use the if keyword for the type check and only if Equipos is of type List<equipogenerico<equipoherramienta>> and not null and size bigger than 0 then return the Modelo of the first object (after type casting), else return "unknown" or something like that. in the future you can add support for more possible types by adding another type check and type casting to the desired type and return the value of the desired property of...

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2020-10-05 17:34:16


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